in reply to a message by Rae
H: 88 Owen Henry Beaufort
W: 79 Eleanor Katherine [Woodville] Beaufort
D1: 56 Rose Margaret [Beaufort] Warden
S1: 54 David Thomas Beaufort
D2: 49 Mary Gabrielle Beaufort
Owen & Eleanor; Rose, David, and Mary
D1: Rose Margaret [Beaufort] Warden
-H1: (d.40) Alexander James Rothesay
Rose & Alexander; James
-S: 33 Alexander James Rothesay "James"
--ExG: 33 Annabel Grace Erskine
---S: 14 Andrew Timothy Rothesay
--W: 30 Madeleine Antoinette Guise
---D: 3 Antonia Madeline Rothesay
James & Annabel; Andrew
James & Madeleine; Antonia
-H2: 56 Adam George Warden
Rose & Adam; Isabel
-D: 30 Isabel Anne Warden
--H: 29 Matthew Arran Darnley
---S: nb Nicholas Roman Darnley
Isabel & Matthew; Nicholas
S1: David Thomas Beaufort
-ExW: 60 Alessandra Catalina Geraldini
David & Alessandra; Anna
-D: 29 Anna Catherine Beaufort
--H: 18 Felipe Juan Cortes
---H'sS: nb Manuel Giuseppe Cortes
Anna & Felipe; Manuel
-W2: (d.32) Anne Marguerite Howard
-D: 12 Elizabeth Jane Howard
David & Anne; Elizabeth
-W3: 37 Naomi Gwendolyn Cleves
-S: 8 Anthony Edward Beaufort
David & Naomi; Anthony
D2: Mary Gabrielle Beaufort
-H: Michael William Brandon
Mary & Michael; Katherine, Lucy, Kimberly, Alice, and Daniel
-H'sD: 38 Katherine Eleanor [Brandon] Grey
--H: 40 Colin Christopher Grey
Katherine & Colin
-H'sD: 35 Lucille Kendra Brandon "Lucy"
--H: 39 Gabriel Spencer Stanley
---S: 15 William Jonathan Stanley
---D: 12 Annabel Margaret Stanley
Lucy & Gabriel; William and Annabel
-D: 28 Kimberly Joan Brandon
--H: 28 Adrian Francis Keyes
---D: 9 Charlotte Camilla Keyes
---D: 5 Julia Catherine Keyes
---D: nb Madeleine Mary Keyes
Kimberly & Adrian; Charlotte, Julia, and Madeleine
-D: 26 Alice Lorraine Brandon
--H: 28 Philip Charles Cumberland
---D: 5 Elena Margaret Brandon
Alice & Philip; Elena
-S: 22 Daniel Henry Brandon
W: 79 Eleanor Katherine [Woodville] Beaufort
D1: 56 Rose Margaret [Beaufort] Warden
S1: 54 David Thomas Beaufort
D2: 49 Mary Gabrielle Beaufort
Owen & Eleanor; Rose, David, and Mary
D1: Rose Margaret [Beaufort] Warden
-H1: (d.40) Alexander James Rothesay
Rose & Alexander; James
-S: 33 Alexander James Rothesay "James"
--ExG: 33 Annabel Grace Erskine
---S: 14 Andrew Timothy Rothesay
--W: 30 Madeleine Antoinette Guise
---D: 3 Antonia Madeline Rothesay
James & Annabel; Andrew
James & Madeleine; Antonia
-H2: 56 Adam George Warden
Rose & Adam; Isabel
-D: 30 Isabel Anne Warden
--H: 29 Matthew Arran Darnley
---S: nb Nicholas Roman Darnley
Isabel & Matthew; Nicholas
S1: David Thomas Beaufort
-ExW: 60 Alessandra Catalina Geraldini
David & Alessandra; Anna
-D: 29 Anna Catherine Beaufort
--H: 18 Felipe Juan Cortes
---H'sS: nb Manuel Giuseppe Cortes
Anna & Felipe; Manuel
-W2: (d.32) Anne Marguerite Howard
-D: 12 Elizabeth Jane Howard
David & Anne; Elizabeth
-W3: 37 Naomi Gwendolyn Cleves
-S: 8 Anthony Edward Beaufort
David & Naomi; Anthony
D2: Mary Gabrielle Beaufort
-H: Michael William Brandon
Mary & Michael; Katherine, Lucy, Kimberly, Alice, and Daniel
-H'sD: 38 Katherine Eleanor [Brandon] Grey
--H: 40 Colin Christopher Grey
Katherine & Colin
-H'sD: 35 Lucille Kendra Brandon "Lucy"
--H: 39 Gabriel Spencer Stanley
---S: 15 William Jonathan Stanley
---D: 12 Annabel Margaret Stanley
Lucy & Gabriel; William and Annabel
-D: 28 Kimberly Joan Brandon
--H: 28 Adrian Francis Keyes
---D: 9 Charlotte Camilla Keyes
---D: 5 Julia Catherine Keyes
---D: nb Madeleine Mary Keyes
Kimberly & Adrian; Charlotte, Julia, and Madeleine
-D: 26 Alice Lorraine Brandon
--H: 28 Philip Charles Cumberland
---D: 5 Elena Margaret Brandon
Alice & Philip; Elena
-S: 22 Daniel Henry Brandon