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Re: SecondStar's Personality Quiz KUY Congrats! (Round 6)
DH: Ridley Duke Walsh
DW: Esmé Clementine [Barker] Walsh-S1: Dobson Jay "Dobs" Walsh
--DW: Farrah Ann [Clark] Walsh
---D1: Ingrid Clark Walsh
---D2: Maxine Silvia Walsh-S2: Asher Vance "Ash" Walsh
--DW: Fahima Mouna [Antar] Walsh
---D1: Dahlia Akilah Walsh
---S1: Duke Ali Walsh
---D2: Delphine Khalida "Delphi" Walsh
---S2: Desmond Idris "Desi" Walsh-D1/D2: Merritt Guinevere "Gwen" and Verity Rosalind "Rose"
-S3: Orion "Luke"Ridley and Esmé
w/ Dobs, Ash, Gwen, Rose and Luke.Dobs and Farrah
w/ Ingrid and Maxine.Ash and Fahima
w/ Dahlia, Duke, Delphi, and Desi.
1)D 2)A 3)A 4)D 5)B 6)E 7)B

Love is love is love is love is love.” - Lin-Manuel Miranda

Current Favs: Elias and Vivienne
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