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Random CAF [26.12.16]
H : Leon Alan Mark Noah Roderic Stephen Robin Nathaniel {LN: Gray Melchior Lambert}
W: Alicia Beulah Beata Posey Antonia Lillian Jacy Christabel {LN: Somerville Drozdov Southworth}S1 [died as a child] Logan Archer Magnus Holden Balthazar Knute Caedmon Luca
D1: Guinevere Placidia Sylvie Abigail Georgiana Kiera Toril Kate
D2: Simone Georgiana Elodie Indira Celine Katherina Gillian Gemma
S2: Heathcliff Hieronymous Aloysius Giles Caedmon Fox Patrick Luciano
D3: Fay Cosima Rose Addison Vita Allegra Miriel Corisande
D4: Ivy Lillith Honoria Octavia Mariel Cara Amalia Allegra
S3: Barney Cian Oliver Ira Edwin Demitri Jesse Javier
S4: Hugo Augustus Andreas Zacharias Robert Alfred Mathias Moss
S5: Leon Joseph Weston Ogden Leander Tobias Leonidas Joshua-
D1: as above
H: Shephard Cruz Ambrose Osborne Ian Ned Ira Baltasar {LN: Sewey Stephens Chau}D: Isabella Talitha Jemima Vivian Rain Electra Flannery Christina
-H: Abram Thibault Nicolás Desmond Michael Dmitri Crispin Edwin {LN: Percival Utrillo Hodge}
-S: Jude Damon Clyde Malcolm Aurelius Emile Lucas Augustine
--xW: Daffodil Cecilia Junia Rivka Magdalene Kendra Artemisia Elena {LN: Miller Barclay Toomer}
--W: Lucienne Lia Ursula Miriama Valentina Bryn Julie Cassandra {LN: Kaplan Cook Gore}
--D: Emmeline Maia Winter Hermione Petra Jamie Maria Anwen
-S: Ilya Gene Richard Boaz Peter Auric Ephraim Percival
--xW: Gioia Matilda Samara Lois Adele Casey Zen Kiki {LN: Churchill Lacson Swift}
--xW: Ella Tiziana Hazel Sula James Harper Minerva Susan {LN: Allen King Quilley}
--S: Benicio Django Johannes Soren Sampson Conall Bryce David
--xW: Georgia Cecelia Djuna Melisande Celestia Daria Larkspur Elsa {LN: Brown Crowley Zylberberg}
--W: Judith Dahlia Elisabeth Thea Sabrina Tyra Thomasina Miranda {LN: Moffat Spinney Kanhai}
-S: Rafe Elijah Emmanuel John Cashel Peter Jolyon Jeremiah
-D: Kerensa Janet Selina Gwen Isabel Fiona Felicity Scout
--H: Breccan Caspian Ronald Gavin Beale Elon Asher Washington {LN: Kelly Ullman Janes}D: Monroe Dulcinea Greer Gaia Greta Mary Viveca Louisa
D: Maria Paloma Lacey Indie Libby Agatha Rivka Francesca
D: Amara Adah Alana Isolde Perpetua Miranda Letitia Darcy-
D2: as above
xH: Seneca Jolyon Thaddeus Lucas Alastair Oswald Sebastian Ruaraidh {LN: Kovac Spector Prescott}xBF: Anton Austin Oscar Neville Fionnbar Nathan Abner Matthias {LN: Taylor Sadecki Cerezo}D: Arabella Josefina Jamila Katharine Ramona Dorothy Denise ZoraS: Gennaro Cleon Ezekiel Alistair William John Tyler Eamon
-xW: Léontine June Pandora Lilith Zaria Phaedra Carol Nicola {LN: Coulter Davis Ayers}
--S: Oscar Clancy Roland Giles George Zachary Yves Vincent
--D: Georgia Marigold Lucille Antonella Gwen Marguerite Anastasia Tabitha
--S: Killian Ward Emanuel Lewis Cameron Luke Rafael Walter
--S: Laurence Dexter Mahlon Remy Abel Bryce Coltrane Bernard
--S: Ignatius Mortimer Clark Emil Thelonious Asa Michael Curtis
-xW: Brianna Louise Augustina Miranda Naomi Nerissa Petunia Emilia {LN: Walsh Rosenberg Conway}
--D: Jessamy Cecilia Juniper Ariadne Desdemona Esther Luna Juliet
--D: Saoirse Emma Laila Sam Aria Ingrid Persis Hana
--S: Conleth Matthew Silas Adrian Cameron Otis Falmouth Aurelio
-xW: Blythe Delphine Rufina Tova Catalina Felicity Aaliyah Elsa {LN: Fisk McCormick Hartman}
--D: Ninette Marilla Selma Louise Corin Penélope Ayn Annette
-W: Leilani Gemma Roberta Sidonie Sabina Ruby Beatrice Lyra {LN: Mendoza Schmitz Hillary}
--S: Abel Jameson Desmond Basil Zephaniah Ari Jody Damien xH: Christian Phillip Étienne Tristán Conall Tristram Brom Matthew {LN: Smith Bayh Murnaghan}xH: Nicholas Zeno Jonathan Jared Joseph Barnabas Rowan Remus {LN: Morimoto Kaiser Nielsen}-
D4: as above
H: Malachy Oskar Truman Jeff Isaiah Marshall Francis Aurele {LN: Martin Lock Ulrich}StepD: Jenna Emily Lake Celia Miriam Brigitta Louise Anja
D: Cassandra Maisie Aurora Patience Valentine Azalea Winifred Florida -
S5: as above
W: Ruby Portia Celia Vashti Faith Winter Josie Lily {LN: Wennington Leto Mercer}D: Dorothea Delphinia Dagny Mamie Maxine Ariana Melinda Jenna
-xH: Roscoe Cillian Stephen Ara Harold Elijah Massimiliano Jeremías {LN: Goodwin Carini Wing}
-H: Ivor Leon Cary Albert Hugh Caleb Elvis Cillian {LN: Darby Hunt Svindal}S: Ethan Ephraim Louis Nathaniel Hector Jude Jared Maximilian
-W: Zenobia Drusilla Damiana Jadine Laura Virginia Nadya Violet {LN: Takahashi Behrs Lloris}
-D: Isla Lydia Araminta Ruth Dorothea Alessia Rosalie Mariah
--H: Matthew Isaiah Niall Nicolas Riley Alessio Laurence Augustin {LN: Harington Walker Blake}
-D: Victoria Sophie Camilla Lilian Joanne Paccia Elaine Eudora
--H: Clement Clarence Harris Andrew Torquil Harvey Omri Kenzie {LN: Ramsey Melgar Fothergill}
--D: Martha Lucille Agnes Madeleine Artemisia Helene Liadan Ingrid*
^ updated June '16 ^
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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H : Stephen Nathaniel "Steve" Gray
W: Lillian Antonia Somerville-Gray
Steve & Lillian: Magnus (dec), Kate, Elodie, Patrick, Rose, Ivy, Oliver, Hugo and Joseph S1 [died as a child] Magnus Archer Gray [RIP]
D1: Kate Georgiana Gray
D2: Elodie Celine Gray
S2: Patrick Giles Gray
D3: Rose Allegra Gray
D4: Ivy Amalia Gray
S3: Oliver Jesse Gray
S4: Hugo Augustus Gray
S5: Joseph Leon Gray -
D1: Kate Gray-Stephens
H: Ambrose Shepherd Stephens
Ambrose & Kate: VivianD: Vivian Isabella Stephens-Hodge
-H: Michael Abram Hodge
Michael & Vivian: Augustine

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H: Leon Nathaniel {LN: Gray}
W: Posey Lillian {LN: Somerville}
S1 [died as a child] Holden Magnus
D1: Georgiana Guinevere (Georgie)
D2: Gemma Simone
S2: Heathcliff Aloysius (Heath)
D3: Cosima Rose
D4: Octavia Allegra
S3: Ira Oliver
S4: Hugo Augustus
S5: Leander Tobias -
D1: Georgiana Guinevere (Georgie)
H: Ian Ambrose {LN: Chau}D: Jemima Vivian (Mimi)
-H: Desmond Thibault {LN: Hodge}
-S: Augustine Malcolm (Gus)
--xW: Cecilia Junia {LN: Miller}
--W: Ursula Valentina {LN: Kaplan}
--D: Petra Hermione
-S: Percival Boaz (Percy)
--xW: Matilda Adele {LN: Churchill}
--xW: Hazel Minerva {LN: King}
--S: Soren David
--xW: Georgia Cecelia {LN: Brown}
--W: Thea Thomasina {LN: Kanhai}
-S: Elijah Peter
-D: Fiona Felicity
--H: Caspian Asher {LN: Janes}D: Louisa Greer
D: Agatha Maria (Aggie)
D: Amara Isolde -
D2: Gemma Simone
xH: Alastair Sebastian {LN: Spector}xBF: Nathan Neville {LN: Taylor} (Nate)D: Arabella Josefina S: Ezekiel Eamon (Zeke)
-xW: Pandora June {LN: Coulter}
--S: George Zachary
--D: Marigold Anastasia (Goldie)
--S: Killian Lewis
--S: Remy Bernard
--S: Asa Ignatius
-xW: Emilia Naomi {LN: Rosenberg} (Millie)
--D: Juliet Cecilia (Jett)
--D: Saoirse Emma
--S: Silas Adrian
-xW: Delphine Blythe {LN: McCormick}
--D: Selma Louise
-W: Lyra Beatrice {LN: Hillary}
--S: Jameson Basil (Jem)xH: Phillip Matthew {LN: Bayh}xH: Zeno Nicholas {LN: Kaiser}-
D4: Octavia Allegra
H: Oskar Malachy {LN: Lock}StepD: Celia Emily
D: Aurora Winifred (Rory)-
S5: Leander Tobias
W: Ruby Portia {LN: Leto}D: Ariana Maxine (Ari)
-xH: Cillian Harold {LN: Goodwin}
-H: Albert Cary {LN: Darby} (Albie)S: Louis Jude (Louie)
-W: Violet Virginia {LN: Lloris}
-D: Isla Araminta
--H: Niall Nicolas {LN: Walker}
-D: Camilla Eudora
--H: Harvey Clarence {LN: Ramsey}
--D: Agnes Madeleine
vote up1
H : Nathaniel Mark Melchior "Nate"
W: Posey Lillian (Sommerville) Melchior "Poe"S1 [died as a child] Holden Luca Melchior
D1: Kiera Abigail Melchior "Kier"
D2: Gemma Celine Melchior "Gem"
S2: Caedmon Patrick Melchior "Caed"
D3: Addison Rose Melchior "Addie"
D4: Ivy Cara Melchior
S3: Jesse Oliver Melchior
S4: Mathias Robert Melchior "Matt"
S5: Weston Joseph Melchior "West" -
D1: Kiera Abigail (Melchior) Stephens "Kier"
H: Cruz Ambrose Stephens D: Isabella Vivian (Stephens) Hodge "Izzy"
-H: Nicolás Michael Hodge "Cole"
-S: Jude Malcolm Hodge
--xW: Junia Magdalene Barclay "Nia"
--W: Bryn Valentina (Kaplan) Hodge
--D: Maia Anwen Hodge
-S: Auric Peter Hodge
--xW: Casey Adele Lacson
--xW: Ella Hazel King "Elly"
--S: Soren Bryce Hodge
--xW: Georgia Melisande Crowley "Gia"
--W: Thea Elisabeth (Spinney) Hodge
-S: Elijah Rafe Hodge "Eli"
-D: Kerensa Janet (Hodge) Kelly "Ren"
--H: Asher Gavin Kelly "Ash"D: Greer Louisa Stephens
D: Indie Francesca Stephens
D: Amara Isolde Stephens "Mara" -
D2: Gemma Celine Melchior "Gem" xH: Alastair Thaddeus Spector xBF: Austin Neville Taylor D: Arabella Denise Melchior-Taylor "Ara"S: Eamon William Melchior-Taylor
-xW: Zaria June Davis
--S: Zachary Oscar Melchior-Taylor "Zach"
--D: Tabitha Lucille Melchior-Taylor "Tabby"
--S: Killian Lewis Melchior-Taylor
--S: Remy Laurence Melchior-Taylor
--S: Asa Clark Melchior-Taylor
-xW: Brianna Naomi Walsh "Bree"
--D: Luna Esther Melchior-Taylor
--D: Laila Ingrid Melchior-Taylor
--S: Silas Adrian Melchior-Taylor "Sy"
-xW: Aaliyah Blythe Hartman "Allie"
--D: Corin Annette Melchior-Taylor "Cori"
-W: Leilani Sabina (Hillary) Melchior-Taylor "Lani"
--S: Jameson Abel Melchior-Taylor "Jamie"xH: Tristán Phillip Smith xH: Rowan Jared Kaiser-
D4: Ivy Cara (Melchior) Lock
H: Malachy Isaiah Lock "Cai"StepD: Jenna Miriam Lock
D: Aurora Winifred Lock "Rory" -
S5: Weston Joseph Melchior "West"
W: Winter Celia (Mercer) Melchior "Winnie"D: Maxine Dorothea (Melchior) Svindal "Maxie"
-xH: Roscoe Harold Wing "Ross"
-H: Caleb Hugh Svindal S: Ethan Jude Melchior
-W: Violet Drusilla (Bhers) Melchior "Vi"
-D: Alessia Ruth (Melchior) Harington "Lessy"
--H: Riley Augustin Harington
-D: Sophie Camilla (Melchior) Ramsey
--H: Andrew Clement Ramsey "Drew"
--D: Madeleine Agnes Ramsey "Maddie"
vote up1
Noah Mark Gray
Lillian Alicia Somerville GrayArcher Magnus Gray D
Abigail Sylvie Gray
Gemma Simone Gray
Patrick Fox Gray
Rose Allegra Gray
Cara Ivy Gray
Oliver Jesse Gray
Robert Augustus Gray
Joseph Tobias GrayNoah and Lilly Gray: Archer, Abby, Gemma, Patrick, Rosie, Cara, Ollie, Rob, Joey--
Abigail Sylvie Gray Stephens
Ian Osborne StephensChristina Vivian Stephens Hodge
- Michael Edwin Hodge
-- Lucas Jude Hodge
--- Cecilia Elena Miller X
--- Cassandra Julie Cook Hodge
---- Emmeline Maia Hodge
-- Peter Richard Hodge
--- Matilda Adele Swift X
--- Hazel Ella King X
---- Bryce David Hodge
--- Georgia Cecelia Brown X
--- Elisabeth Miranda Moffat
-- John Elijah Hodge
-- Felicity Isabel Hodge Kelly
--- Gavin Asher KellyChristy and Mike Hodge: Lucas, Peter, Jack, Felicity
-Lucas Hodge and Celia Miller
-Lucas and Cassie Hodge: Emmie
-Peter Hodge and Mattie Swift
-Peter Hodge and Hazel King: Bryce
-Peter Hodge and Gigi Brown
-Peter Hodge and Lissa Moffat
-Felicity and Gavin KellyLouisa Greta Stephens
Maria Francesca Stephens
Amara Miranda StephensAbby and Ian Stephens: Christy, Louisa, Maria, Amara--
Gemma Simone Gray
Lucas Sebastian Prescott XNathan Matthias Taylor XArabella Katharine GrayWilliam John Gray
- June Nicola Davis X
-- Zachary George Gray
-- Anastasia Tabitha Gray
-- Killian Cameron Gray
-- Bryce Laurence Gray
-- Michael Clark Gray
- Miranda Louise Walsh X
-- Juliet Cecilia Gray
-- Aria Emma Gray
-- Matthew Cameron Gray
- Blythe Felicity McCormick X
-- Penelope Louise Gray
- Gemma Ruby Hillary Gray
-- Jameson Desmond GrayWill Gray and June Davis: Zach, Stasia, Killian, Bryce, Michael
Will Gray and Randa Walsh: Juliet, Aria, Matt
Will Gray and Blythe McCormick: Penny
Will and Gemma Gray: JamieMatthew Christian Smith X
Jonathan Joseph Kaiser XGemma Gray and Lucas Prescott
Gemma Gray and Nate Taylor: Bella, Will
Gemma Gray and Matt Smith
Gemma Gray and Jack Kaiser--
Cara Ivy Gray Lock
Marshall Francis LockJenna Miriam Lock
Cassandra Aurora Lock

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H : Stephen Alan Melchior
W: Antonia Lillian Somerville
S1 [died as a child] Archer Knute Melchior
D1: Toril Guinevere Melchior
D2: Indira Celine Melchior
S2: Caedmon Fox Melchior
D3: Vita Corisande Melchior
D4: Allegra Amalia Melchior
S3: Edwin Demitri Melchior
S4: Hugo Andreas Melchior
S5: Leander Weston Melchior-
D1: Toril Guinevere Melchior
H: Ned Osborne StephensD: Flannery Jemima Stephens
-H: Desmond Nicolás Percival
-S: Malcolm Aurelius Percival
--xW: Cecilia Rivka Barclay
--W: Bryn Miriama Gore
--D: Maria Anwen Percival
-S: Richard Ephraim Percival
--xW: Zen Matilda Churchill
--xW: Sula James Allen
--S: Soren David Percival
--xW: Daria Melisande Zylberberg
--W: Elisabeth Thomasina Moffat
-S: John Cashel Percival
-D: Isabel Kerensa Percival
--H: Breccan Gavin KellyD: Greer Dulcinea Stephens
D: Indie Paloma Stephens
D: Darcy Perpetua Stephens-
D2: Indira Celine Melchior
xH: Sebastian Ruaraidh KovacxBF: Anton Neville SadeckiD: Katharine Zora SadeckiS: William Ezekiel Sadecki
-xW: Zaria Leontine Coulter
--S: George Yves Sadecki
--D: Marguerite Antonella Sadecki
--S: Lewis Ward Sadecki
--S: Laurence Coltrane Sadecki
--S: Clark Emil Sadecki
-xW: Brianna Augustina Walsh
--D: Juniper Jessamy Sadecki
--D: Ingrid Aria Sadecki
--S: Silas Falmouth Sadecki
-xW: Tova Felicity Hartman
--D: Ninette Corin Sadecki
-W: Lyra Ruby Mendoza
--S: Zephaniah Jameson SadeckixH: Phillip Brom MurnaghanxH: Rowan Zeno Kaiser-
D4: Allegra Amalia Melchior
H: Malachy Francis LockStepD: Emily Jenna Lock
D: Maisie Winifred Lock-
S5: Leander Weston Melchior
W: Winter Lily LetoD: Dagny Delphinia Melchior
-xH: Stephen Jeremías Wing
-H: Ivor Hugh SvindalS: Jude Maximilian Melchior
-W: Zenobia Violet Takahashi
-D: Lydia Rosalie Melchior
--H: Augustin Riley Blake
-D: Sophie Camilla Blake
--H: Omri Harris Melgar
--D: Agnes Lucille Melgar
vote up1
H: Nathaniel Robin Gray
W: Antonia Beata Southworth-GrayS1: [died as a child] Magnus Holden Gray
D1: Sylvie Georgiana Gray, formerly Prescott, formerly Murnaghan, formerly Nielsen
D2: Celine Katherina Gray
S2: Patrick Aloysius Gray
D3: Rose Allegra Gray
D4: Cara Octavia Lock, née Gray
S3: Oliver Edwin Gray
S4: Alfred Mathias Gray
S5: Joseph Leander Gray-
D1: Sylvie Georgiana Gray
H: Ian Ambrose SeweyD: Jemima Christina Hodge, née Sewey
-H: Michael Thibault Hodge
--S: Lucas Augustine Hodge
---xW: Kendra Daffodil Barclay-Hodge
---W: Julie Lucienne Hodge, née Gore
----D: Emmeline Maria Hodge
--S: Peter Percival Hodge

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H : Noah Leon Melchior
W: Beata Antonia (nee. Drozdov) Melchior ~
S1 [died as a child] Magnus Balthazar
D1: Sylvie Georgiana
D2: Katharina Simone
S2: Giles Caedmon
D3: Allegra Cosima
D4: Octavia Honoria
S3: Ira Oliver
S4: Hugo Augustus
S5: Leander Tobias _____
D1: Sylvie Georgiana (nee. Melchior) Chau
H: Ian Ambrose Chau ~
D: Jemima Electra (nee. Chau) Utrillo
-H: Abram Nicolás Utrillo -S: Augustine Jude Utrillo
--xW: Cecilia Artemisia Barclay
--W: Valentina Lucienne Gore
--D: Petra Hermione -S: Auric Peter Utrillo
--xW: Matilda Adele Swift
--xW: Hazel Minerva (nee. Quilley) Utrillo
--S: Soren David
--xW: Cecelia Melisande Zylberberg
--W: Dahlia Miranda Kanhai -S: Rafe Emmanuel Utrillo -D: Isabel Felicity Utrillo
--H: Caspian Asher Janes ~
D: Louisa Gaia Chau
D: Francesca Paloma Chau
D: Adah Letitia Chau _____
D2: Katharina Simone (nee. Melchior) Prescott
xH: Jolyon Sebastian Prescott xBF: Oscar Matthias Anton Sadecki ~
D: Josefina Dorothy Sadecki ~
S: William Ezekiel Sadecki
-xW: June Léontine Ayers--S: Giles Yves Sadecki
--D: Marguerite Lucille Sadecki
--S: Rafael Killian Sadecki
--S: Laurence Bernard Sadecki
--S: Emil Ignatius Sadecki -xW: Naomi Emilia Rosenberg --D: Cecilia Juliet Rosenberg
--D: Saoirse Ingrid Rosenberg
--S: Adrian Conleth Rosenberg -xW: Felicity Delphine (nee. Hartman) Sadecki --D: Penélope Marilla Sadecki -W: Beatrice Roberta (nee. Schmitz) Sadecki --S: Ari Damien Sadecki ~
xH: Étienne Tristán Bayh~
xH: Jonathan Remus Kasier ____
D4: Octavia Honoria Melchior
H: Malachy Francis Lock

StepD: Celia Miriam Lock ~
D: Azalea Patience Melchior-Lock ____
S5: Leander Tobias Melchior
W: Vashti Ruby (nee. Leto) Melchior ~
D: Dorothea Maxine (nee. Melchior) Darby
-xH: Massimiliano Jeremías Carini -H: Cillian Albert Darby ~
S: Ephraim Nathaniel Melchior
-W: Zenobia Violet Takahashi -D: Lydia Rosalie Melchior
--H: Niall Laurence Harington -D: Camilla Victoria Melchior
--H: Omri Andrew Melgar
--D: Artemisia Madeleine
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DH: Nathaniel Stephen Lambert
DW: Posey Alicia {Somerville} LambertDS1: Magnus Archer Lambert [Dead]
DD1: Guinevere Abigail {Lambert} Chau
DD2: Gemma Simone Lambert
DS2: Patrick Aloysius Lambert
DD3: Cosima Rose Lambert
DD4: Octavia Ivy {Lambert} Lock
DS3: Oliver Demitri Lambert
DS4: Augustus Hugo Lambert
DS5: Tobias Leander Lambert*DD1: Guinevere Abigail {Lambert} Chau
DH: Ira Shephard ChauDD: Isabella Vivian {Chau} Hodge
- DH: Michael Thibault Hodge
- DS: Malcolm Damon Hodge
-- exW: Cecilia Magdalene Toomer
-- DW: Cassandra Bryn {Gore} Hodge
-- DD: Maia Anwen Hodge
- DS: Ephraim Richard Hodge
-- exW: Matilda Lois Swift
-- exW: Ella Susan Quilley
-- DS: Conall David Hodge
-- exW: Larkspur Melisande Crowley
-- DW: Miranda Elisabeth {Spinney} Hodge
- DS: Elijah Peter Hodge
- DD: Fiona Gwen {Hodge} Janes
-- DH: Asher Breccan JanesDD: Greta Louisa Chau
DD: Indie Francesca Chau
DD: Alana Darcy Chau*DD2: Gemma Simone Lambert
exH: Thaddeus Oswald Spector
exBF: Oscar Matthias CerezoDD: Zora Dorothy CerezoDS: Alistair John Cerezo
- exW: Nicola Lilith Coulter
- DS: Vincent Oscar Cerezo
- DD: Anastasia Marguerite Cerezo
- DS: Killian Lewis Cerezo
- DS: Bryce Coltrane Cerezo
- DS: Asa Ignatius Cerezo
- exW: Nerissa Louise Walsh
- DD: Jessamy Ariadne Cerezo
- DD: Hana Persis Cerezo
- DS: Adrian Conleth Cerezo
- exW: Blythe Tova Fisk
- DD: Selma Corin Cerezo
- DW: Ruby Lyra {Schmitz} Cerezo
- DS: Desmond Ari CerezoexH: Tristram Étienne Murnaghan
exH: Barnabas Jonathan Kaiser*DD4: Octavia Ivy {Lambert} Lock
DH: Malachy Truman LockDHsDD: Anja Emily Lock
DD: Aurora Winifred Lock*DS5: Tobias Leander Lambert
DW: Portia Lily {Mercer} LambertDD: Jenna Dagny {Lambert} Hunt
- exH: Stephen Harold Wing
- DH: Caleb Albert HuntDS: Jude Nathaniel Lambert
- DW: Violet Nadya {Behrs} Lambert
- DD: Lydia Ruth {Lambert} Harington
-- DH: Niall Riley Harington
- DD: Victoria Sophie {Lambert} Ramsey
-- DH: Harris Clement Ramsey
-- DD: Madeleine Agnes Ramsey
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H : Leon Nathaniel Gray
W: Lillian Posey Somerville
S1 [died as a child] Magnus Holden Gray
D1: Sylvie Kate Gray
D2: Elodie Simone Gray
S2: Giles Luciano Gray
D3: Cosima Rose Gray
D4: Octavia Ivy Gray
S3: Ira Oliver Gray
S4: Hugo Mathias Gray
S5: Leander Tobias Gray-
D1: Sylvie Kate Gray
H: Ian Ambrose StephensD: Isabella Flannery Stephens
-H: Dmitri Crispin Hodge
-S: Jude Emile Hodge
--xW: Junia Magdalene Miller
--W: Bryn Cassandra Kaplan
--D: Petra Hermione Hodge
-S: Boaz Peter Hodge
--xW: Gioia Matilda Swift
--xW: Ella James King
--S: Soren Bryce Hodge
--xW: Cecelia Melisande Brown
--W: Dahlia Elisabeth Moffat
-S: John Cashel Hodge
-D: Gwen Felicity Hodge
--H: Breccan Asher KellyD: Louisa Mary Stephens
D: Paloma Francesca Stephens
D: Miranda Darcy Stephens-
D2: Elodie Simone Gray
xH: Lucas Alastair PrescottxBF: Abner Matthias CerezoD: Arabella Denise CerezoS: Eamon Tyler Cerezo
-xW: Léontine Zaria Davis
--S: Roland Clancy Cerezo
--D: Marigold Antonella Cerezo
--S: Killian Rafael Cerezo
--S: Dexter Laurence Cerezo
--S: Asa Clark Cerezo
-xW: Louise Augustina Rosenberg
--D: Jessamy Juliet Cerezo
--D: Saoirse Ingrid Cerezo
--S: Silas Aurelio Cerezo
-xW: Delphine Catalina Hartman
--D: Penélope Annette Cerezo
-W: Gemma Ruby Schmitz
--S: Abel Jameson CerezoxH: Étienne Matthew SmithxH: Jared Joseph Nielsen-
D4: Octavia Ivy Gray
H: Truman Marshall LockStepD: Anja Louise Lock
D: Maisie Aurora Lock-
S5: Leander Tobias Gray
W: Ruby Portia MercerD: Ariana Maxine Gray
-xH: Cillian Harold Carini
-H: Caleb Cillian DarbyS: Nathaniel Jude Gray
-W: Violet Virginia Behrs
-D: Lydia Ruth Gray
--H: Riley Niall Walker
-D: Sophie Camilla Gray
--H: Andrew Clement Ramsey
--D: Martha Helene Ramsey
vote up1
Knute Archer
Toril Sylvie
Gemma Celine
Patrick Hieronymous
Fay Miriel
Octavia Mariel
Ira Jesse
Robert Alfred “Bobby”
Leon “Joseph”
vote up1
H : -- Alan Nathaniel Lambert
W: -- Beata Christabel (Drozdov) LambertS1 [died as a child] -- Caedmon Archer Lambert
D1: -- Guinevere Toril (Lambert) Sewey
D2: -- Elodie Katherina Lambert
S2: -- Giles Caedmon Lambert
D3: -- Corisande Fay Lambert
D4: -- Octavia Amalia (Lambert) Lock
S3: -- Cian Edwin Lambert
S4: -- Zacharias Hugo Lambert
S5: -- Tobias Leander Lambert-
D1: Guinevere Sewey
H: -- Ian Ambrose SeweyD: -- Vivian Isabella (Sewey) Percival
-H: -- Desmond Abram Percival
-S: -- Malcolm Jude Percival
--xW: -- Junia Magdalene Miller
--W: -- Lucienne Bryn (Kaplan) Percival
--D: -- Anwen Maia Percival
-S: -- Richard Ephraim Percival
--xW: -- Matilda Lois Swift
--xW: -- Hazel Minerva Quilley
--S: -- Bryce Johannes Percival
--xW: -- Georgia Melisande Crowley
--W: -- Tyra Elisabeth (Moffat) Percival
-S: -- Jolyon Emmanuel Percival
-D: -- Felicity Gwen (Percival) Ullman
--H: -- Gavin Asher UllmanD: -- Gaia Dulcinea Sewey
D: -- Francesca Paloma Sewey
D: -- Miranda Isolde Sewey-
D2: Elodie Lambert
xH: -- Sebastian Seneca KovacxBF: -- Matthias Neville SadeckiD: -- Josefina Dorothy SadeckiS: -- William Tyler Sadecki
-xW: -- Léontine Zaria Coulter
--S: -- Oscar Giles Sadecki
--D: -- Tabitha Lucille Sadecki
--S: -- Rafael Killian Sadecki
--S: -- Dexter Laurence Sadecki
--S: -- Emil Michael Sadecki
-xW: -- Emilia Augustina Walsh
--D: -- Juliet Jessamy Sadecki
--D: -- Ingrid Emma Sadecki
--S: -- Otis Adrian Sadecki
-xW: -- Elsa Rufina McCormick
--D: -- Selma Penélope Sadecki
-W: -- Lyra Sidonie (Mendoza) Sadecki
--S: -- Damien Zephaniah SadeckixH: -- Christian Matthew BayhxH: -- Rowan Nicholas Kaiser-
D4: Octavia Lock
H: -- Isaiah Francis LockStepD: -- Miriam Jenna Lock
D: -- Aurora Winifred Lock-
S5: Tobias Lambert
W: -- Faith Portia (Wennington) LambertD: -- Dorothea Ariana (Lambert) Svindal
-xH: -- Elijah Harold Goodwin
-H: -- Caleb Albert SvindalS: -- Louis Hector Lambert
-W: -- Violet Zenobia (Behrs) Lambert
-D: -- Ruth Isla (Lambert) Harington
--H: -- Nicolas Niall Harington
-D: -- Eudora Victoria (Lambert) Fothergill
--H: -- Andrew Clarence Fothergill
--D: -- Artemisia Lucille Fothergill*
vote up1
DH: Noah Nathaniel Lambert
DW: Antonia Christabel {Somerville} LambertDS [dec] Archer Luca Lambert
DD: Sylvie Kate {Lambert} Stephens
DD: Elodie Simone {Lambert / Kovac / Smith} Kaiser
DS: Patrick Giles Lambert
DD: Allegra Rose Lambert
DD: Ivy Octavia {Lambert} Lock
DS: Jesse Oliver Lambert
DS: Hugo Robert Lambert
DS: Tobias Joseph Lambert*DS [dec] Archer Luca Lambert*DD: Sylvie Kate {Lambert} Stephens
DH: Ian Ambrose StephensDD: Flannery Isabella {Stephens} Hodge
— DH: Abram Michael Hodge
— DS: Jude Malcolm Hodge
—- exDW: Cecilia Magdalene {Miller} Hodge
—- DW: Bryn Cassandra {Cook} Hodge
—- DD: Maia Emmeline Hodge
— DS: Richard Ephraim Hodge
—- exDW: Matilda Adele {Swift} Hodge
—- exDW: Hazel James {King} Hodges
— DS: Bryce David Hodge
—- exDW: Elsa Melisande {Brown} Hodge
—- DW: Sabrina Elisabeth {Moffat} Hodge
— DS: Emmanuel Peter Hodge
— DD: Fiona Felicity {Hodge} Kelly
—- DH: Gavin Asher KellyDD: Monroe Louisa Stephens
DD: Indie Paloma Stephens
DD: Isolde Amara Stephens*DD: Elodie Simone {Lambert / Kovac / Smith} Kaiser
exDH: Lucas Sebastian Kovac
exDbf: Nathan Oscar Taylor
exDH: Phillip Matthew Smith
exDH: Rowan Nicholas KaiserDD: Arabella Katharine TaylorDS: Ezekiel William Taylor
— exDW: Lilith Carol {Ayers} Taylor
— exDW: Emilia Naomi {Rosenberg} Taylor
— exDW: Felicity Blythe Hartman
— DW: Ruby Beatrice {Mendoza} Taylor
— DS: Zachary Vincent Taylor
— DD: Anastasia Lucille Taylor
— DS: Cameron Walter Taylor
— DS: Bryce Dexter Taylor
— DS: Clark Curtis Taylor
— DD: Juliet Ariadne Taylor
— DD: Laila Saoirse Taylor
— DS: Matthew Silas Taylor
— DD: Corin Annette Hartman Taylor
— DS: Damien Abel Taylor*DS: Patrick Giles Lambert*DD: Allegra Rose Lambert*DD: Ivy Octavia {Lambert} Lock
DH: Isaiah Francis LockSDD: Celia Louise Lock
DD: Maisie Cassandra Lock*DS: Jesse Oliver Lambert*DS: Hugo Robert Lambert*DS: Tobias Joseph Lambert
DW: Faith Winter {Leto} LambertDD: Jenna Dorothea {Lambert / Wing} Darby
— exDH: Cillian Roscoe Wing
— DH: Caleb Albert DarbyDS: Louis Maximilian Lambert
— DW: Violet Laura {Behrs} Lambert
— DD: Isla Rosalie {Lambert} Blake
—- DH: Riley Augustin Blake
— DD: Sophie Victoria {Lambert} Melgar
—- DH: Andrew Clement Melgar
—- DD: Liadan Madeleine Melgar
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H: Roderic Leon Lambert
W: Christabel Antonia Southworth S1 [died as a child] Balthazar Luca
D1: Guinevere Sylvie
D2: Georgiana Elodie
S2: Aloysius Giles
D3: Corisande Fay
D4: Honoria Ivy
S3: Barnabas Edwin "Barney"
S4: Zacharias Hugo
S5: Leander Ogden -
D1: Guinevere Sylvie
H: Ambrose Ian Chau D: Talitha Electra
-H: Thibault Crispin Percival
-S: Emile Aurelius
--xW: Junia Magdalene Barclay
--W: Ursula Cassandra Gore
--D: Hermione Maria
-S: Boaz Ephraim
--xW: Gioia Matilda Lacson
--xW: Minerva Susan King
--S: Benicio Conall
--xW: Celestia Georgia Crowley
--W: Thomasina Judith Moffat
-S: Rafe Jolyon
-D: Janet Kerensa
--H: Asher Breccan Janes D: Viveca Dulcinea
D: Paloma Francesca
D: Letitia Isolde -
D2: Georgiana Elodie
xH: Jolyon Oswald Spector xBF: Abner Anton Sadecki D: Dorothy Josefina S: Alistair Gennaro
-xW: June Lilith Ayers
--S: Roland Oscar Yves
--D: Marguerite Georgia Lucille
--S: Walter Lewis Emanuel
--S: Laurence Bernard Remy
--S: Emil Ignatius Clark
-xW: Nerissa Naomi Rosenberg
--D: Desdemona Cecilia
--D: Persis Laila
--S: Aurelio Silas
-xW: Blythe Rufina McCormick
--D: Marilla Ninette
-W: Sabina Beatrice Mendoza
--S: Basil Damien xH: Tristram Matthew Murnaghan xH: Jonathan Zeno Kaiser -
D4: Honoria Ivy
H: Aurele Truman Martin StepD: Brigitta Miriam
D: Winifred Patience -
S5: Leander Ogden
W: Vashti Celia Leto D: Delphinia Dagny
-xH: Jeremías Elijah Carini
-H: Ivor Caleb Svindal S: Maximilian Hector
-W: Zenobia Laura Behrs
-D: Araminta Lydia
--H: Augustin Alessio Walker
-D: Eudora Lilian
--H: Clarence Omri Fothergill
--D: Agnes Helene Artemisia
vote up1
H : Leon Nathaniel Melchior
W: Antonia Lillian Melchior {Southworth}S1 [died as a child] Magnus Balthazar Melchior
D1: Guinevere Sylvie Stephens {Melchior}
D2: Georgiana Indira Melchior "Annie"
S2: Aloysius Caedmon Melchior "Alo"
D3: Allegra Cosima Melchior
D4: Octavia Ivy Martin {Melchior}
S3: Edwin Oliver Melchior "Eddie"
S4: Mathias Robert Melchior
S5: Leonidas Tobias Melchior "Leo"-
D1: Guinevere Sylvie Stephens {Melchior}
H: Baltasar Ira Stephens D: Vivian Electra Percival {Stephens}
-H: Dmitri Thibault Percival
-S: Emile Jude Percival
--xW: Artemisia Cecilia Miller
--W: Ursula Miriama Percival {Kaplan}
--D: Hermione Petra Percival
-S: Ilya Ephraim Percival
--xW: Matilda Samara Swift
--xW: Tiziana Minerva Quilley
--S: David Sampson Percival
--xW: Melisande Cecelia Crowley
--W: Thomasina Dahlia Percival {Kanhai}
-S: John Elijah Percival
-D: Kerensa Isabel Janes {Percival}
--H: Asher Caspian JanesD: Viveca Louisa Stephens
D: Francesca Paloma Stephens
D: Amara Isolde Stephens
D2: Georgiana Indira Melchior "Annie"
xH: Thaddeus Alastair Spector xBF: Oscar Matthias CerezoD: Zora Ramona CerezoS: Alistair John Cerezo
-xW: Pandora Léontine Zaria Davis
--S: Oscar Roland Vincent Cerezo
--D: Lucille Georgia Marguerite Cerezo
--S: Rafael Walter Emanuel Cerezo
--S: Bernard Abel Remy Cerezo
--S: Ignatius Asa Emil Cerezo
-xW: Emilia Miranda Rosenberg
--D: Ariadne Desdemona Cerezo-Rosenberg
--D: Saoirse Ingrid Cerezo-Rosenberg
--S: Conleth Matthew Cerezo-Rosenberg
-xW: Delphine Catalina Hartman
--D: Penélope Louise Cerezo
-W: Lyra Beatrice Cerezo {Mendoza}
--S: Ari Damien CerezoxH: Tristram Étienne Smith xH: Nicholas Rowan Morimoto -
D4: Octavia Ivy Martin {Melchior}
H: Oskar Francis Martin StepD: Miriam Emily Martin
D: Azalea Winifred Martin-
S5: Leonidas Tobias Melchior "Leo"
W: Vashti Faith Melchior {Leto}D: Dorothea Melinda Darby {Melchior}
-xH: Stephen Ara Goodwin
-H: Albert Leon Darby S: Nathaniel Jude Melchior
-W: Zenobia Violet Melchior {Lloris}
-D: Lydia Rosalie Blake {Melchior}
--H: Nicolas Augustin Blake
-D: Lilian Sophie Melchior
--H: Harris Andrew Ramsey
--D: Ingrid Madeleine Ramsey-Melchior
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H: Stephen Mark Gray
W: Lillian Alicia SouthworthS1 [died as a child] Holden Magnus
D1: Kate Abigail
D2: Gillian Simone
S2: Patrick Heathcliff
D3: Allegra Rose
D4: Cara Lillith
S3: Jesse Edwin
S4: Mathias Robert
S5: Leander Weston -
D1: Kate Abigail
H: Ian Ambrose Stephens D: Talitha Rain
-H: Desmond Edwin Hodge
-S: Damon Lucas
--xW: Kendra Elena Miller
--W: Cassandra Valentina Gore
--D: Maia Emmeline
-S: Richard Peter
--xW: Samara Adele Churchill
--xW: Ella Harper Quilley
--S: Bryce Conall
--xW: Daria Melisande Crowley
--W: Dahlia Miranda Kanhai
-S: John Emmanuel
-D: Selina Felicity
--H: Gavin Caspian Kelly D: Gaia Louisa
D: Francesca Paloma
D: Amara Isolde -
D2: Gillian Simone
xH: Sebastian Alastair PrescottxBF: Oscar Austin Taylor D: Katharine ArabellaS: Tyler William
-xW: Zaria June Ayers
--S: Zachary Vincent
--D: Anastasia Gwen
--S: Killian Lewis
--S: Dexter Bryce
--S: Curtis Emil
-xW: Brianna Louise Conway
--D: Ariadne Juniper
--D: Ingrid Emma
--S: Cameron Adrian
-xW: Aaliyah Blythe Hartman
--D: Annette Corin
-W: Leilani Ruby Hillary
--S: Damien Desmond xH: Matthew Conall SmithxH: Rowan Jared Nielsen-
D4: Cara Lillith
H: Marshall Truman Martin StepD: Jenna Lake
D: Azalea Aurora -
S5: Leander Weston
W: Lily Winter Wennington D: Ariana Maxine
-xH: Roscoe Stephen Carini
-H: Caleb Cillian HuntS: Maximilian Hector
-W: Violet Jadine Behrs
-D: Rosalie Alessia
--H: Riley Nicolas Blake
-D: Sophie Victoria
--H: Harvey Clarence Fothergill
--D: Artemisia Helene
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