400-500 KUY Congrats- Round 5
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4633443
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4633646
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4634098
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4634633
This round of names is unfortunately very similar to last round's. Sorry about that.
Male: Abe Alberto Alden Aldo Alfredo Aloysius Ambrose Anton Armando Augustus Bertram Booker Bud Buddy Burl Buster Carmine Casimir Chris Cletus Darrel Darwin Davis Delmer Denver Dudley Elias Elliott Ellsworth Eric Elroy Emilio Evan Everette Ferdinand Fletcher Foster Frederic Freeman Gail Gregory Guadalupe Hal Harris Hershel Hiram Hobert Houston Hoyt Hugo Hyman Jackie Jackson Jeff Jefferson Justin Lenard Levi Lincoln Linwood Lorenzo Luke Lyman Mary Mathew Mervin Micheal Miguel Milo Morgan Newton Nikolas Noel Nolan Odis Olen Omer Orlando Pablo Quentin Rafael Randall Rene Riley Rolland Royal Royce Rudy Sammy Saul Scott Shirley Silas Sol Spencer Ulysses Waldo Wilber Wilton Winfred
Female: Alene Alfreda Alicia Allene Althea Alvina Angie Ardis Augusta Bennie Bertie Beryl Betsy Birdie Carole Clare Corrine Delia Delphine Dessie Diana Dortha Earlene Earnestine Edwina Elda Elena Elisabeth Elise Elouise Emogene Erna Ester Evangeline Faith Freddie Gene Georgette Georgie Gilda Gussie Hallie Harriette Hortense Ilene Iola Ione Isabell Isabella Jackie Jacquelyn James Jannie Jaunita Jenny Jerry Joanna Juana Judy Kate Katharine Lavonne Leatrice Leora Lettie Lorine Louella Madeleine Manuela Margarita Marjory Marianne Marietta Marilynn Maudie Maurine Melva Millicent Molly Monica Nona Oma Pansy Philomena Queen Retha Rosalind Roslyn Roxie Rubye Stephanie Tessie Therese Vada Valeria Verda William Winona Zelda Zella
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4633443
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4633646
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4634098
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/4634633
This round of names is unfortunately very similar to last round's. Sorry about that.
Male: Abe Alberto Alden Aldo Alfredo Aloysius Ambrose Anton Armando Augustus Bertram Booker Bud Buddy Burl Buster Carmine Casimir Chris Cletus Darrel Darwin Davis Delmer Denver Dudley Elias Elliott Ellsworth Eric Elroy Emilio Evan Everette Ferdinand Fletcher Foster Frederic Freeman Gail Gregory Guadalupe Hal Harris Hershel Hiram Hobert Houston Hoyt Hugo Hyman Jackie Jackson Jeff Jefferson Justin Lenard Levi Lincoln Linwood Lorenzo Luke Lyman Mary Mathew Mervin Micheal Miguel Milo Morgan Newton Nikolas Noel Nolan Odis Olen Omer Orlando Pablo Quentin Rafael Randall Rene Riley Rolland Royal Royce Rudy Sammy Saul Scott Shirley Silas Sol Spencer Ulysses Waldo Wilber Wilton Winfred
Female: Alene Alfreda Alicia Allene Althea Alvina Angie Ardis Augusta Bennie Bertie Beryl Betsy Birdie Carole Clare Corrine Delia Delphine Dessie Diana Dortha Earlene Earnestine Edwina Elda Elena Elisabeth Elise Elouise Emogene Erna Ester Evangeline Faith Freddie Gene Georgette Georgie Gilda Gussie Hallie Harriette Hortense Ilene Iola Ione Isabell Isabella Jackie Jacquelyn James Jannie Jaunita Jenny Jerry Joanna Juana Judy Kate Katharine Lavonne Leatrice Leora Lettie Lorine Louella Madeleine Manuela Margarita Marjory Marianne Marietta Marilynn Maudie Maurine Melva Millicent Molly Monica Nona Oma Pansy Philomena Queen Retha Rosalind Roslyn Roxie Rubye Stephanie Tessie Therese Vada Valeria Verda William Winona Zelda Zella
Campbell - Gen. 5 - Mathilda [Palmer] Lively
DH: Milo Denver Lively
DW: Mathilda Clementie [Palmer] Lively "Mattie"
DS/DS: Morgan Scott Lively / Shirley Luke Lively
DD: Gene Iola Lively
DD: William Louella Lively
DS: Rene Hershel Lively
DS: Gail Lenard Lively
DD: James Katharine Lively
DD: Freddie Augusta Lively
DH: Milo Denver Lively
DW: Mathilda Clementie [Palmer] Lively "Mattie"
DS/DS: Morgan Scott Lively / Shirley Luke Lively
DD: Gene Iola Lively
DD: William Louella Lively
DS: Rene Hershel Lively
DS: Gail Lenard Lively
DD: James Katharine Lively
DD: Freddie Augusta Lively
DH [1852]: Carlton Avery "Carl" Rolland, Sr. (72)
DW [1855]: Lavinia Shirley [Dell] Rolland (69)
DS [1874]: Carlton Avery "Charlie" Rolland, Jr. (50)
- DW [1878]: Sybil Cordelia [Clare] Rolland (46)
-- DD [1895]: Elinor Philomena [Rolland Hoyt (29)
--- DH [1880] Augustus Linwood Hoyt, Jr. (44)
---- Augustus' DD [1910]: Katharine Edwina Hoyt (14)
---- Augustus' DS [1911]: Augustus Linwood Hoyt III (13)
---- DD [1921]: Millicent Winona "Millie" Hoyt (3)
---- DD [1923] Isabella Delphine Hoyt (1)
-- DD [1897]: Imogene Elisabeth [Rolland] Fletcher (27)
--- DH [1898]: Jackson Royce Fletcher (26)
-- DD [1899]: Alyce Evangeline [Rolland] Nolan (25)
--- DH [1895-1917]: Luke Aloysius Nolan, Sr. (deceased aged 22)
---- DS: [1918]: Luke Aloysius Nolan, Jr. (6)
-- DS [1903]: Elias Chauncey Rolland (21)
DS [1875]: Emerson Pierce Rolland (49)
- DW [1871]: Charity Loraine [Eldon] Rolland (53)
-- Charity's DS [1898]: Junius Conrad Wilton, Jr. (26)
--- DW [1898]: Jenny Maurine [Foster] Wilton (26)
-- DS [1902]: Asa Haywood Rolland (22)
DD [1879]: Adaline Faye [Rolland] Noble (45)
- DH [1878]: Enoch Alphonso Noble, Sr. (46)
-- DS [1900]: Enoch Alphonso "Alfie" Noble, Jr. (24)
-- DD [1909]: Judith Margery Noble (15)
DD [1881]: Joanna Clarice [Rolland] Lowell (43)
- DH [1875-1917]: Rupert Jefferson Lowell (deceased aged 42)
-- DD [1906]: Clementine Beth Lowell (18)
-- DD [1910]: Jacqueline Joy Lowell (14)
DS [1883]: Hamilton Garrett Rolland (41)
- DW [1883-1907]: Una Magdalene [Coleman] Rolland (deceased aged 24)
-- DS [1907]: Coleman Lorenzo Rolland (17)
- DW [1887]: Dixie Blanch [Maxwell] Rolland (37)
-- DD [1911]: Louisa Allene Rolland (13)
DD [1885-86]: Willa Camille Rolland (deceased aged 1)
DS [1887]: Wyatt Bertram Rolland (37)
- DW [1892]: Fanny Lucinda [Gregory] Rolland (32)
-- DD/DD [1919]: Althea Therese Rolland / Delia Harriette Rolland (5)
-- DS [1924]: Bertram Hugo "Bertie" Rolland (nb)
DS [1890-1917]: Sydney Alphonse Rolland (deceased aged 27)
DW [1855]: Lavinia Shirley [Dell] Rolland (69)
DS [1874]: Carlton Avery "Charlie" Rolland, Jr. (50)
- DW [1878]: Sybil Cordelia [Clare] Rolland (46)
-- DD [1895]: Elinor Philomena [Rolland Hoyt (29)
--- DH [1880] Augustus Linwood Hoyt, Jr. (44)
---- Augustus' DD [1910]: Katharine Edwina Hoyt (14)
---- Augustus' DS [1911]: Augustus Linwood Hoyt III (13)
---- DD [1921]: Millicent Winona "Millie" Hoyt (3)
---- DD [1923] Isabella Delphine Hoyt (1)
-- DD [1897]: Imogene Elisabeth [Rolland] Fletcher (27)
--- DH [1898]: Jackson Royce Fletcher (26)
-- DD [1899]: Alyce Evangeline [Rolland] Nolan (25)
--- DH [1895-1917]: Luke Aloysius Nolan, Sr. (deceased aged 22)
---- DS: [1918]: Luke Aloysius Nolan, Jr. (6)
-- DS [1903]: Elias Chauncey Rolland (21)
DS [1875]: Emerson Pierce Rolland (49)
- DW [1871]: Charity Loraine [Eldon] Rolland (53)
-- Charity's DS [1898]: Junius Conrad Wilton, Jr. (26)
--- DW [1898]: Jenny Maurine [Foster] Wilton (26)
-- DS [1902]: Asa Haywood Rolland (22)
DD [1879]: Adaline Faye [Rolland] Noble (45)
- DH [1878]: Enoch Alphonso Noble, Sr. (46)
-- DS [1900]: Enoch Alphonso "Alfie" Noble, Jr. (24)
-- DD [1909]: Judith Margery Noble (15)
DD [1881]: Joanna Clarice [Rolland] Lowell (43)
- DH [1875-1917]: Rupert Jefferson Lowell (deceased aged 42)
-- DD [1906]: Clementine Beth Lowell (18)
-- DD [1910]: Jacqueline Joy Lowell (14)
DS [1883]: Hamilton Garrett Rolland (41)
- DW [1883-1907]: Una Magdalene [Coleman] Rolland (deceased aged 24)
-- DS [1907]: Coleman Lorenzo Rolland (17)
- DW [1887]: Dixie Blanch [Maxwell] Rolland (37)
-- DD [1911]: Louisa Allene Rolland (13)
DD [1885-86]: Willa Camille Rolland (deceased aged 1)
DS [1887]: Wyatt Bertram Rolland (37)
- DW [1892]: Fanny Lucinda [Gregory] Rolland (32)
-- DD/DD [1919]: Althea Therese Rolland / Delia Harriette Rolland (5)
-- DS [1924]: Bertram Hugo "Bertie" Rolland (nb)
DS [1890-1917]: Sydney Alphonse Rolland (deceased aged 27)
DH: [1864-1914] Sterling Fritz Foster
DW: [1866] Odessa Pansy (Dalton) Foster
DS1: [1884] Isaac Pierce Foster
DS2: [1887] Hugo Rolland Foster
DS3: [1889-1890] Malcolm Jules Foster
DD1: [1892] Eugenie Clarissa Foster
DD2: [1894] Lavinia Madeleine Foster
DS4: [1897] Gabriel Dominick Foster
Generation 2:
DS1: [1884] Isaac Pierce Foster
DW: [1885] Nelle Elisabeth (Nobel) Foster
DD1: [1904] Philomena Charity Foster
DD2: [1905-1906] Minerva Joy Foster
DS1: [1907] Benedict Jules Foster
DS2: [1909] Hershel Clay Foster
DS5: [1914] Rolland Verne Foster
DS2: [1887] Hugo Rolland Foster
DW: [1890] Ivy Jacqueline (Hampton) Foster
DS1: [1913] Hal Major Foster
DS2: [1914] Elias Noble Foster
DD1: [1892] Eugenie Clarissa (Foster) Doyle
DH: [1890] Ulysses Scott Doyle
DD: [1915] Molly Harriette Doyle
DS: [1917] Frederic Ulysses Doyle
DS: [1918] Luke Hershel Doyle
DS: [1919] Gregory Hoyt Doyle
DS: [1921] Matthew Quentin Doyle
DS: [1922] Saul Booker Doyle
DS: [1923] Morgan Aloysius Doyle
DD: [1924] Leora Therese Doyle
DS4: [1897] Gabriel Dominick Foster
DW: [1898] Ester Gene (Mullins) Foster
(Inside the brackets is the year born)
DW: [1866] Odessa Pansy (Dalton) Foster
DS1: [1884] Isaac Pierce Foster
DS2: [1887] Hugo Rolland Foster
DS3: [1889-1890] Malcolm Jules Foster
DD1: [1892] Eugenie Clarissa Foster
DD2: [1894] Lavinia Madeleine Foster
DS4: [1897] Gabriel Dominick Foster
Generation 2:
DS1: [1884] Isaac Pierce Foster
DW: [1885] Nelle Elisabeth (Nobel) Foster
DD1: [1904] Philomena Charity Foster
DD2: [1905-1906] Minerva Joy Foster
DS1: [1907] Benedict Jules Foster
DS2: [1909] Hershel Clay Foster
DS5: [1914] Rolland Verne Foster
DS2: [1887] Hugo Rolland Foster
DW: [1890] Ivy Jacqueline (Hampton) Foster
DS1: [1913] Hal Major Foster
DS2: [1914] Elias Noble Foster
DD1: [1892] Eugenie Clarissa (Foster) Doyle
DH: [1890] Ulysses Scott Doyle
DD: [1915] Molly Harriette Doyle
DS: [1917] Frederic Ulysses Doyle
DS: [1918] Luke Hershel Doyle
DS: [1919] Gregory Hoyt Doyle
DS: [1921] Matthew Quentin Doyle
DS: [1922] Saul Booker Doyle
DS: [1923] Morgan Aloysius Doyle
DD: [1924] Leora Therese Doyle
DS4: [1897] Gabriel Dominick Foster
DW: [1898] Ester Gene (Mullins) Foster
(Inside the brackets is the year born)
LN: Dorsey
DH: Ephraim Hosea Dorsey
DW: Rilla Leonora (Merton) Dorsey
DS: Merton Valentine Dorsey
-DW: Charity Ethelyn (Buford) Dorsey
--DS: Buford Herschel Dorsey
---DW: Roslyn Isabella (Fletcher) Dorsey
----DS: Fletcher Hershel Dorsey
----DD: Katharine Isabella Dorsey
--DS: Wilton Norris Dorsey
---DW: Delia Marianne (Randall) Dorsey
----DS: Randall Wilton Dorsey
----DS: Jefferson Luke Dorsey
--DS: Conrad Harmon Dorsey
---DW: Millicent Therese (Spencer) Dorsey
----DS/DD: Everette Hoyt Dorsey / Elise Harriette Dorsey
--DS: Eldon Clarance Dorsey
---DW: Joanna Beryl (Dudley) Dorsey
----DD: Molly Corrine Dorsey
----DD: Elisabeth Madeleine Dorsey
----DD: Alicia Jacquelyn Dorsey
DD: Aurelia Edyth (Dorsey) Corbett
-DH: Sydney Lafayette Corbett
--DD: Althea Sybil Corbett
--DS: Aloysius Rafael Corbett
--DD: Antonia Elinor Corbett
DS: Gerald Reginald Dorsey
-DW: Magdalena Hope (Palmer) Dorsey "Maggie"
--DS: Emmet Lionel Dorsey
--DD/DD: Phoebe Madeleine Dorsey / Philomena Magdalene Dorsey "Phila"
DD: Eloise Georgiana (Dorsey) Tillman
-DH: Adrian Winfield Tillman
--DS: Benedict Royal Tillman
--DS: Elliott Miles Tillman
--DD: Louisa Glenna Tillman
DS: Bertram Pierce Dorsey
-DW: Lauretta Camille (Avery) Dorsey
--DD: Lauretta Mathilda Dorsey "Laura"
--DD: Evangeline Rosalind Dorsey "Evie"
--DS: Maxwell Bertram Dorsey "Max"
DD: Adaline Clarissa (Dorsey) Mckinley
-DH: Vance Ronald Mckinley
--DS: Morgan Merlin Mckinley
--DD: Enid Zelda Mckinley
DH: Ephraim Hosea Dorsey
DW: Rilla Leonora (Merton) Dorsey
DS: Merton Valentine Dorsey
-DW: Charity Ethelyn (Buford) Dorsey
--DS: Buford Herschel Dorsey
---DW: Roslyn Isabella (Fletcher) Dorsey
----DS: Fletcher Hershel Dorsey
----DD: Katharine Isabella Dorsey
--DS: Wilton Norris Dorsey
---DW: Delia Marianne (Randall) Dorsey
----DS: Randall Wilton Dorsey
----DS: Jefferson Luke Dorsey
--DS: Conrad Harmon Dorsey
---DW: Millicent Therese (Spencer) Dorsey
----DS/DD: Everette Hoyt Dorsey / Elise Harriette Dorsey
--DS: Eldon Clarance Dorsey
---DW: Joanna Beryl (Dudley) Dorsey
----DD: Molly Corrine Dorsey
----DD: Elisabeth Madeleine Dorsey
----DD: Alicia Jacquelyn Dorsey
DD: Aurelia Edyth (Dorsey) Corbett
-DH: Sydney Lafayette Corbett
--DD: Althea Sybil Corbett
--DS: Aloysius Rafael Corbett
--DD: Antonia Elinor Corbett
DS: Gerald Reginald Dorsey
-DW: Magdalena Hope (Palmer) Dorsey "Maggie"
--DS: Emmet Lionel Dorsey
--DD/DD: Phoebe Madeleine Dorsey / Philomena Magdalene Dorsey "Phila"
DD: Eloise Georgiana (Dorsey) Tillman
-DH: Adrian Winfield Tillman
--DS: Benedict Royal Tillman
--DS: Elliott Miles Tillman
--DD: Louisa Glenna Tillman
DS: Bertram Pierce Dorsey
-DW: Lauretta Camille (Avery) Dorsey
--DD: Lauretta Mathilda Dorsey "Laura"
--DD: Evangeline Rosalind Dorsey "Evie"
--DS: Maxwell Bertram Dorsey "Max"
DD: Adaline Clarissa (Dorsey) Mckinley
-DH: Vance Ronald Mckinley
--DS: Morgan Merlin Mckinley
--DD: Enid Zelda Mckinley
DH: Caleb Hamilton
DW: Angela Emeline
DD: Kathrine Lilian *Kate*
-DH: Quentin Levi
--DS: Luke Spencer
--DD: Isabella Kate
--DD: Madeleine Faith
--DS: Nikolas Evan *Nick*
--DD: Elisabeth Jacquelyn
DD: Adaline Aurelia
DS: Mason Eric
DD: Savannah Julie
DD: Natalie Hope
DS: Roman Carter
DD: Ava Natalie
DD: Elisabeth Clare
DD: Monica Evalyn
DD: Jacqueline Eleanora
DW: Angela Emeline
DD: Kathrine Lilian *Kate*
-DH: Quentin Levi
--DS: Luke Spencer
--DD: Isabella Kate
--DD: Madeleine Faith
--DS: Nikolas Evan *Nick*
--DD: Elisabeth Jacquelyn
DD: Adaline Aurelia
DS: Mason Eric
DD: Savannah Julie
DD: Natalie Hope
DS: Roman Carter
DD: Ava Natalie
DD: Elisabeth Clare
DD: Monica Evalyn
DD: Jacqueline Eleanora
DH: Lucian Caleb
DW: Aurelia Leonora
DD: Lucia Angela
DS: Adrian Gabriel
DD: Zora Evangeline
DS: Elias Dominic
DD: Anastasia Julie
DD: Monica Philomena
DS: Augustus Rafael
DW: Aurelia Leonora
DD: Lucia Angela
DS: Adrian Gabriel
DD: Zora Evangeline
DS: Elias Dominic
DD: Anastasia Julie
DD: Monica Philomena
DS: Augustus Rafael
DH: Hugo Sterling
DW: Adaline Ione
DD: Aurelia Mathilde
-DH: Taylor Aloysius
-DS: Wyatt Casper
-DS: Rupert Junius
-DD: Phoebe Magdalene
-DS: Carson Maxwell
-DS: Ezra Benedict
DD: Vada Edyth
-DH: Gabriel Mckinley
-DD: Zola Evangeline
-DS: Casimir Merlin
-DD: Isabella Delphine
DS: Lucian Hosea
-DW: Philomena Agatha "Mena"
-DD: Imogene Wilda
-DD: Anastasia Rubye
DD: Georgiana Rae
-DH: Cyrus Elisha
-DS: Asa Dominic
-DS: Enoch Isaiah
-DD: Polly Vesta
-DD: Faith Hortense
DS: Raleigh Wilford
-DW: Elinor Elise
-DD: Louisa Mathilda
DD: Leonora Odessa
-DH: Christian Spencer
DS: Ashley Isadore
-DW: Winona Katharine "Nona"
-DD: Millicent Rosalind "Millie"
-DS: Augustus Darwin "Gus"
-DS: Jackson Dudley "Jack"
DD: Eulalia Hope
-DH: Buster Aloysius
DD: Amalia Elise
-DH: Luke Nikolas
DW: Adaline Ione
DD: Aurelia Mathilde
-DH: Taylor Aloysius
-DS: Wyatt Casper
-DS: Rupert Junius
-DD: Phoebe Magdalene
-DS: Carson Maxwell
-DS: Ezra Benedict
DD: Vada Edyth
-DH: Gabriel Mckinley
-DD: Zola Evangeline
-DS: Casimir Merlin
-DD: Isabella Delphine
DS: Lucian Hosea
-DW: Philomena Agatha "Mena"
-DD: Imogene Wilda
-DD: Anastasia Rubye
DD: Georgiana Rae
-DH: Cyrus Elisha
-DS: Asa Dominic
-DS: Enoch Isaiah
-DD: Polly Vesta
-DD: Faith Hortense
DS: Raleigh Wilford
-DW: Elinor Elise
-DD: Louisa Mathilda
DD: Leonora Odessa
-DH: Christian Spencer
DS: Ashley Isadore
-DW: Winona Katharine "Nona"
-DD: Millicent Rosalind "Millie"
-DS: Augustus Darwin "Gus"
-DS: Jackson Dudley "Jack"
DD: Eulalia Hope
-DH: Buster Aloysius
DD: Amalia Elise
-DH: Luke Nikolas
LN: Dorsey-Noble
DW: Daisie Rowena Dorsey [58]
DW: Clyde Leonora Noble [55]
AS: Jules Malcolm Dorsey-Noble [32]
-DW: Anastasia Eve Dorsey-Noble (née Fletcher) [30]
--DS: Nolan Jules Dorsey-Noble [7]
AD: Molly Clementine Scott (née Dorsey-Noble) [30; twin to Casper]
-DH: Maxwell Spencer Scott [34]
--DD: Delphine Althea Scott "Della" [1]
--DS: Orlando Royce Scott "Orly" [nb]
AS: Casper Lowell Dorsey-Noble [30; twin to Molly]
-DGf: Stephanie Georgette Morgan [23]
--Stephanie'sDD: Zelda Rosalind Morgan [3]
DD: Agatha Bell Dorsey-Noble [25]
-ExBf: Riley Ezra Foster [26]
--DD: Rowena Eleanora Foster [5]
-DFiancé: Eric Silas Queen [27]
AS: Waldo Cyrus Dorsey-Noble [23]
DD: Ramona Imogene Dorsey-Noble "Mo" [21]
DW: Daisie Rowena Dorsey [58]
DW: Clyde Leonora Noble [55]
AS: Jules Malcolm Dorsey-Noble [32]
-DW: Anastasia Eve Dorsey-Noble (née Fletcher) [30]
--DS: Nolan Jules Dorsey-Noble [7]
AD: Molly Clementine Scott (née Dorsey-Noble) [30; twin to Casper]
-DH: Maxwell Spencer Scott [34]
--DD: Delphine Althea Scott "Della" [1]
--DS: Orlando Royce Scott "Orly" [nb]
AS: Casper Lowell Dorsey-Noble [30; twin to Molly]
-DGf: Stephanie Georgette Morgan [23]
--Stephanie'sDD: Zelda Rosalind Morgan [3]
DD: Agatha Bell Dorsey-Noble [25]
-ExBf: Riley Ezra Foster [26]
--DD: Rowena Eleanora Foster [5]
-DFiancé: Eric Silas Queen [27]
AS: Waldo Cyrus Dorsey-Noble [23]
DD: Ramona Imogene Dorsey-Noble "Mo" [21]
DH: Merle Houston Hardy [86]
DW: Albina Rae {Coxcomb} Hardy [85]
DD: Sophronia Emeline {Hardy} Williams "Sophie" [56]
-DH: Wendell Olen Williams [60]
--DD: Ester Aurelia {Williams} McCarthy [32]
---DH: Hal Roland McCarthy [34]
----DD: Evangeline Maybelle McCarthy “Angel” [10]
--DS: Fritz Lawson Williams [30]
---DW: Rosalind Joanna {Delmar} Williams [29]
---- DD: Millicent Georgette Williams “Millie” [6]
---- DS: Quentin Augustus Williams “Q” [3]
--DS: Casper Mason Williams [30]
---DW: Marjory Lucinda {Delmar} Williams [29]
---- DS: Augustus Quentin Williams “Gus” [6]
---- DD: Georgette Millicent Williams “Georgie” [3]
--DS: Bertram Johnson Williams “Bert” [28]
---DW: Judy-Kate Elise {Pearson} Williams [27]
----DD: Maudie-Faith Corrine Williams [4]
----DD: Birdie-Clare Verda Williams [nb]
--DD: Meta Ramona {Williams} Jacques [27]
DH: Merle Houston Hardy [86]
DW: Albina Rae {Coxcomb} Hardy [85]
DD: Sophronia Emeline {Hardy} Williams "Sophie" [56]
-DH: Wendell Olen Williams [60]
--DD: Ester Aurelia {Williams} McCarthy [32]
---DH: Hal Roland McCarthy [34]
----DD: Evangeline Maybelle McCarthy “Angel” [10]
--DS: Fritz Lawson Williams [30]
---DW: Rosalind Joanna {Delmar} Williams [29]
---- DD: Millicent Georgette Williams “Millie” [6]
---- DS: Quentin Augustus Williams “Q” [3]
--DS: Casper Mason Williams [30]
---DW: Marjory Lucinda {Delmar} Williams [29]
---- DS: Augustus Quentin Williams “Gus” [6]
---- DD: Georgette Millicent Williams “Georgie” [3]
--DS: Bertram Johnson Williams “Bert” [28]
---DW: Judy-Kate Elise {Pearson} Williams [27]
----DD: Maudie-Faith Corrine Williams [4]
----DD: Birdie-Clare Verda Williams [nb]
--DD: Meta Ramona {Williams} Jacques [27]

DH: Lucian Murray Phelps
DW: Agatha Betsy Kingwood Phelps
DS: Hugo Sterling Phelps
-DW: Louisa Clare Johnson
--DD: Ivy Eleanora Johnson
--DD: Polly Rosalind Johnson
DS: Casper Gabriel Phelps
-DW: Ava Beth Middleton Phelps
--DS: Ezra Jimmy Phelps
--DS: Maxwell Miles Phelps "Max"
--DD: Joy Mathilda Phelps
DD: Iona Madeleine Phelps
-DH: Spencer Milo Harman
--DD: Katharine Melva Harman "Kitty"
--DD: Rosalind Zella Harman "Rosa"
--DD: Elisabeth Delia Harman "Betsy"
--DD: Millicent Diana Harman "Milly"
DS: Asa Rupert Phelps
DD: Phoebe Ramona Phelps
DW: Agatha Betsy Kingwood Phelps
DS: Hugo Sterling Phelps
-DW: Louisa Clare Johnson
--DD: Ivy Eleanora Johnson
--DD: Polly Rosalind Johnson
DS: Casper Gabriel Phelps
-DW: Ava Beth Middleton Phelps
--DS: Ezra Jimmy Phelps
--DS: Maxwell Miles Phelps "Max"
--DD: Joy Mathilda Phelps
DD: Iona Madeleine Phelps
-DH: Spencer Milo Harman
--DD: Katharine Melva Harman "Kitty"
--DD: Rosalind Zella Harman "Rosa"
--DD: Elisabeth Delia Harman "Betsy"
--DD: Millicent Diana Harman "Milly"
DS: Asa Rupert Phelps
DD: Phoebe Ramona Phelps
DH: Malcolm Steven Queen
DW: Minna Judith {Oliver} Queen
ADD: Mona Jeanne {Queen} Walker {Michael's twin}
- DH: Harlan Sydney Walker
- DS: Eldon Noel Walker
- DD: Sybil Queen Walker
- DD: Zelda Marjory Walker
- DD: Isabella Katharine Walker
ADS: Michael Hugo Queen, Sr. {Mona's twin}
- DW: Ester Lorraine {Culver} Queen
- DS: Michael Hugo Queen, Jr.
- DD: Madeleine Louisa Queen
- DS: Mathew Gregory Queen
- DD: Monica Jacquelyn Queen
DW: Minna Judith {Oliver} Queen
ADD: Mona Jeanne {Queen} Walker {Michael's twin}
- DH: Harlan Sydney Walker
- DS: Eldon Noel Walker
- DD: Sybil Queen Walker
- DD: Zelda Marjory Walker
- DD: Isabella Katharine Walker
ADS: Michael Hugo Queen, Sr. {Mona's twin}
- DW: Ester Lorraine {Culver} Queen
- DS: Michael Hugo Queen, Jr.
- DD: Madeleine Louisa Queen
- DS: Mathew Gregory Queen
- DD: Monica Jacquelyn Queen
DH: Wilford Raleigh Dunne [1861] (63)
DW: Geraldine Mathilde (Walker) Dunne [1862] (62)
DS: Hosea Malcolm Dunne [1882] (42) *Lucian's twin*
-DW: Ester Vida (Linwood) Dunne [1885] (39)
--DS: Ezra Linwood Dunne [1910] (14)
--DS: Evan Columbus Dunne [1914] (10)
--DS: Eric Buster Dunne [1917] (7)
DS: Lucian Avery Dunne [1882] (42) *Hosea's twin*
-DW: Julie Filomena (Dempsey) Dunne [1884] (40)
--DS/DS: Spencer Elliot Dunne & Benedict Gustave Dunne [1906] (18)
--DD: Minerva Blanch Dunne [1909] (15)
--DS: Christian Alden Dunne [1911] (13)
DD: Hedwig Leonora (Dunne) Foreman [1884] (40)
-DH: Israel Randall Foreman [1874] (50)
--DD: Zelda Clare Foreman [1914] (10)
--DD: Rosalind Ione Foreman [1915] (9)
--DD: Delphine Valeria Foreman [1923] (1)
DS: Elliott Milford Dunne [1886] (38)
-DW: Edwina Corrine (Sanford) Dunne [1889] (35)
--DD: Maybelle Eve Dunne [1913] (11)
--DS: Ambrose Riley Dunne [1918] (6)
DD: Amalia Clementine (Dunne) Jefferson [1889] (35) *Annabelle's twin*
-DH: Maxwell Gabriel Jefferson [1888] (36)
DD: Annabelle Octavia (Dunne) Jefferson [1889] (35) *Amalia's twin*
-DW: Miles Gregory Jefferson [1888] (36)
--DS: Augustus Noel Jefferson [1921] (3)
--DS: Nikolas Ferdinand Jefferson [1924] (nb)
DD: Melvina Bridget (Dunne) Carter [1894] (30)
-DH: Frederic Orlando Carter [1891] (33)
--DD: Millicent Elise Carter [1922] (2)
DS: Jonas Herschel Dunne [1897] (27)
DS: Conrad Elias Dunne [1899] (25)
-DF: Winona Althea Hart [1900] (24)
DD: Magdalene Wilda Dunne [1900] (24)
DD: Cordelia Hope Dunne [1903] (21)
DW: Geraldine Mathilde (Walker) Dunne [1862] (62)
DS: Hosea Malcolm Dunne [1882] (42) *Lucian's twin*
-DW: Ester Vida (Linwood) Dunne [1885] (39)
--DS: Ezra Linwood Dunne [1910] (14)
--DS: Evan Columbus Dunne [1914] (10)
--DS: Eric Buster Dunne [1917] (7)
DS: Lucian Avery Dunne [1882] (42) *Hosea's twin*
-DW: Julie Filomena (Dempsey) Dunne [1884] (40)
--DS/DS: Spencer Elliot Dunne & Benedict Gustave Dunne [1906] (18)
--DD: Minerva Blanch Dunne [1909] (15)
--DS: Christian Alden Dunne [1911] (13)
DD: Hedwig Leonora (Dunne) Foreman [1884] (40)
-DH: Israel Randall Foreman [1874] (50)
--DD: Zelda Clare Foreman [1914] (10)
--DD: Rosalind Ione Foreman [1915] (9)
--DD: Delphine Valeria Foreman [1923] (1)
DS: Elliott Milford Dunne [1886] (38)
-DW: Edwina Corrine (Sanford) Dunne [1889] (35)
--DD: Maybelle Eve Dunne [1913] (11)
--DS: Ambrose Riley Dunne [1918] (6)
DD: Amalia Clementine (Dunne) Jefferson [1889] (35) *Annabelle's twin*
-DH: Maxwell Gabriel Jefferson [1888] (36)
DD: Annabelle Octavia (Dunne) Jefferson [1889] (35) *Amalia's twin*
-DW: Miles Gregory Jefferson [1888] (36)
--DS: Augustus Noel Jefferson [1921] (3)
--DS: Nikolas Ferdinand Jefferson [1924] (nb)
DD: Melvina Bridget (Dunne) Carter [1894] (30)
-DH: Frederic Orlando Carter [1891] (33)
--DD: Millicent Elise Carter [1922] (2)
DS: Jonas Herschel Dunne [1897] (27)
DS: Conrad Elias Dunne [1899] (25)
-DF: Winona Althea Hart [1900] (24)
DD: Magdalene Wilda Dunne [1900] (24)
DD: Cordelia Hope Dunne [1903] (21)
DH: Bertram Reginald Hudson (69)
DW: Aurelia Emeline Hudson, née Murray (67)
DS: Hugo Valentine Hudson (45)
- DW: Elinor Lucia Hudson, née Backström (44)
-- DD: Elisabeth Natalie Hudson (20)
-- DS: Sigmund Noble Hudson (17)
-- DD: Eleanora Suzanne Hudson (14)
DD: Leonora Nella McGhee, née Hudson (43)
- DH: Cyrus Dominic McGhee (43)
-- DS: Elias Shirley McGhee (15)
-- DD: Vada Madeleine McGhee (14)
-- DS: Wilton Riley McGhee (11)
-- DD: Pansy Georgette McGhee (7)
DS: Simeon Murray Hudson (40)
- DW: Louisa Rowena Hudson, née English (38)
-- DD: Evangeline Edwina Hudson (12)
-- DS: Fraderic Rafael Hudson (9)
-- DD: Delphine Augusta Hudson (7)
DD: Madeleine Althea Hudson (37)
- exDBf: Maxwell Ezra Reynolds (37)
-- DD: Nelle Yolanda Reynolds (17)
- exDBf: Fletcher Israel Thompson (39)
-- DD: Ava Lorine Thompson (12)
-- DS: Elias Hugo Thompson (8)
- DH: Gregory Davis Ruffin (51)
-- DD: Molly Corrine Ruffin (1)
DS: Casper Napoleon Hudson (33)
DW: Aurelia Emeline Hudson, née Murray (67)
DS: Hugo Valentine Hudson (45)
- DW: Elinor Lucia Hudson, née Backström (44)
-- DD: Elisabeth Natalie Hudson (20)
-- DS: Sigmund Noble Hudson (17)
-- DD: Eleanora Suzanne Hudson (14)
DD: Leonora Nella McGhee, née Hudson (43)
- DH: Cyrus Dominic McGhee (43)
-- DS: Elias Shirley McGhee (15)
-- DD: Vada Madeleine McGhee (14)
-- DS: Wilton Riley McGhee (11)
-- DD: Pansy Georgette McGhee (7)
DS: Simeon Murray Hudson (40)
- DW: Louisa Rowena Hudson, née English (38)
-- DD: Evangeline Edwina Hudson (12)
-- DS: Fraderic Rafael Hudson (9)
-- DD: Delphine Augusta Hudson (7)
DD: Madeleine Althea Hudson (37)
- exDBf: Maxwell Ezra Reynolds (37)
-- DD: Nelle Yolanda Reynolds (17)
- exDBf: Fletcher Israel Thompson (39)
-- DD: Ava Lorine Thompson (12)
-- DS: Elias Hugo Thompson (8)
- DH: Gregory Davis Ruffin (51)
-- DD: Molly Corrine Ruffin (1)
DS: Casper Napoleon Hudson (33)
DH: Lucian Malcolm Haywood
DW: Aurelia Rosanna Walker
DS: Garrett Walker Haywood
-DW: Petra Lorraine Bell
--DD/DS: Elise Aurelia Haywood / Gabriel Lucian Haywood
--DS: Milo Roman Haywood
--DS: Levi Augustus Haywood
DD: Rowena Clarice Haywood
-DH: Elliott Casper Mason
--DD: Althea Charity Mason
--DS: Elias Conrad Mason
--DD: Rosemary Cynthia Mason
--DS: Theron Clay Mason
DS: Sterling Caleb Haywood
-DW: Amalia Hope Wendell
--DD: Cordelia Elinor Haywood
--DD: Susanna Ava Haywood
--DD: Anastasia Iona Haywood
DD: Odessa Ione Haywood
-DH: Wyatt Avery Houston
--DD: Chloe Elisabeth Houston
--DD: Phoebe Camille Houston
DD: Sophronia Mathilde Haywood
-DH: Jonas Rafael Harmon
--DD: Rosalind Ivy Harmon
--DS: Spencer Miles Harmon
--DS: Quentin Ambrose Harmon
--DD: Therese Alicia Harmon
DD: Octavia Clementine Haywood
-DH: Steven Raleigh Carter
--DD: Edwina Clementine Carter
--DS: Gregory Harris Carter
--DD: Stephanie Beryl Carter
--DD: Joanna Katharine Carter
DD: Rhea Annabelle Haywood
-DH: Maxwell Lincoln Alden
--DS: Scott Fletcher Alden
--DS: Nolan Jackson Alden
--DS: Lincoln Darwin Alden
DS: Adrian Dominick Haywood
-DF: Valeria Joy Morgan
--DS: Anton Morgan Haywood
DW: Aurelia Rosanna Walker
DS: Garrett Walker Haywood
-DW: Petra Lorraine Bell
--DD/DS: Elise Aurelia Haywood / Gabriel Lucian Haywood
--DS: Milo Roman Haywood
--DS: Levi Augustus Haywood
DD: Rowena Clarice Haywood
-DH: Elliott Casper Mason
--DD: Althea Charity Mason
--DS: Elias Conrad Mason
--DD: Rosemary Cynthia Mason
--DS: Theron Clay Mason
DS: Sterling Caleb Haywood
-DW: Amalia Hope Wendell
--DD: Cordelia Elinor Haywood
--DD: Susanna Ava Haywood
--DD: Anastasia Iona Haywood
DD: Odessa Ione Haywood
-DH: Wyatt Avery Houston
--DD: Chloe Elisabeth Houston
--DD: Phoebe Camille Houston
DD: Sophronia Mathilde Haywood
-DH: Jonas Rafael Harmon
--DD: Rosalind Ivy Harmon
--DS: Spencer Miles Harmon
--DS: Quentin Ambrose Harmon
--DD: Therese Alicia Harmon
DD: Octavia Clementine Haywood
-DH: Steven Raleigh Carter
--DD: Edwina Clementine Carter
--DS: Gregory Harris Carter
--DD: Stephanie Beryl Carter
--DD: Joanna Katharine Carter
DD: Rhea Annabelle Haywood
-DH: Maxwell Lincoln Alden
--DS: Scott Fletcher Alden
--DS: Nolan Jackson Alden
--DS: Lincoln Darwin Alden
DS: Adrian Dominick Haywood
-DF: Valeria Joy Morgan
--DS: Anton Morgan Haywood
The Cox Family
DH: Caleb Emerson Cox (69)
DW: Letitia Emeline [Mattison] Cox (66)
DS: Lucian Walker Cox "Luca" (43)
-DS: Dominic Hugo Cox (20)
--DGf: Elena Jacquelyn Dempsey (19)
-DD: Jacqueline Lauretta Cox (17)
-DW: Ivy Marieta Tilden-Cox (40)
-DS: Nolan Elliott Tilden-Cox (10)
-DD: Alicia Beryl Tilden-Cox (7)
-DD: Corrine Louella Tilden-Cox (5)
DD: Rita Mathilde [Cox] Carter (40)
-DH: Evan Bertram Carter (42)
-DS: Evan Bertram Carter, Jr. "Junior" (15)
-DS: Christian Elwin Carter "Chris" (13)
-DD: Marjory Louella Carter "Margie" (11)
DD: Donna Jeanne Upton-Cox (38)
-DW: Anastasia Blanch Upton-Cox "Ana" (41)
-ADS: Scott Ambrose Upton-Cox "Scottie" (9)
-ADS: Spencer Levi Upton-Cox (6)
-ADS: Riley Wilber Upton-Cox (3)
DD: Natalie Lorraine [Cox] Pryor "Nat" (35)
-DH: Valentine Sanford Pryor "Val" (37)
-DS: Spencer Morgan Pryor (13)
-DD: Monica Rosalind Pryor (10)
DS: Gabriel Alphonse Cox "Gabe" (33)
-DGf: Agatha Dorthy Reid "Aggie" (31)
-DD: Lucinda Madeleine Reid-Cox "Lucy" (10)
-DD: Marilynn Lorine Reid-Cox "Mary" (5)
DS: Caspar Bruno Cox "Cas" (31)
-exDGf: Eleanora Suzanne Burke "Ellie" (29)
-DFiancee: Stephanie Therese James (28)
-DD: James Evangeline Cox (nb)
DD: Cynthia Imogene [Cox] "Cindy" (23) [Berna's twin]
-DH: Mathew Gregory Webb "Matt" (25)
-DD: Elouise Rosalind Webb (2)
-DD: Philomena Maurine Webb (nb)
DD: Bernadette Mercedes Cox "Berna" (23) [Cindy's twin]
DH: Caleb Emerson Cox (69)
DW: Letitia Emeline [Mattison] Cox (66)
DS: Lucian Walker Cox "Luca" (43)
-DS: Dominic Hugo Cox (20)
--DGf: Elena Jacquelyn Dempsey (19)
-DD: Jacqueline Lauretta Cox (17)
-DW: Ivy Marieta Tilden-Cox (40)
-DS: Nolan Elliott Tilden-Cox (10)
-DD: Alicia Beryl Tilden-Cox (7)
-DD: Corrine Louella Tilden-Cox (5)
DD: Rita Mathilde [Cox] Carter (40)
-DH: Evan Bertram Carter (42)
-DS: Evan Bertram Carter, Jr. "Junior" (15)
-DS: Christian Elwin Carter "Chris" (13)
-DD: Marjory Louella Carter "Margie" (11)
DD: Donna Jeanne Upton-Cox (38)
-DW: Anastasia Blanch Upton-Cox "Ana" (41)
-ADS: Scott Ambrose Upton-Cox "Scottie" (9)
-ADS: Spencer Levi Upton-Cox (6)
-ADS: Riley Wilber Upton-Cox (3)
DD: Natalie Lorraine [Cox] Pryor "Nat" (35)
-DH: Valentine Sanford Pryor "Val" (37)
-DS: Spencer Morgan Pryor (13)
-DD: Monica Rosalind Pryor (10)
DS: Gabriel Alphonse Cox "Gabe" (33)
-DGf: Agatha Dorthy Reid "Aggie" (31)
-DD: Lucinda Madeleine Reid-Cox "Lucy" (10)
-DD: Marilynn Lorine Reid-Cox "Mary" (5)
DS: Caspar Bruno Cox "Cas" (31)
-exDGf: Eleanora Suzanne Burke "Ellie" (29)
-DFiancee: Stephanie Therese James (28)
-DD: James Evangeline Cox (nb)
DD: Cynthia Imogene [Cox] "Cindy" (23) [Berna's twin]
-DH: Mathew Gregory Webb "Matt" (25)
-DD: Elouise Rosalind Webb (2)
-DD: Philomena Maurine Webb (nb)
DD: Bernadette Mercedes Cox "Berna" (23) [Cindy's twin]
DH(79)- Michael Loren 'Mike' Turnquist
DW(77)- Jeanne Clarissa Turnquist (nee Brent)
DS(55)- Harris Reginald Turnquist
-DW(52)- Patricia Charity 'Patty' Turnquist (nee Hyland)
-DS(33)- Ashley Ronald Turnquist
--DW(29)- Delia Augusta Turnquist (nee Tilley)
--DS(6)- Spencer Rudy Turnquist
--DS(exp)- Jefferson Randall Turnquist
-DS(30)- Emmet Gabriel Turnquist
--DW(24)- Faith Harriette Turnquist (nee Jackson)
-DS(28)- Michael Wilbur Turnquist
--Dfiancee(25)- Carole Marianne Young
-DD(25)- Joyce Nelle 'Joy' Corbin (nee Turnquist)
--DH(29)- Linwood Gail Corbin
--DD(1)- Isabel Therese Corbin
-DD(20)- Minerva Julie Turnquist
DD(53)- Odessa Kathrine Holloway (nee Turnquist)
-DH(58)- Elridge Addison Holloway
-DD/DD(34)- Eulalia Marietta 'Eula' Winkowski (nee Holloway)
DW(77)- Jeanne Clarissa Turnquist (nee Brent)
DS(55)- Harris Reginald Turnquist
-DW(52)- Patricia Charity 'Patty' Turnquist (nee Hyland)
-DS(33)- Ashley Ronald Turnquist
--DW(29)- Delia Augusta Turnquist (nee Tilley)
--DS(6)- Spencer Rudy Turnquist
--DS(exp)- Jefferson Randall Turnquist
-DS(30)- Emmet Gabriel Turnquist
--DW(24)- Faith Harriette Turnquist (nee Jackson)
-DS(28)- Michael Wilbur Turnquist
--Dfiancee(25)- Carole Marianne Young
-DD(25)- Joyce Nelle 'Joy' Corbin (nee Turnquist)
--DH(29)- Linwood Gail Corbin
--DD(1)- Isabel Therese Corbin
-DD(20)- Minerva Julie Turnquist
DD(53)- Odessa Kathrine Holloway (nee Turnquist)
-DH(58)- Elridge Addison Holloway
-DD/DD(34)- Eulalia Marietta 'Eula' Winkowski (nee Holloway)
LN: Meyer
DH: Caleb Hugo
DW: Judith Rosanna
DS: Hamilton Jules
-DW: Bridget Patricia
--DD: Clementine Vada
--DD: Philomena Hope
--DS: Jefferson Milo
Clementine Vada
-DH: Spencer Miles
--DD: Ivy Anastasia
Philomena Hope
-DH: Ambrose Nolan
--DD: Alicia Faith
DD: Georgiana Eloise
-DH: Mason Rupert
--DD: Molly Agatha
--DS: Gabriel Truman
--DS: Theo Conrad
Molly Agatha
-DH: Evan Gregory
--DD: Louisa Clare
Gabriel Truman
-DW: Diana Elisabeth
--DD: Marianne Althea
DD: Aurelia Kathrine
-DH: Eric Lionel
--DS: Jonas Hugo
--DS: Parker Elias
--DD: Rosemary Ava
Jonas Hugo
-DW: Mathilda Eve
--DS: Ezra Benedict
Parker Elias
-DW: Joanna Beryl
--DS: Augustus Levi
DS: Wyatt Adrian
-DW: Amalia Jeanne
--DS: Dominic Isaiah
--DD: Susanna Chloe
--DD: Evangeline Bella
Dominic Isaiah
-DW: Elena Margery
--DS: Carson Ulysses
Susanna Chloe
-DH: Frederic Silas
--DD: Isabella Kate
DH: Caleb Hugo
DW: Judith Rosanna
DS: Hamilton Jules
-DW: Bridget Patricia
--DD: Clementine Vada
--DD: Philomena Hope
--DS: Jefferson Milo
Clementine Vada
-DH: Spencer Miles
--DD: Ivy Anastasia
Philomena Hope
-DH: Ambrose Nolan
--DD: Alicia Faith
DD: Georgiana Eloise
-DH: Mason Rupert
--DD: Molly Agatha
--DS: Gabriel Truman
--DS: Theo Conrad
Molly Agatha
-DH: Evan Gregory
--DD: Louisa Clare
Gabriel Truman
-DW: Diana Elisabeth
--DD: Marianne Althea
DD: Aurelia Kathrine
-DH: Eric Lionel
--DS: Jonas Hugo
--DS: Parker Elias
--DD: Rosemary Ava
Jonas Hugo
-DW: Mathilda Eve
--DS: Ezra Benedict
Parker Elias
-DW: Joanna Beryl
--DS: Augustus Levi
DS: Wyatt Adrian
-DW: Amalia Jeanne
--DS: Dominic Isaiah
--DD: Susanna Chloe
--DD: Evangeline Bella
Dominic Isaiah
-DW: Elena Margery
--DS: Carson Ulysses
Susanna Chloe
-DH: Frederic Silas
--DD: Isabella Kate
DH: Alford Haywood "Alfie" (55)
DW: Tempie Sophronia (53)
-DD: Lavinia Judith "Vinnie"(31)
--DH: Vance Noble (32)
---DS/DD: Spencer Hugo/Rosalind Beryl (7)
---DD: Madeleine James "Maddie" (4)
-DS: Early Carter (26)
--DW: Maudie Elisabeth "Lissy" (26)
---DD: Gussie Millicent "Milly" (4)
---DS: Fletcher Ulysses (3)
---DS: Quentin Booker (1)
-DD: Elise Clare (23)
DW: Tempie Sophronia (53)
-DD: Lavinia Judith "Vinnie"(31)
--DH: Vance Noble (32)
---DS/DD: Spencer Hugo/Rosalind Beryl (7)
---DD: Madeleine James "Maddie" (4)
-DS: Early Carter (26)
--DW: Maudie Elisabeth "Lissy" (26)
---DD: Gussie Millicent "Milly" (4)
---DS: Fletcher Ulysses (3)
---DS: Quentin Booker (1)
-DD: Elise Clare (23)
DH: Harris Walker (1857)
DW: Aurelia Luna (1860)
DS: Hugo Malcolm (1881)
-DW: Chloe Tina (1882)
-DS: Carter Jonas (1901)
-DS: Milo Elisha (1903)
-DD: Ava Elaine (1904)
-DS: Riley Ulysses (1907)
DD: India Emmie (1882)
-DH: Theo Hazel (1876)
-DD: Elisabeth Clare (1902)
-DS: Chauncey Phil (1903)
-DD: Rosemary Elinor (1904)
-DS/DS: Fletcher Christian and Lincoln Spencer (1906)
-DD: Anastasia Rosalind (1908)
DD: Mathilde Rosanna (1884)
-DH: Rafael Cyrus (1880)
-DS: Miles Benedict (1905)
-DD: Lulu Madeleine (1908)
-DS: Rudy Nikolas (1915)
DS: Taylor Urban (1886)
-DW: Winona Clementine (1890)
-DD: Ivy Elise (1913)
-DD: Delia Hallie (1917)
DD: Amalia Lorraine (1889)
-DH: Sammie Theron (1889)
-DS: Levi Booker (1918)
-DS: Rafael Buster (1919)
-DD/DD: Madeleine Isabella and Katharine Diana (1921)
DD: Molly Adela (1890)
-DH: Elias Ferdinand (1884)
-DD: Stephanie Elisabeth (1919)
-DS: Spencer Mathew (1920)
DD: Hope Lilla (1893)
-DH: Ambrose Sammy (1893)
-DD: Kate Birdie (1916)
-DD: Alicia Roxie (1918)
-DD: Elena Judy (1920)
-DD: Millicent Nona (1923)
Harry and Aurelia have Hugo, India and Tilly, Tay, Amalia, Molly and Hope.
Hugo and Chloe have Carter, Milo, Ava and Riley.
India and Theo have Lizzie, Chauncey and Romy, Fletcher, Lincoln and Ana.
Tilly and Rafael have Miles, Lulu and Rudy.
Tay and Winona have Ivy and Delia.
Amalia and Sammie have Levi, Rafael, Madeleine and Katharine.
Molly and Elias have Stephanie and Spencer.
Hope and Ambrose have Kate, Alicia, Elena and Millie.
DW: Aurelia Luna (1860)
DS: Hugo Malcolm (1881)
-DW: Chloe Tina (1882)
-DS: Carter Jonas (1901)
-DS: Milo Elisha (1903)
-DD: Ava Elaine (1904)
-DS: Riley Ulysses (1907)
DD: India Emmie (1882)
-DH: Theo Hazel (1876)
-DD: Elisabeth Clare (1902)
-DS: Chauncey Phil (1903)
-DD: Rosemary Elinor (1904)
-DS/DS: Fletcher Christian and Lincoln Spencer (1906)
-DD: Anastasia Rosalind (1908)
DD: Mathilde Rosanna (1884)
-DH: Rafael Cyrus (1880)
-DS: Miles Benedict (1905)
-DD: Lulu Madeleine (1908)
-DS: Rudy Nikolas (1915)
DS: Taylor Urban (1886)
-DW: Winona Clementine (1890)
-DD: Ivy Elise (1913)
-DD: Delia Hallie (1917)
DD: Amalia Lorraine (1889)
-DH: Sammie Theron (1889)
-DS: Levi Booker (1918)
-DS: Rafael Buster (1919)
-DD/DD: Madeleine Isabella and Katharine Diana (1921)
DD: Molly Adela (1890)
-DH: Elias Ferdinand (1884)
-DD: Stephanie Elisabeth (1919)
-DS: Spencer Mathew (1920)
DD: Hope Lilla (1893)
-DH: Ambrose Sammy (1893)
-DD: Kate Birdie (1916)
-DD: Alicia Roxie (1918)
-DD: Elena Judy (1920)
-DD: Millicent Nona (1923)
Harry and Aurelia have Hugo, India and Tilly, Tay, Amalia, Molly and Hope.
Hugo and Chloe have Carter, Milo, Ava and Riley.
India and Theo have Lizzie, Chauncey and Romy, Fletcher, Lincoln and Ana.
Tilly and Rafael have Miles, Lulu and Rudy.
Tay and Winona have Ivy and Delia.
Amalia and Sammie have Levi, Rafael, Madeleine and Katharine.
Molly and Elias have Stephanie and Spencer.
Hope and Ambrose have Kate, Alicia, Elena and Millie.