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Re: and another caf [25.08.16]
H [63] David Alastair
W [64] Anna Clare
S1 [45] Justin Patrick
-W [41] Alice Eleanor
--S [17] Mason Charles
--D [15] Nora Hazel
--S [12] Christopher Brendan "Chris"
--D [9] Jenna Madeline
--S [6] Alexander Edmund "Alex"
--D [2] Claire Gabriella
--D [3mo] Celia LouiseD1 [42] Emily Abigail
-H [38] Leo Everett
--S [21] Andrew Benjamin
--S [19] Oliver Charles,
--S [16] Thomas James "TJ"
--S [13] Miles Christian
--D [10] Julia Diane
--S [8] Nathan Sean
--D [5] Elena Sigrid
--S [3] Samuel Theodore "Sam"D2 [39] Celia Margaux
-H [44] Adam Fletcher
--StepD [25] Matilda Joanne "Mattie"
---H [27] Lucas Vincent
----D [3] Athena Margaret
--S [19] Spencer Philip
--S/D [18] Colin Felix / Isabel Madeline "Izzy"
--D [5] Alice EleanorS2 [37] Conan Arthur
-W [48] Annabeth JacquelineS3 [35] Simon Peter
-W [35] Eve Alexandra
--D [4] Audrey CharlotteD3 [33] Hannah Greer
-H [35] Conan Alexander
--S [14] John Thomas "JT"
--D [11] Lauren Persephone
--S [9] Charles Ronan "Charlie"
--S [7] Noah Aubrey
--D [6] Calista Rose "Callie"
--S [2] Maxwell Tristan "Max"
--D [nb] Heidi SophiaD4 [32] Lydia Phoebe
-H [42] Cameron Eliot
--D [13] Mary Louisa
--D [12] Stella Harriet
--D [9] Genevieve Elsa "Eve"
--D [6] Willa Celeste
--D [3] Melody Camille
--D [6mo] Fiona GabrielleD5 [27] Penelope Joy "Nella"
-H [27] Patrick Finn
--D [exp] Marla Sapphire
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