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Re: Neighborhood CAF
Charles Kevin Petit
Melanie Alice Perdue PetitSarai Nicole Petit
Daniel John Petit--Rafael Oscar Lopez
Alma Sandra Portales LopezAlexis Andrea Lopez
Milena Veronica Lopez
Hector Elias Lopez--Robin Lynn Phillips
Lachanda Ginette Remy PhillipsAnthony Lincoln Phillips
Wesley Wilson Phillips
Serge Elijahjuan Phillips
Fabiana Jennifer Phillips
Jeremy Jonathan Phillips--Robert Anthony Peters
Monica Brenda Rene PetersJoshua Justin Peters
- Ashley Jasmine Guiller
-- Alexander William Guiller-PetersDavid Erick Peters
Kayla Coral Peters
Haley Amber Peters--Nicholas John Richardson
Melanie Kimberly Riley RichardsonRebecca Justina Richardson
Austin Joshua Richardson
Sophia Brianna Richardson
Sierra Veronica Richardson
Henry Thomas Richardson
Daniel James Richardson
Jessica Nicole Richardson
Alexander Jason Richardson--Giovanni Roberto Ferreri
Skylynn Alize Merc FerreriMelisa Miriam Ferreri
Manuel Michael Ferreri--William Pascall Rosa
Valeria Angelica Rosado RosaChristopher Angel Rosa
- Krystal Sarah Felix Rosa
-- Jeremy Samuel Rosa
-- Theresa Lillian Rosa
-- Jorge Oscar Rosa
-- Tamara Vilma RosaNicole Crystal Rosa Sance
- Pablo Kai Sance
-- Ruth Gabrielle SanceMark Daniel Rosa--David Robert Seigel
Elizabeth Susanna Santillano SeigelSebastian Michael Seigel / Stephan Marcos Seigel
Alexa Jewel Seigel
Giselle Diana Seigel
Jesse Anthony Seigel / Allison Estella Seigel
Gabriel Brett SeigelLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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