Congrats Round Four
It has been two years since your last update, and you and your SO have just given birth to twins! You may choose which gender(s) you want.
*If your son's fn starts with A-L each of the twins must have a fn or a mn from the Biblical name lists or Welsh name lists
*If your son's fn starts with M-Z each of the twins must have a fn or a mn from Literature or Norwegian name lists.
Also, your son is starting pre-school, tell about his experiences there. Tell about his reaction to the twins and what he is interested in.
how are your jobs going? Any promotions, changes or job switches?
Tell anything else you wish about your home, kids, and work.
Here's the links to the previous rounds:
*If your son's fn starts with A-L each of the twins must have a fn or a mn from the Biblical name lists or Welsh name lists
*If your son's fn starts with M-Z each of the twins must have a fn or a mn from Literature or Norwegian name lists.
Also, your son is starting pre-school, tell about his experiences there. Tell about his reaction to the twins and what he is interested in.
how are your jobs going? Any promotions, changes or job switches?
Tell anything else you wish about your home, kids, and work.
Here's the links to the previous rounds:
DH: Seamus George
DW: Harper Emi
DS: Brennan Walker
DD/DD: Hannah Reese // Leah Kendall
Round Two
Seamus and Harper have recently discovered that they are expecting their first child! They had ideally wanted to wait until their work on their new house was finished, but this was a very pleasant and welcome surprise. Seamus and Harper have made finishing the baby's room their top priority at the moment. Since they already know it is a boy, the room will be done in blue and white.

Harper's parents are no longer living, but Shay's parents - especially his mother - were simply overjoyed by the news, as were his siblings, who have already made offers to babysit. This will be the first grandchild - although Seamus has two older brothers, he and Harper were the first to get married.
Their top two name choices right now are Deacon Reese and Brennan Walker. They're planning on waiting to see which fits the baby the best when he's born. :)
Round One
DH: Seamus George Reilly (auburn hair, blue eyes -- Irish/Scottish descent)
DW: Harper Emi Reilly (black hair, dark brown eyes -- Japanese descent)
Seamus and Harper, formerly college sweethearts, were recently married - the elegant reception took place on the glassed-in roof of the city's swankiest hotel, with a spectacular view of the skyline.
DW: Harper Emi
DS: Brennan Walker
DD/DD: Hannah Reese // Leah Kendall
Round Two
Seamus and Harper have recently discovered that they are expecting their first child! They had ideally wanted to wait until their work on their new house was finished, but this was a very pleasant and welcome surprise. Seamus and Harper have made finishing the baby's room their top priority at the moment. Since they already know it is a boy, the room will be done in blue and white.

Harper's parents are no longer living, but Shay's parents - especially his mother - were simply overjoyed by the news, as were his siblings, who have already made offers to babysit. This will be the first grandchild - although Seamus has two older brothers, he and Harper were the first to get married.
Their top two name choices right now are Deacon Reese and Brennan Walker. They're planning on waiting to see which fits the baby the best when he's born. :)
Round One
DH: Seamus George Reilly (auburn hair, blue eyes -- Irish/Scottish descent)
DW: Harper Emi Reilly (black hair, dark brown eyes -- Japanese descent)
Seamus and Harper, formerly college sweethearts, were recently married - the elegant reception took place on the glassed-in roof of the city's swankiest hotel, with a spectacular view of the skyline.
Me: Michelle Rose
Him: Mark Samuel
DS: Evan Tyler
DS/DD: Jacob Elijah "Jake"/ Alexandra Rachel "Alex"
Evan loves preschool. he has so much energy so its good to have him play with friends during the day. before the twins were born we bought a puppy so Evan wouldn't feel so left out. he has been extremely atached to the dog we bought which is a labrador/husky mix named luka. he has the need to always be with the twins and he shows alot of affection towards them. and he always wants to play with them which sometimes gets agrivating when the twins are sleeping.
the twins were born a little after we moved into our new house from our small apartment. i LOVE the house! its very spacious and plenty of room for a growing family.
the twins are precious. jake is the mory outgoing one of the 2 and always seeks more attention. he loves to be held and played with. Alex is more quiet and she is always smiling. its adorable. we are vary fortunate to have our 3 beautiful kids and new puppy.
our jobs are still the same. Mark is still a Realtor and i am still in the interior design field. however, i am taking a little bit of a break to be with the kids.
Him: Mark Samuel
DS: Evan Tyler
DS/DD: Jacob Elijah "Jake"/ Alexandra Rachel "Alex"
Evan loves preschool. he has so much energy so its good to have him play with friends during the day. before the twins were born we bought a puppy so Evan wouldn't feel so left out. he has been extremely atached to the dog we bought which is a labrador/husky mix named luka. he has the need to always be with the twins and he shows alot of affection towards them. and he always wants to play with them which sometimes gets agrivating when the twins are sleeping.
the twins were born a little after we moved into our new house from our small apartment. i LOVE the house! its very spacious and plenty of room for a growing family.
the twins are precious. jake is the mory outgoing one of the 2 and always seeks more attention. he loves to be held and played with. Alex is more quiet and she is always smiling. its adorable. we are vary fortunate to have our 3 beautiful kids and new puppy.
our jobs are still the same. Mark is still a Realtor and i am still in the interior design field. however, i am taking a little bit of a break to be with the kids.
...Proud Parents To...
DS: Jude Hamilton Luis (3)
DS/DD: Luke Ryan Thomas / Elisabeth Rachel Grace (newborn)
It has been two years since we last updated, and since, then, Sam and I recently became the proud parents of twins! Our son and daughter, Luke Ryan Thomas and Elisabeth Rachel Grace, are absolutely perfect and a joy to have at home.
Luke is definitely the more outgoing of the two. He loves to be around people, but is especially fond of Daddy and his big brother. We chose his name because we really liked it and thought it went well with Jude's name. His first middle name, Ryan, is after my brother's middle name, and Thomas was another that we liked.
Elisabeth is a lot quieter and is content just to be held. She has a wonderful personality and always seems to be happy with a smile on her face. Her first name we chose because we were in love with it, and she just seems like an Elisabeth. Her first middle name, Rachel, if for my sister's first name, and Grace was another that we liked and thought went well with the other two.
Jude is only three, but he understands that the twins are here to stay. He's a wonderful big brother and loves to show off the babies to anyone who comes to our house. He can quite often be found with the twins, content to watch them, tickle them, and make them smile. They are enamored with him, and he with them, as he loves to watch them laugh. He's thrilled to have a brother and can't wait until he and Luke get to play Hot Wheels together. He's very protective of Elisabeth, calling her his baby sister and always giving her hugs and kisses.
Jude has started preschool, which he loves. He's at the same facility where he attended daycare since he was an infant. He enjoys playing outside with the other boys, but also loves to draw and read. His favorite toy at the moment are still his cars and trucks, and he has recently become very fascinated with police cars and fire trucks.
This message was edited 3/21/2006, 3:01 PM
DW: Margaret Eloise Harven (nee Wilkens) "Meg" (29)
DH: Bronson Hewitt Harven (30)
DS: Derek Landon Harven (3)
DD/DD: Carys Eve Harven/Sian Chloe Harven (newborn)
When Bronson and I discovered that I was pregnant with twins we were over the moon! Derek found the pregnancy and my expanding stomach fascinating and he loved feeling the babies kick. Carys and Sian are two weeks old now and absolutely adorable.
Mum to Ryan Lawrence, Daniel James and bub-on-the-way ?Eleanor Olivia?!

DH: Bronson Hewitt Harven (30)
DS: Derek Landon Harven (3)
DD/DD: Carys Eve Harven/Sian Chloe Harven (newborn)
When Bronson and I discovered that I was pregnant with twins we were over the moon! Derek found the pregnancy and my expanding stomach fascinating and he loved feeling the babies kick. Carys and Sian are two weeks old now and absolutely adorable.
Mum to Ryan Lawrence, Daniel James and bub-on-the-way ?Eleanor Olivia?!
H: Brandon Oliver
W: Elise Matilda
1. Brandon and myself just got married! It was great fun and I wore a big white wedding dress. My bridesmaids were in pink and lilac. It was a lovely sunny day and even sunnier when we got to Hawaii for the honeymoon. We stayed in a posh hotel for 2 weeks and just relaxed the whole time. We are currently living in London at the minute, it's really good. Very busy, but nice. I am a fashion advisor at Harrods (wooo!) and Brandon works as a solicitor. We hope to have a big family!
2. We are expecting our first son! Brandon and I are so excited, I always wanted a big family, hopefully it will grow in no time. He will be called Max Harrison Luca, just because we liked the names and Harrison was also my maiden name. My parents are happy for us but Brandon's seem to think it's too early, he says they'll get over it and be happy soon. This will be both parents' third grandchild. My brother and sister, Juliana and Theo, both had girls, Jasmine Isabella (4) and Lily-May Theodora (7). Brandon's brother, Ben, has twins, Henry Jackson and George Jamison (3). The baby's bedroom is going to be baby blue with animal pictures in it. We already have a cot and all the accessories ready. Not many things to get now. I'm definately ready for the birth but I think Brandon's nervous.
W: Elise Matilda
1. Brandon and myself just got married! It was great fun and I wore a big white wedding dress. My bridesmaids were in pink and lilac. It was a lovely sunny day and even sunnier when we got to Hawaii for the honeymoon. We stayed in a posh hotel for 2 weeks and just relaxed the whole time. We are currently living in London at the minute, it's really good. Very busy, but nice. I am a fashion advisor at Harrods (wooo!) and Brandon works as a solicitor. We hope to have a big family!
2. We are expecting our first son! Brandon and I are so excited, I always wanted a big family, hopefully it will grow in no time. He will be called Max Harrison Luca, just because we liked the names and Harrison was also my maiden name. My parents are happy for us but Brandon's seem to think it's too early, he says they'll get over it and be happy soon. This will be both parents' third grandchild. My brother and sister, Juliana and Theo, both had girls, Jasmine Isabella (4) and Lily-May Theodora (7). Brandon's brother, Ben, has twins, Henry Jackson and George Jamison (3). The baby's bedroom is going to be baby blue with animal pictures in it. We already have a cot and all the accessories ready. Not many things to get now. I'm definately ready for the birth but I think Brandon's nervous.
The Thompson Family
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (28)
DW: Lydia Grace (25)
DS: William Alexander Jr. "Liam" (3)
DS/DS: Elias Robert "Eli" and Tobias Jacob "Toby" (newborn)
Our darling Liam is now three years old and excited to be a big brother to Elias Robert and Tobias Jacob. Eli and Toby are just a week old, but Liam likes them already. The twins were healthy and arrived right on time. They are identical twins and we're still learning to tell them apart. For now, we dress Eli in blue and Toby in green.
This past month Liam started pre-school. He goes twice a week for three hours at a time. He seems to be enjoying it and the teachers love him because he's well behaved and gets along well with the other kids. Liam and I have also joined a swim group that we go to once a week. Liam loves to be in the water and he's already trying to swim by himself so we have to watch him all the time.
Wil still works as an athletic trainer and he recently got both a raise and an assistant to help him out a little. I must say, Wil loves his job and wouldn't change anything about it. When we found out I was having twins, I quit my part-time job at the library so I could be a full time mommy.
Wil and I are thinking about getting a dog from the pound when the twins are a little bit older. We'd like to adopt an older dog that is already housebroken and has basic training. Maybe for Liam's fourth birthday...
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Katherine Rose & Matthew Logan
DS: William Anthony "Will"
DS/DD: Jacob Walter / Maria Karen
William doesn't mind pre-school but he says he'd rather be home with me. However he has already made a friend, Robert, and I have a feeling that they are going to be friends forever. William was excited about the baby, he hoped he'd have a little brother. It was rather exciting for all of us when we found out I had twins (since the tests were fine I didn't have an ultra-sound). Not having an ultra-sound worked out well though, since we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl we had a girl's name and a boy's name picked out, we just never guessed we'd use them both. I am so happy that I now have a baby girl, and Matthew is happy everything went well and William is happy becuase he has a little brother; not to mention Matthew's parents were overjoyed since they've given up on Matthew's brothers deciding to marry, and are sure Matthew is the only one who is going to give them grandchildren. All in all it was a very happy occasion.
Matthew's job is going great, there's talk about making him a partner, though we're not sure if he'll take it since it might keep him away from the family. On the other hand Matthew and I decided, especially in light of having twins, that I should quit my job and stay home. So far it has been working out great, the twins are a handful but they're so adorable at the same time.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
DS: William Anthony "Will"
DS/DD: Jacob Walter / Maria Karen
William doesn't mind pre-school but he says he'd rather be home with me. However he has already made a friend, Robert, and I have a feeling that they are going to be friends forever. William was excited about the baby, he hoped he'd have a little brother. It was rather exciting for all of us when we found out I had twins (since the tests were fine I didn't have an ultra-sound). Not having an ultra-sound worked out well though, since we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl we had a girl's name and a boy's name picked out, we just never guessed we'd use them both. I am so happy that I now have a baby girl, and Matthew is happy everything went well and William is happy becuase he has a little brother; not to mention Matthew's parents were overjoyed since they've given up on Matthew's brothers deciding to marry, and are sure Matthew is the only one who is going to give them grandchildren. All in all it was a very happy occasion.
Matthew's job is going great, there's talk about making him a partner, though we're not sure if he'll take it since it might keep him away from the family. On the other hand Matthew and I decided, especially in light of having twins, that I should quit my job and stay home. So far it has been working out great, the twins are a handful but they're so adorable at the same time.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain