Congrats Round Two
Welcome to round two of my congrats!
*You can still sign up if you wish, just visit the link below
*For those who played last round, it's been a few months since the last round and you've just discovered that you and your SO are expecting a son. You may name him whatever you wish, just say why you chose the name (it doesn't have to be a good reason, you can just say you liked it or whatever)
*If you don't want a son/don't want a child this round for whatever reason just say why in your explanation.
*Include any other info you wish-How's your family/parents reaction to the new addition? Will this be the first grandchild? What's the nursery going to be like? Are you ready for the birth of your first child?
*You can still sign up if you wish, just visit the link below
*For those who played last round, it's been a few months since the last round and you've just discovered that you and your SO are expecting a son. You may name him whatever you wish, just say why you chose the name (it doesn't have to be a good reason, you can just say you liked it or whatever)
*If you don't want a son/don't want a child this round for whatever reason just say why in your explanation.
*Include any other info you wish-How's your family/parents reaction to the new addition? Will this be the first grandchild? What's the nursery going to be like? Are you ready for the birth of your first child?
Me: Lauren Ashley
Him: Ray Tucker
DS: Aidan Hunter
My husband is proud he has a little boy. I am happy but secretly next time I am hoping for a girl.
The nursery has bright green paint on the walls and dark blue fabrics with a round crib by a window. On the opposite side there is a dresser with his baby book and pictures. our parents are very happy. this is the first grandchild for my parents parents cause im an only child.
Him: Ray Tucker
DS: Aidan Hunter
My husband is proud he has a little boy. I am happy but secretly next time I am hoping for a girl.
The nursery has bright green paint on the walls and dark blue fabrics with a round crib by a window. On the opposite side there is a dresser with his baby book and pictures. our parents are very happy. this is the first grandchild for my parents parents cause im an only child.
H: Brandon Oliver
W: Elise Matilda
1. Brandon and myself just got married! It was great fun and I wore a big white wedding dress. My bridesmaids were in pink and lilac. It was a lovely sunny day and even sunnier when we got to Hawaii for the honeymoon. We stayed in a posh hotel for 2 weeks and just relaxed the whole time. We are currently living in London at the minute, it's really good. Very busy, but nice. I am a fashion advisor at Harrods (wooo!) and Brandon works as a solicitor. We hope to have a big family!
2. We are expecting our first son! Brandon and I are so excited, I always wanted a big family, hopefully it will grow in no time. He will be called Max Harrison Luca, just because we liked the names and Harrison was also my maiden name. My parents are happy for us but Brandon's seem to think it's too early, he says they'll get over it and be happy soon. This will be both parents' third grandchild. My brother and sister, Juliana and Theo, both had girls, Jasmine Isabella (4) and Lily-May Theodora (7). Brandon's brother, Ben, has twins, Henry Jackson and George Jamison (3). The baby's bedroom is going to be baby blue with animal pictures in it. We already have a cot and all the accessories ready. Not many things to get now. I'm definately ready for the birth but I think Brandon's nervous.
W: Elise Matilda
1. Brandon and myself just got married! It was great fun and I wore a big white wedding dress. My bridesmaids were in pink and lilac. It was a lovely sunny day and even sunnier when we got to Hawaii for the honeymoon. We stayed in a posh hotel for 2 weeks and just relaxed the whole time. We are currently living in London at the minute, it's really good. Very busy, but nice. I am a fashion advisor at Harrods (wooo!) and Brandon works as a solicitor. We hope to have a big family!
2. We are expecting our first son! Brandon and I are so excited, I always wanted a big family, hopefully it will grow in no time. He will be called Max Harrison Luca, just because we liked the names and Harrison was also my maiden name. My parents are happy for us but Brandon's seem to think it's too early, he says they'll get over it and be happy soon. This will be both parents' third grandchild. My brother and sister, Juliana and Theo, both had girls, Jasmine Isabella (4) and Lily-May Theodora (7). Brandon's brother, Ben, has twins, Henry Jackson and George Jamison (3). The baby's bedroom is going to be baby blue with animal pictures in it. We already have a cot and all the accessories ready. Not many things to get now. I'm definately ready for the birth but I think Brandon's nervous.
DW: Carolina Norah O'Neil
DH: Hershall William O'Neil
DS: Alec James O'Neil
Alec because we love the name and it is not weird and James because it goes.Due on July 5. We have a nursery.
DH: Hershall William O'Neil
DS: Alec James O'Neil
Alec because we love the name and it is not weird and James because it goes.Due on July 5. We have a nursery.
DW: Margaret Eloise Harven (nee Wilkens) "Meg"
DH: Bronson Hewitt Harven
Bub on the way: Derek Landon Harven
Well Bronson have I have now been married for 2 and a half blissful months, and imagine my suprise when I discovered that I was pregnant!!!! I guess the honeymoon was better than we thought ;P
The baby is due on the 29 November and, although it's to early to tell medically, Bronson's mother has all sorts of old wives tricks to detirmine sex, and everyone of them is pointing towards our baby being a boy. We'll have to wait and see, but she has 6 other grandchildren and predicted everyone of them correctly! The whole family is thrilled to bits, especially my mother. It is my parents first grandchild, seeing as I'm an only child, but Bronson has 5 brothers and 4 sisters... This is his parents 7th, but they say that each and everyone is special and a blessing.
We're very lucky with my job as i'm just going to work freelance so I can stay home with the baby.
Bronson and I have been busy talking about names, mainly working on boys names at the moment :) We've decided on Derek Landon.
Derek is my grandfathers name, and Landon is to honour Bronson's twin brother who unfortunately died when they were 5 years old.
Bronson's Family:
DH: Matthew Donovan Harven (59)
DW: Roselle Maris Harven (nee Johans) (54)
DS: Danil Matteo Harven (36)- married to Louise Ann (nee Edwin). They have two chilren, Alexa Rhian (7) and Tia Briony (5).
DH: Bronson Hewitt Harven
Bub on the way: Derek Landon Harven
Well Bronson have I have now been married for 2 and a half blissful months, and imagine my suprise when I discovered that I was pregnant!!!! I guess the honeymoon was better than we thought ;P
The baby is due on the 29 November and, although it's to early to tell medically, Bronson's mother has all sorts of old wives tricks to detirmine sex, and everyone of them is pointing towards our baby being a boy. We'll have to wait and see, but she has 6 other grandchildren and predicted everyone of them correctly! The whole family is thrilled to bits, especially my mother. It is my parents first grandchild, seeing as I'm an only child, but Bronson has 5 brothers and 4 sisters... This is his parents 7th, but they say that each and everyone is special and a blessing.
We're very lucky with my job as i'm just going to work freelance so I can stay home with the baby.
Bronson and I have been busy talking about names, mainly working on boys names at the moment :) We've decided on Derek Landon.
Derek is my grandfathers name, and Landon is to honour Bronson's twin brother who unfortunately died when they were 5 years old.
Bronson's Family:
DH: Matthew Donovan Harven (59)
DW: Roselle Maris Harven (nee Johans) (54)
DS: Danil Matteo Harven (36)- married to Louise Ann (nee Edwin). They have two chilren, Alexa Rhian (7) and Tia Briony (5).
This message was edited 3/15/2006, 1:20 AM
Live: Melbourne, Australia
Jobs: Directors of a Multi-national Company
Honeymoon: Paris, Rome
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
Expecting: Chase Raymond Danes
We both always loved the name Chase and Raymond is Logan's father's name.
Jobs: Directors of a Multi-national Company
Honeymoon: Paris, Rome
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
Expecting: Chase Raymond Danes
We both always loved the name Chase and Raymond is Logan's father's name.
Andrew & I are expecting our first child, a son, Jason Sean! We picked that name because of Jason Guy from Big Brother 3! :D My sister Bethany & Andrew's brother David, who are married to each other, are also expecting their first son, Caleb Matthew. We actually have the same due date, so that should be quite interesting! Our parents are VERY happy & excited to welcome their first two grandchildren! We are very prepared for him! We've been trying since our honeymoon, so we are very excited about the news! The day I found out, I went out & bought a TON of baby stuff! And the day we found out it was going to be a boy, I went on a HUGE shopping spree for the most adorable little clothes, decorations, etc! We are doing the nursery in lots of blue & teddy bears! We are SO excited & can hardly wait!
This message was edited 3/14/2006, 7:45 PM
The Thompson Family
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (25)
DW: Lydia Grace (22)
DS: William Alexander Jr. "Liam" (nby)
Wil and I recently found out that we are expecting our first child. It's going to be a boy! We've already decided to name him after Wil and we're probably going to use the nickname Liam because neither of us likes Bill or Willy. Both Wil and I were only children, so we don't have too much family. However, both sets of grandparents are very excited about their first grandchild. We haven't decided how to do the nursery yet--Wil wants to paint it white and decorate it with all sorts of sports memorabilia and I want to paint it light green and decorate it simply with some still-life pictures.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
W: Evangeline Daisy Sullivan Dixon 'Angel'
H: Jace Aaron Davis Dixon
S: Jack Orion Dixon
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
H: Jace Aaron Davis Dixon
S: Jack Orion Dixon
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
Round Two
Seamus and Harper have recently discovered that they are expecting their first child! They had ideally wanted to wait until their work on their new house was finished, but this was a very pleasant and welcome surprise. Seamus and Harper have made finishing the baby's room their top priority at the moment. Since they already know it is a boy, the room will be done in blue and white.

Harper's parents are no longer living, but Shay's parents - especially his mother - were simply overjoyed by the news, as were his siblings, who have already made offers to babysit. This will be the first grandchild - although Seamus has two older brothers, he and Harper were the first to get married.
Their top two name choices right now are Deacon Reese and Brennan Walker. They're planning on waiting to see which fits the baby the best when he's born. :)
Round One
DH: Seamus George Reilly (auburn hair, blue eyes -- Irish/Scottish descent)
DW: Harper Emi Reilly (black hair, dark brown eyes -- Japanese descent)
Seamus and Harper, formerly college sweethearts, were recently married - the elegant reception took place on the glassed-in roof of the city's swankiest hotel, with a spectacular view of the skyline. The next morning, the newlyweds embarked on their two-week honeymoon in Greece. They are currently still living in their apartment in the city, but when not busy with work -- Seamus is an architecht and contractor hoping to start his own firm soon, and Harper is a speech therapist for children with communication disorders -- they spend their free time together, fixing up the run-down Victorian house in the suburbs that they purchased soon after returning home from Greece. Once the house is finished, they'd like to start thinking about starting a family.
Seamus and Harper have recently discovered that they are expecting their first child! They had ideally wanted to wait until their work on their new house was finished, but this was a very pleasant and welcome surprise. Seamus and Harper have made finishing the baby's room their top priority at the moment. Since they already know it is a boy, the room will be done in blue and white.

Harper's parents are no longer living, but Shay's parents - especially his mother - were simply overjoyed by the news, as were his siblings, who have already made offers to babysit. This will be the first grandchild - although Seamus has two older brothers, he and Harper were the first to get married.
Their top two name choices right now are Deacon Reese and Brennan Walker. They're planning on waiting to see which fits the baby the best when he's born. :)
Round One
DH: Seamus George Reilly (auburn hair, blue eyes -- Irish/Scottish descent)
DW: Harper Emi Reilly (black hair, dark brown eyes -- Japanese descent)
Seamus and Harper, formerly college sweethearts, were recently married - the elegant reception took place on the glassed-in roof of the city's swankiest hotel, with a spectacular view of the skyline. The next morning, the newlyweds embarked on their two-week honeymoon in Greece. They are currently still living in their apartment in the city, but when not busy with work -- Seamus is an architecht and contractor hoping to start his own firm soon, and Harper is a speech therapist for children with communication disorders -- they spend their free time together, fixing up the run-down Victorian house in the suburbs that they purchased soon after returning home from Greece. Once the house is finished, they'd like to start thinking about starting a family.
Michelle & Mark
DS: Evan Tyler
my husband and i just found out that we are having a baby boy! we are extremly excited because it is our first child. we decided to name him evan bacause marks best friend since he was little (and one of my close friends now, and the future god father) is named Ethan, but i did not like that name too much so we chose Evan becuase its the closest to it. we chose Tyler because we both like it. my parents are thrilled. this is their 2nd grandchild but first boy since my sister had her baby girl 2 years ago.
DS: Evan Tyler
my husband and i just found out that we are having a baby boy! we are extremly excited because it is our first child. we decided to name him evan bacause marks best friend since he was little (and one of my close friends now, and the future god father) is named Ethan, but i did not like that name too much so we chose Evan becuase its the closest to it. we chose Tyler because we both like it. my parents are thrilled. this is their 2nd grandchild but first boy since my sister had her baby girl 2 years ago.
Michelle & Mark
DS: Evan Tyler
my husband and i just found out that we are having a baby boy! we are extremly excited because it is our first child. we decided to name him evan bacause marks best friend since he was little (and one of my close friends now, and the future god father) is named Ethan, but i did not like that name too much so we chose Evan becuase its the closest to it. we chose Tyler because we both like it. my parents are thrilled. this is their 2nd grandchild but first boy since my sister had her baby girl 2 years ago.
DS: Evan Tyler
my husband and i just found out that we are having a baby boy! we are extremly excited because it is our first child. we decided to name him evan bacause marks best friend since he was little (and one of my close friends now, and the future god father) is named Ethan, but i did not like that name too much so we chose Evan becuase its the closest to it. we chose Tyler because we both like it. my parents are thrilled. this is their 2nd grandchild but first boy since my sister had her baby girl 2 years ago.
Samuel John *Sam* and Jennifer Nicole *Jen*
DS: Jude Hamilton Luis
Sam and I were thrilled to discover we were expecting our first child...a son! We have decided to name him Jude Hamilton Luis. We both really like the name Jude, Hamilton is a middle name my mom always wanted to use for a boy, and Luis is after my grandfather.
Our parents were thrilled to discover they were going to have a grandchild. Jude is the first on my side of the family and the first boy on Sam's side of the family, so everyone is ecstatic.
We are ready for our son to come into the world. Neither of us can wait for the day when we get to hold him in our arms. The nursery is decorated in a sports theme, which of course, Sam really wanted, and I was fine with, since I wanted a very masculine room for my first son. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the day he joins our family!

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
DS: Jude Hamilton Luis
Sam and I were thrilled to discover we were expecting our first child...a son! We have decided to name him Jude Hamilton Luis. We both really like the name Jude, Hamilton is a middle name my mom always wanted to use for a boy, and Luis is after my grandfather.
Our parents were thrilled to discover they were going to have a grandchild. Jude is the first on my side of the family and the first boy on Sam's side of the family, so everyone is ecstatic.
We are ready for our son to come into the world. Neither of us can wait for the day when we get to hold him in our arms. The nursery is decorated in a sports theme, which of course, Sam really wanted, and I was fine with, since I wanted a very masculine room for my first son. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the day he joins our family!
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
David and I just found out we are expecting a baby boy, so we're very excited! We've picked the name Simon Mark, although we were tempted by Adam Christopher so the choice may yet change... I'm quite nervous about becoming a mum but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. I'll keep you updated!
S xx
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
S xx
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
My name: Katherine Rose
SO: Matthew Logan
DS: William Anthony "Will"
We chose William becuase it was my father's name, and Anthony becuase we both liked it.
Matthew's parents are absolutely thrilled, probably due to the fact that he is the oldest son and the first to marry and have a child. Personally I think they think it will get his brothers to marry, you know seeing how happy he is, Yeah Right. They both roll their eyes whenever they're in the same room as Matthew and I, because he is always hovering of me, I heard one say that he wasn't ever going to act like that over a woman.
I am being pampered to death not only by my husband but by his parents as well. As though getting pregnant is something that is a bizarre occurance, however I am rather enjoying it, while it lasts.
Matthew and I have already decided we are going to go to have to move out of his apartement and find a house. We have to find one soon or the nursery won't be ready for the baby.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
SO: Matthew Logan
DS: William Anthony "Will"
We chose William becuase it was my father's name, and Anthony becuase we both liked it.
Matthew's parents are absolutely thrilled, probably due to the fact that he is the oldest son and the first to marry and have a child. Personally I think they think it will get his brothers to marry, you know seeing how happy he is, Yeah Right. They both roll their eyes whenever they're in the same room as Matthew and I, because he is always hovering of me, I heard one say that he wasn't ever going to act like that over a woman.
I am being pampered to death not only by my husband but by his parents as well. As though getting pregnant is something that is a bizarre occurance, however I am rather enjoying it, while it lasts.
Matthew and I have already decided we are going to go to have to move out of his apartement and find a house. We have to find one soon or the nursery won't be ready for the baby.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain