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Re: Quill's KUY Landmine Congrats - Round 8
in reply to a message by Quill
LN: Northdale
DH: Jack Weston Northdale
DW: Lily Beth (Paxton) Northdale
DD: Amélie Gwendoline (Northdale) Callan
--DH: Gabriel Ronan Callan
--DD: Elanor Nina Callan
--DS/DS: Joel Brooks Callan / Robin Heath CallanDD: Rose Violet (Northdale) Avery
--DH: Jack Robert Avery
--DS: Holden Marius Avery
--DS: Julian Dominic AveryDD: Ophelia Josephine (Northdale) Cassano
--DH: Elias Antonio Cassano
--DS: Caspar Sebastian Constantin Cassano
--DD: Mila Zelda Leona Cassano
--DS: Raphael Benjamin Leonardo CassanoDD: Paulina Mae (Northdale) Tsui
--DH: Qiang Tsui "Quinn"
--DD: JoVi Ai Tsui
We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are. PNL: rated: Alice and William
Bottom rated: Dolly and Alvin
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