Compromise Congrats V - Final Families
It's pretty time intensive to make 16 namebanks of 30ish names each for five rounds, but I really enjoyed seeing how differently the 8 families all developed.I had 3 metrics from the signups ( to base pair decisions on: the 6 names you like, how well various style profiles matched your taste, and then which of the top 30 names from the name opinions board's monthly top10 list threads you like enough to use in a combo. In general, the more the last two metrics seemed to reflect your taste, the easier I felt like it was to find you a fitting pairing. I initially focused on what the best pairings in particular for signups that were disparate from my survey's metrics. I tended to look first at namenerds style categories signups had in common that were ranked at least a 5, and then once I had a short list of best pairs, I looked at how many names they had in common that they liked enough to use, and compared the general vibes of the 6 names you like lists.Once everyone was paired, I kept a list of the names from the Name Opinions board's top30 that you did have in common, and sprinkled those in to your namebanks throughout, as well as your partner's top 6 names. For the top30 list names you didn't both like, I didn't put them in either of your pair's namebanks for the entire game. I'll discuss individual pairs a bit below. You're welcome to respond to this post with any comments or suggestions about the game, as well as discuss your favorite combos.

Ariel & Silverstarswept's FamilyDH: Seth Gideon McClure
DW: Ada Miriam (Sawyer) McClureDS: Lysander Adrian McClure
DD: Clara Rosalind McClure
DD: Nessa Margot McClure
DS: Emil Valentine McClure
DS: Hugo Florian McClure
DD: Ariadne Alice McClure "Ari"
DD: Sidonia Juliet McClure
DS: Leo Cassius McClure
DS: Arden Milo McClure
DD: Celeste Octavia McClureSeth & Ada;
Lysander, Clara, Nessa, Emil, Hugo, Ari, Sidonia, Leo, Arden, & Celeste.We both have strong preferences for classic unusual & eccentric mashed names for both genders. We also matched on 18 names we'd use from the Name Opinions top30 list (but only actually used 3 of them). I love the name Valentine and liked most of your other 6 names you liked to consider using. I thought ishild and Darkbone would've been just as good of pairings for you as well, but I hope you enjoyed naming with me! In about half of our rounds I had a lot of trouble deciding which combo of yours to pick since I really liked both. Hugo Florian and Nessa Margot are my favorites.

Darkbone & myth's FamilyDH: Luca Elliot Faulkner
DW: Linnaea (Anne) Schmidt FaulknerDS: Cyrus Rowan Faulkner
DD: Nora Sidonie Faulkner
DD: Viola Romilly Faulkner 
DS: Hector Otto Faulkner 
DS: Rhys Geoffrey Faulkner
DD: Elaine Valencia Faulkner
DD: Miranda Olive Faulkner
DS: Griffith Lyle Faulkner 
DS: Isaac Hugh Faulkner
DD: Beatrice Amelie FaulknerLuca & Linnea;
Cyrus, Nora, Viola, Hector, Rhys, Elaine, Miranda, Griffith, Isaac, & Beatrice.I was happy the poster that inspired this series of Congrats games (myth) signed up for it. I was concerned about finding myth a good pair when myth's name taste appeared disparate from the namenerds category lists (myth was the only one not to rate any of the categories above 5 for one gender) as well as the name ops top 30 list. Darkbone's signup was unique in that Darkbone was the only one to submit 6 names per gender instead of 6 total, and also commented that it was hard to settle on so few names! So I had a good feeling about pairing someone who seemed to have a wide taste in names (Darkbone) with someone whose taste wasn't reflected well by my survey (myth). You two seemed to like Classic Eccentric names as well as Classic Unusual boys names best, and had 3 boys names in common from the top30 list, which included one of myth's 6 submitted names. I also felt {Beatrice, Caledonia, Iris, Lucia, Olive, Veronica; Augustine, Cyrus, Ewan, Inigo, Lucian, Otto} had a pretty similar vibe to {Thomas, Everard, Loic, Sian, Maeve, and Cecily}.

Emaleigh & WisteriaAnn's FamilyDH: Milo Jude Anderson
DW: Phoebe Claire {Strauss} AndersonDS: Spencer Wyatt Anderson
DD: Hazel Piper Anderson
DD: Lacey Christabel Anderson
DS: Declan Malachi Anderson
DS: Leo Merritt Anderson 
DD: Rosalie Skye Anderson 
DD: Sadie June Anderson
DS: Finnegan Hunter Anderson "Finn"
DS: Jasper Oakley Anderson
DD: Leilani Taryn AndersonMilo & Phoebe;
Spencer, Hazel, Lacey, Declan, Leo, Rosalie, Sadie, Finnegan, Jasper, & Leilani.WisteriaAnn signed up pretty soon before I closed signups, which was after I had done the majority of my potential pairing data entry. Prior to WisteriaAnn signing up, I basically wanted to pair Emaleigh with everyone because from her signup I could see a lot of middle ground with other people. I immediately really liked you two as a pair since you seemed to match on every metric. Of the 10 of the top 30 names WisteriaAnn liked enough to use, for instance, Emaleigh liked 8. You also both had Jasper in your six names you liked. One of you had Penelope and the other had August, both of which I knew for sure the other liked enough to use, even though neither actually ended up in your family.

Eris & ishild's FamilyDH: Stellan Jude Robinson
DW: Aurelia Evelyn TrentDS: Dorian August Robinson
DD: Astrid Victoria Robinson
DD: Saskia Iris Robinson
DS: Josiah Alexander Robinson 
DS: Sebastian Lucas Robinson 
DD: Talitha Coraline Robinson
DD: Octavia Annabel Robinson
DS: Raphael Jonas Robinson
DS: Julian Henry Robinson
DD: Maeve Adaline RobinsonStellan & Aurelia;
Dorian, Astrid, Saskia, Josiah, Sebastian, Talitha, Octavia, Raphael, Julian, & Maeve.Both of you generally liked most of the namenerds categories and liked many of the name opinions board's top30 names, so both of you were in the running for several other pairings. Having tons of boys names that I knew you'd both like to use, as well as a "classic eccentric" vibe in common from your favorite names+according to your surveys, led me to pair you two. I think ishild has played in 4/5 of my Compromise Congratses, and in the last two I intentionally paired ishild with others who have an obvious preference for non-English names. I was thinking this pairing would be an interesting change since Eris didn't seem to (plus iirc in a previous game Eris was paired with someone with more "modern"-leaning taste than ishild), but you two ended up with an Astrid and a Saskia by Round 3!

Luccca & SecondStar's FamilyDH: Bennett Leander Fox
DW: Linnea Gabrielle [Soto] FoxDS: Tristan Carter Fox
DD: Clara Harlow Fox
DD: Eloisa Charlotte Fox
DS: Finn Lewis Fox
DS: Linus Reid Fox 
DD: Emilia Juniper Fox 
DD: Ainsley Vivian Fox
DS: Grayson Hunter Fox
DS: Everett Cohen Fox
DD: Florence Amelia FoxBennett & Linnea;
Tristan, Clara, Eloisa, Finn, Linus, Emilia, Ainsley, Grayson, Everett, & Florence.Luccca's survey was very interesting to me because Luccca liked only 5 of the top 30 Name Ops board list enough to use, appeared to have non-English names as favorites per the 6 names Luccca liked, but Luccca seemed to like names from most of the namenerds categories. You both really liked Modern Conservative boys names, as well as Classic Eccentric & Modern Unusual girls names, so in terms of namenerds style categories I felt you were each other's best matches. I expected you to have an easier time agreeing on girls names than boys. Both the top30 names I knew you both liked (Charlotte & Clara), you used. Another reason I paired you two was that your top 6 names seemed to have similar sounds (Gabriel & Gabor, etc.)

Jessamine & XLilithLolitaX's FamilyDH: Samuel Jude Connelly
DW: Linnea Cynthia 'Linn' Connelly (nee Faulker)DS: Alexander Keaton Connelly 'Alex'
DD: Valerie Justine Connelly
DD: Anna Simone Connelly
DS: Benjamin Troy Connelly 'Benji' 
DS: Deacon Theodore Connelly
DD: Margaret Olivia Connelly 'Meg'
DD: Joan Audrey Connelly ‘Jo'
DS: Clayton Ross Connelly ‘Clay’
DS: Nathaniel Derek Connelly 'Nate'
DD: Scarlet Isabelle ConnellySamuel & Linnea;
Alex, Valerie, Anna, Benji, Deacon, Meg, Jo, Clay, Nate, & Scarlet.Jessamine liked most of the namenerds categories of girls names but less so boys while Lilith liked most of the boys but less so girls, but you two met in the middle at really liking classic conservative girls' and classic unusual boys' names. Something that sold me on this pair was that of the 5 boys madness names on the Name Ops top30 list that Lilith liked enough to use, Jessamine also liked all 5. You only actually used 2 of the 9 names I knew you both liked, but did use a few from the 6 names you each liked.

NobodyOfConsequence & Theodora D. Phoenix's FamilyDH: Elliot Nolan Fox
DW: Heidi Jane FoxDS: Arthur Cannon Fox
DD: Willow Adele Fox
DD: Sailor Iris Fox
DS: Lincoln Gray Fox
DD: Millie Alice Fox
DS: Theodore Urban Fox 
DS: Asher Bennett Fox
DD: Emerald Juliet Fox
DD: Rose Elaina Fox
DS: Andreas West FoxElliot & Heidi;
Arthur, Willow, Sailor, Lincoln, Millie, Theodore, Asher, Emerald, Rose, & Andreas.TDP's taste appeared one of the more "out there" ones from my survey (preferring modern unusual & modern eccentric names for both genders but mainly her top6 names list). On paper I really thought either Emaleigh or NOC would be her best pairing, and from what I know of NOC from various compromise games over the past few years I felt like you'd be able to settle together on some fun word names. You two used all 4 of the girls' names and 2/5 of the boys' names that I knew you both liked.

PeachyGirl86 & Sapphire's FamilyDH: Cedric Samuel Fox
DW: Alicia Gabrielle (Sawyer) FoxDS: Alexander James "Alex" Fox
DD: Jessica Rose "Jess" Fox
DD: Elizabeth Maria "Ellie" Fox 
DS: Oliver Cameron Fox 
DS: Joshua Tyler "Josh" Fox
DD: Clara Jade Fox 
DD: Lauren Grace Fox
DS: Matthew Anthony "Matt" Fox
DS: Lucas Nathan "Luke" Fox
DD: Isabelle Helena "Belle" FoxCedric & Alicia;
Alex, Jess, Ellie, Oliver, Josh, Clara, Lauren, Matt, Luke, & Belle.From a first glance at the 6 names you liked lists, I wanted to put you two together. One thing that made me consider otherwise was that you had 0 overlap on your namenerds boys name categories (Sapphire only liked Classic Conservative >4, and PG only liked Modern Conservative & Classic Unusual). You had 6 girls names and 7 boys names I knew you both liked, though, so I figured it was still a good match. You seemed to both like classic/modern "unusual" girls names best, so I generally expected you'd have an easier time agreeing on girls names.
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Thanks! :)That was fun. :)
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Thanks for hosting ◟꒰∗⌵̈꒱◞✩◟꒰⌔̈∗꒱◞༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚
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Thanks for hosting!I really enjoyed playing. :)
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Thank you for hosting!!It was really fun, and I appreciate all the hard work you put in to make it possible.
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Thanks a lot for your effort!Really interesting results! Thanks again!
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Thanks so much for hosting!I had a great time doing this with you, and I had such a difficult time choosing between some of your combos! I think Emil Valentine might be my favourite, although I love Leo Cassius as well
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Thanks so much! It was great!
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Thanks for hosting! I had so much fun!Thanks for the insights into the pairings, it was really fun to read the back story. Also thanks to my partner Eris, I really do like how the family turned out.
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Thanks for hosting!!This game was a lot of fun!
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Thanks for hosting!It's so interesting seeing the explanations of your process. Thank you so much for all your dedication. It was really fun to be involved in!
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Thanks for hosting!That was fun!
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Thanks for hosting!You put so much effort in, thank you. I did enjoy using word names for this game. And thanks Theodora D. Phoenix!
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thanks for hosting! :)It was fun!
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