Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2
Louisa, Erica and Alex all have some very exciting news for each other. Louisa, being the oldest, was chosen to go first.Louisa, sucking in a sharp breath, smiles a wide grin and tells her sisters she is pregnant. Instead of the faces of joy she expected, she saw her sisters grow pale as ghosts. Alex and Erica look at each other, then back at Louisa, and exclaim, So are we!Louisa and Erica are extremely excited, but Alex is terrified. She doesn't want to give up her life for this child, but she knows she wants to keep it. Several months later, the first baby is born. Erica gives birth to a baby boy, and she names him Quincy Nathaniel Bowman. She refuses to give the child the surname of her ex-husband. Quincy is a very happy baby, and does not cry. He hits all of his developmental milestones right on time, and Erica knows that one day he will achieve great things. Just three days after Quincy is born, Louisa has HER baby, a boy she names Tobias Dean Meriwether. She decides to give the child his father's name as a middle name, and his surname, because although she and Dean are not together, he still wants to be involved in his son's life. Quincy is a little delayed on some of his milestones, so she gets him checked out, and unfortunately, Quincy is diagnosed with Autism. Lastly, three weeks later, Alex has her baby, a little girl she names Maia Louisa Bowman (after her oldest sister of course) Alex feels a little unattached to Maia soon after the birth, but after holding her and looking into her strange eyes (she was born with two differently coloured eyes AKA heterochromia) she fell in love. A friend helps her financially support the baby and allows Alex and Maia to move in with her.Rate my PNL!
TOP 2: Alice and Alastair BOTTOM 2: Nani and Gemini
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Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Arcadia  ·  4/18/2017, 6:00 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  arieleden  ·  12/17/2017, 12:23 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Hazel  ·  4/30/2017, 6:02 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Arcadia  ·  4/19/2017, 6:32 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  peonini  ·  4/19/2017, 3:12 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Quill  ·  4/19/2017, 2:23 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Jasper  ·  4/19/2017, 12:23 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  SecondStar  ·  4/19/2017, 11:48 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Silverstarswept  ·  4/19/2017, 11:08 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Amy  ·  4/19/2017, 8:19 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  SlytherClaw  ·  4/19/2017, 10:05 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Amy  ·  4/19/2017, 10:46 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Silverstarswept  ·  4/19/2017, 11:09 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  SlytherClaw  ·  4/19/2017, 2:55 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Amy  ·  4/19/2017, 12:53 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Millie  ·  4/20/2017, 1:51 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Amy  ·  4/20/2017, 7:32 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Quill  ·  4/20/2017, 11:15 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Emma  ·  4/20/2017, 11:16 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  SlytherClaw  ·  4/20/2017, 1:55 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Emma  ·  4/20/2017, 11:30 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  SlytherClaw  ·  4/21/2017, 12:18 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Emma  ·  4/19/2017, 8:09 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  ishild  ·  4/19/2017, 6:31 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  SlytherClaw  ·  4/19/2017, 6:18 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Emaleigh  ·  4/19/2017, 5:53 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Millie  ·  4/19/2017, 3:09 AM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Remora L.  ·  4/18/2017, 10:56 PM
Re: Arcadia's Sisters' Story KUY Congrats - Round 2  ·  Wordsmith  ·  4/18/2017, 8:00 PM