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Re: Fanasy KUY Congrats - Round 2
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DH: Prince Felix Griffin Regulus Owain (27)
DW: Princess Alis Rosamund Isobella (25)DS: Prince Leander Edmund Ignatius (6)
DD: Princess Emeline Viviana Lucia (4)
DS/DD: Prince Colyn Finnian Maxim and Princess Clarabella Sofia Branwen (1)Emi's first evidence of precognition came when she continually insisted, "Two babies, mama! Two babies!"
They tried to convince her that there was only one baby, but she'd just babble on about her little brother and sister and how, "Baby sister have hair like mine, but baby brother have hair like fire." They'd just shake their heads and shush her whenever other people were around.
But, lo and behold, a couple of months later, the family welcomed twins, a boy and a girl, and baby Clara had hair just like Emi's and baby Colyn had fiery red hair, like Alis's mother.
The trend continued, with "Mama, mama! Clara goin' ta fall off the bed!" Alis had rushed into the room just in time to catch Clara as she fell off the bed.
And then, a few hours of sitting quietly in the corner, solemn, repeating. "Bad men. Bad men with sticks and sheets and horsies. Bad men. Bad men goin' ta hurt the trees. Bad men goin' ta hurt my knightses."
Thankfully, from the trees comment, Felix was able to determine that there was a small group of aggressors from a neighboring kingdom assembling on the other side of the forest to the west of the castle. He was able to take his knights and execute a surprise attack. The group was woefully unprepared and quickly done away with. And only one of Emi's "knightses" was hurt.Gold, NightLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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