Re: Single CAF [11.25.16]
in reply to a message by XLilithLolitaX
DH[40]: Chadwick David Billiet "Chad"
DW[39]: Nina Virginia [Moses] Billiet
DS[21]: Henry Reuben Billiet
DD[18]: Skyler Alexandra Billiet
DS/DS[15]: James Damien / Edward Abraham Billiet
DS[11]: Noah Landen Billiet
DS[9]: Nathaniel Benjamin Billiet
DS[5]: Marshall Nicholas Billiet
DD[exp]: Claire Sophie Billiet
We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.
Top rated: Alice and Henry
Bottom: Elana and Amandus
DW[39]: Nina Virginia [Moses] Billiet
DS[21]: Henry Reuben Billiet
DD[18]: Skyler Alexandra Billiet
DS/DS[15]: James Damien / Edward Abraham Billiet
DS[11]: Noah Landen Billiet
DS[9]: Nathaniel Benjamin Billiet
DS[5]: Marshall Nicholas Billiet
DD[exp]: Claire Sophie Billiet
Top rated: Alice and Henry
Bottom: Elana and Amandus