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Re: KUY Question Namebank Congrats - Round 6
in reply to a message by Ariel
DW: Odette Elisa {Simon} Rose
DH: Lionel Constantine RoseDS: Emmett Oscar Rose
DD: Arwen Eira Rose
DS: Alistair Ripley Rose
DS: Finnian Henrik RoseOdette & Lionel; Emmett, Arwen, Alistair, and Finnian*DS: Emmett Oscar Rose
DW: Verity Lotus {Ives} RoseDD: Gisèle Anise Rose Emmett & Verity; Gisèle

"Night fell, lots of large stars came out, and the Hemulen loved his park all the better. It was wide and mysterious; one could lose one's way in it and still be at home."
-Tove Jansson
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