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Re: Fantasy KUY Congrats - Round 5
in reply to a message by Kaesy
SO1: Owain Regulus
SO2: Sidonie Malyn-D: Apollonia Peryne
-H: Julius Heron
--D: Sapphira Lavinia
--S: Ivo Justus-D: Viviana Emeline
-W: Hecate Korinna-D: Tabitha Aelydis-S: Sigmund Orion
-W: Galiena Ione
--D: Alethea Lunete-D: Vashti Portia
-H: Lucan Darwin-D: Prisca Lucrece"Lucan" is actually the name of Darwin's brother who was killed despite Darwin's attempts. Or something.Hawk, and Forest."Holding fast". There is just something about those two words, that make it a strong phrase. It’s not desperate or struggling like ‘holding on’. It’s like an 'I’m not slowing my pace down despite what has happened’ phrase.
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