AudreyEllen's Congrats Round 6
Sorry for the long wait for this round. Anyways, feel free to request changes or developments at any time. I do take them into account.
LN: Hearn
SO: Vaughn Charles Hearn [59]
SO: Eleri Jane Hearn [52]
DS: Tadhg Cassander Hearn [27]
- - DW: Maret Grażyna Jelen [28]
- DD: Anu Síomha Jelen [2]
DS: Odhran Silas Hearn [23]
- - DGf:
ADD: Treasa Nefeli Hearn [21]
Location: Ireland
Odhran is out of college and living on his own for the first time. He decided to take a short to Paris a couple weeks ago, which has turned into an almost permanent situation as he met his new girlfriend there. She grew up in Spain, where her mother was from, and moved to France as a teen because her father wanted to be nearer to his family and where he grew up. Her first name is Spanish, her middle name is French and so is her last name.
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
ADD: Alexia Lupita May “Lexie”
- - DBf:
DS: James Gregory May “Jamie”
ADS: Lucas Rowan May
Location: New York, NY (but from Atlanta, Ga)
Round 4: Now that Ashton and Sarah’s kids are getting to be preteens, they decided it was a good time to adopt again. They recently brought home a baby boy from Nigeria whose birth name was Azubuike. Ashton and Sarah decided to keep his birth name as his middle name and gave him a traditional first name.
Round 5: Lexie, who will be starting high school this fall, is turning into quite the typical teen. She’s taken to spending most of her time at the mall shopping with her friends. Ashto and Sarah worry that she’s spending too much, but they did find it useful when she was able to furnish a whole nursery for her new sister with stuff she had bought. Ashton and Sarah adopted a baby girl locally and brought her home last week. The first name they gave her is your choice, and her middle name, her original name, is very trendy now.
Round 6: Lexie is just out of high school and she’s already moved in with her boyfriend of three years. Both of them have decided to forgo college for now, and are enjoying spending their free time together. Her boyfriend has a modern Spanish first name, a classic English middle name, and a Spanish last name.
LN: Miller
DH: Gabriel Joseph [46]
DW: Sydney Louisa [47]
DD: Kajsa Marie [28]
DS: Thorsten Gregor [25]
- - DW: [26]
ADD: Vanya Thomasina [21]
DS: Amadeo Ephraim [14]
ADD: Leonore "Lenny" Yaretzy [12]
Location: Seattle, Washington
After a whirlwind romance, Thorsten is now married to the love of his life. They met about a year ago in a chocolate shop and hit it off immediately, but forgot to exchange numbers and they started a search for each other. They were about to give up when they bumped into each other at a fourth of July parade. They were engaged the next month and married four months later. Thorsten’s wife has a popular first name and her middle name is the name of a month or season. Her last name is your choice.
LN: Beckett
DW: Noa Allison Beckett [37]
DH: Max Lee Beckett [38]
DS: Adam Devyn Beckett [11]
DD: Rochelle Marlee Beckett [10]
DD: Donna Kaylyn Beckett [7]
DS: Christopher Aiden Beckett [5]
DS: William Mason Beckett [4]
Location: Southern California
Noa and Max were surprised to find they were expecting twins this year. Now they are busy taking care of their newborn girls, two boys around five, an annoyed seven-year-old, and two preteens. Their friends think they’re crazy, but Noa and Max couldn’t be happier. They gave their daughters short names that aren’t very common and trendy middle names.
LN: Hawthorne
SO1: Edward Alexander Hawthorne
SO2: Rosabel Therese Norton
DS: Jasper Sebastian Hawthorne {Adrian’s twin}
DS: Adrian Leonidas Hawthorne {Jasper’s twin}
- - DGf: Tayla Jessica Barlow “Skye”
- DS:
DD: Cordelia Iris Hawthorne
DS: Henry Martin Hawthorne
DD: Rosalie Ione Hawthorne
Location: UK
Adrian and Skye were in for a surprise when they found out Skye was pregnant. Even though their relationship is far from stable, they decided to keep the baby and attempt to raise their son together. Skye insisted that the baby’s surname be Barlow, so Adrian kept Hawthorne as a first or middle name. The rest of the name is your choice.
LN: Milton
Location: Scotland
DH: [57] Thomas Armand Milton
DW: [54] Amy Jane Milton
DD3: [33] Erin Sheridan MacDonald
- - DH: [35] Fergus “Gus” Lawrence Gillespie
- DS: [3] Bruce Thomas Gillespie
- DD: [nb]
DD1: [22; twin to Annaliese] Harriet Ailsa Milton
DD2: [22; twin to Harriet] Annaliese Lorna Milton
- - DGf: [23] Elway Tua Waipa
Erin and Gus recently welcomed their second child, a daughter. They have really enjoyed being parents to Bruce and are looking forward to the future with their children. They decided to give their daughter a short and simple Scottish name. Her middle name should also be the name of a river
LN: Thompson
SO1: William Alexander “Wil”
SO2: Rebekah Faith “Bekah”
DD: Abigail Elizabeth “Abby”
DS: (formerly Eleanor Rose “Ellie”)
DD: Alexandra Hope “Lexy”
DS: Daniel Lawrence “Danny”
DS: Jacob Samuel “Jake”
Location: United States
Ellie has recently been struggling with her gender identity and she finally admitted to her family that she identifies as a boy. He plans to officially change his gender after a while, but for now he wants a new name that reflects how he really feels. He wants to keep his initials and choose recognizable, very masculine names.
LN: Barton
DW1: Margaret Ruth Barton [53] (born in England)
DW2: Colleen Rosalyn Barton [52] (born in NY, parents born in Ireland)
ADS: Tybalt Lucas Barton “Ty” [27]
- - DW: Izzy Johanna (Potter) Barton [26]
DD: Poppy Quinn Catriona Barton [26]
- - DF: [27]
DD: Tamsin Shea Ciara Barton [23]
DS: Patrick Harrison Finn Barton “Harry” [15]
Location: NYC
Ty and Izzy aren’t the only new relationship in the Barton family. Poppy is in a long term relationship with a man she met while working with the Peace Corps, and she just informed her family that he proposed. She said yes. Poppy’s fiancée is British and he has a first name that sounds old fashioned but is gaining in popularity in the UK. His middle and last names are your choice.
LN: McCluskey
- - Location: Portland, OR
DH: Anthony Scott McCluskey “Tony” [41]
DW: Christina Natalie [Geier] McCluskey [38]
- DD: Penelope Jennifer McCluskey “Penny” [24]
- - - DGf: [23]
- DS: Matthew Charles McCluskey “Matt” [19]
- DS: Thomas Stephen McCluskey “Tommy” [18]
- DD/DD: Cassandra Alice McCluskey “Cassie” / Catherine Lavender McCluskey “Katie” [13]
- DS: August Morton McCluskey “Gus” [10]
Penny came out to her family as gay a couple of years ago, and she recently introduced her girlfriend to them for the first time. She and her girlfriend met in college, where they were both majoring in business. Now, although they work in separate firms, neither of them particularly enjoy their jobs and they’ve been talking about maybe opening a business together. Penny’s girlfriend has an unusual, frilly first name and at least two middle names. Her last name is your choice.
LN: Bowen-Case
DW: Polly Llewella [55]
DW: Margaret Anna [57]
AD: Alis Eun Sang Bowen-Case [26; South Korea]
- - DF: Theo Jamie Duncan [25]
DD: Enid Clara Bowen-Case [22]
- - DBf: [22]
AS: Ieuan Pascual Bowen-Case [18; Mexico]
DD: Olwen Charlotte Bowen-Case [16]
Location: UK (Wales)
Enid was just finishing college and starting out in the workforce when she met her now boyfriend. She hadn’t meant to get romantically involved any time now, but she’s madly in love with him and thinks that he might be the One. He has an unusual biblical name and a short, almost filler, middle name. His last name is not common.
LN: Forsberg
DH: Carl Oscar Forsberg [43]
DW: Annika Lova Forsberg, née Jonsson [41]
DD: Ellinor Louisa Forsberg [19]
- - DBf: [19]
DS: Rasmus Theodor Forsberg [17]
DS/DD: Bo Edmund Forsberg & Kristina "Stina" Lottie Forsberg [15]
ADS: Jay Alfred Forsberg [13; India]
ADD: Sofía Leonora Forsberg [10; Guatemala]
Location: Umea, Sweden
Ellinor is just finishing up school and deciding whether or not she wants to go to college. Both her parents are encouraging her to further pursue her education, but she’s worried that her relationship with her long term boyfriend won’t last long distance, and she really believes that he’s the love of her life. Her boyfriend’s first, middle, and last names are all very Swedish.
LN: Petrova
DH: Stefan Aleksander Petrova [55]
DW: Viviana Antonia "Ana" Petrova, nee Scala [54]
DD: Nadia Ellery Petrova [27]
- - DH: Harrison Michael Graham [27]
- DD/DS: Lux Penelope Graham and Rex Kingston Graham [9]
- DS: Sebastian Hugo Graham [2]
- DD:
AD: Mila Evelyn Petrova [20]
Location: Seattle, WA
Nadia and Harrison were discussing their future a little while after Sebastian was born, and it turns out they both want a big family. They both think they’ve made a very good start and were ecstatic to welcome a newborn daughter this week. They gave her a short first name and a long middle name.
LN: Haynes
DH [54] Elliot Kieran Haynes
DW [54] Audrey Alyssa {Lloyd} Haynes
DS [26] Oscar Ian Haynes
- - DGf [24] Vera Joy Scott
DS [23] Nolan Alexander Haynes
- - DBf [23]
DD [21] Poppy Mikaela Haynes
DD [18] Piper Katharine Haynes
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Oscar and Vera decided to take their relationship slow while they settle down into careers, but Nolan and his new boyfriend have no such plans. They have known each other for a year, been together for nine months, been living together for five months, and been talking about marriage for two months. Everyone thinks they’re the perfect couple and Piper has offered to plan their honeymoon already. Nolan’s boyfriend has a word for his first name, an uncommon middle name, and a very typical surname.
H: Andrew Joel [50]
W: Rachel Vivian [50]
D: Anna Soleil [21]
- - Gf: [21]
AS: Gabriel Vitaliy [20]
S: Luke Raphael [17]
AD: Sarah Valentyna [17]
AD: Naomi Tipagya [11]
Location: Michigan, USA
Anna’s in college now, and, like a lot of kids her age, she’s been really questioning her identity. She came out as a lesbian to her parents and siblings recently, and was pleased to hear that they supported her anyways. Now she’s thinking about introducing her girlfriend to her family. Her girlfriend, a child of two English professors, has a name either from a notable literary character or from a prodigious author. Her middle name honors one of her grandparents (Dorothy Berenice, Cecil Glenn, Alberta Marguerite, and Darwin Robert).
LN: Cross
SO1: Jeffrey Phillip Cross
SO2: Gwendolen Abigail Cross
DS: Thomas Lee Cross
- DH: Murphy Konstantinos Xanthopoulos
- DS:
DD: Elinor Joy Cross
DD: Cosette Ivy Cross
DD: Josephine Lux Cross
Location: Seattle, WA
Elinor has yet to find the One, but she admires her brother and brother-in-law for doing so. She agreed to be a surrogate for them, and recently gave birth to their son. Both Thomas and Murphy are forever grateful to her and assured her that their son will know that she’s his mother and invited her to celebrate future holidays with them. Although Murphy was the biological father, they both decided to give their son the Cross last name. His first name is your choice and his middle name is Greek.
LN: Wyatt
SO1: Julian Anthony Wyatt
SO2: Sloane Dolores Wyatt
DS- Reid Bradley Wyatt
DD- Evangeline Campbell Wyatt
DD- Malloy Dylan Wyatt
DS- Parker Langdon Wyatt
DS- Sawyer Kiernan Wyatt
Location: San Diego, CA
Julian, who was adopted himself, has always wanted to adopt and now that Sloane is tired of pregnancies, she was the one who proposed they do it. They adopted a little girl locally who is now two and a year younger than their youngest, Sawyer. They kept her original first name (4 syllables long and dated) and gave her a surname middle name.
LN: Cochran
DH: Garrett Daniel Cochran
DW: Leah Jillian (Mobley) Cochran
DD: Zaylee Fleur Cochran
DS: Micaiah Welcome Cochran
DS: Alford Espoir Cochran
DS: Thayne Deliverance Cochran
DD: Charis Jolie Cochran
Location: Virginia, USA
Garrett and Leah planned to be done with kids after having seven, and after having twins (babies number six and seven) they’re definitely done! The twins were born slightly prematurely and had to stay in the hospital a little longer than the other kids had to. While in the hospital, Garrett and Leah got to thinking about their names. They originally planned on giving them unique names like their other kids, but in the end they decided to change it up and give them very unusual names that still have a lot of meaning and history and middle names that are uncommon virtues.
LN: Eriksson
DH: [54] Josef Alf
DW: [55] Sigrid Klara
DS: [26] Ralf Dagfinn
- - DF: [27] Beatrix Lia
DS: [24] Harald Sigurd
- - DGf: [23]
DS: [20] Elias Truls
ADS: [20; Nigeria] Isaiah Bosse
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Harald and Ralf seem to take after each other, both having become complete extroverts. Instead of taking Ralf’s approach and becoming a teacher, Harald decided to create another social networking site that acts as a sort of modern newspaper. He named the site Herald. Not only has the site brought in a lot of money, it also caused him to meet his girlfriend, an Australian journalist. She has an unusual name from mythology, a short classic middle name, and a common last name.
LN: Eaton
DH: Cyrus Christopher Eaton
DW: Matilda Willow (Leigh) Eaton
DS: Jack Dekel Eaton
DS: Samuel Ashley Eaton “Sam”
DD: Lea Rose Eaton
DS: Eli Sebastian Eaton
ADS: Kavi Alexander Eaton
Location: Anaheim, CA
Cyrus decided to have just one more biological child and adopt from now on. They love all their children and they love how excited they get about a new sibling. The older ones have been very helpful since their sister was born as well. Cyrus and Matilda decided on a short, nickname-y first name and a middle name related to nature.
DH: Samuel William [56]
DW: Adela Sinead [54]
DS: Leo Samuel [29]
- - DH: [29]
DD: Indie Adele [25]
- - DBf: [24]
DD: Arie Peppa [22]
DS: Jack Carter [20]
Round 5 Leo recently came out to his family as gay and introduced them to his boyfriend. His boyfriend is originally from Russia, but his family moved to Canada at around the time that Russia started to invade Ukraine. He and Leo met in high school, where they were just good friends and furthered their relationship when they started attending the same college. He has a very Russian first name, a patronymic middle name, and a Russian last name.
Round 6 Indie was stunned to find that she had been hired to be a fashion designer at one of the top high-end fashion companies last year. She has been enjoying her work there, especially now that she’s dating another new designer. The two are taking their relationship very slowly so far, but Indie’s heart soars every time she sees him. Her boyfriend has a Cornish first name (his mom is from Cornwall) and a very British middle name. His last name is also the last name of some British nobility.
LN: Sauveterre
SO1: Loïc Robert
SO2: Stéphanie Muriel
DD: Léontine Maela
- - DH:
DD: Éliane Rozenn
DS: Yannick Sébastien
DS: Clément Gaël
ADS: Emmanuel Corentin
Location: Rennes, France
Loïc and Stéphanie can’t believe that their oldest daughter is married! After meeting a German man while traveling through the country, Léontine decided to throw caution to the wayside take him up on the offer to stay with him. After dating for two years, they finally got engaged and then married. Her husband has an unusual but recognizable German first name, a German middle name with a meaning relating to nature, and a German surname.
LN: Meyer
DH: [51] Elliot Samuel Meyer
DW: [50] Eliza May {Washington} Meyer “Liza”
- DD: [25] Isabel Marguerite Meyer “Isa”
- - DBf: [25]
- - DD: [3] Madeleine Juniper Meyer
- - DBf’sDS: [2]
- DS: [20] Alexei Benjamin Meyer “Lex”
- DS: [16] Thiago Henry Meyer “Tio”
- DS: [13] Elijah Pierre Meyer “Eli”
Location: Portland, Oregon
Madeleine is a bit of a handful, but Isa’s thoroughly enjoying parenthood so far. Most of the men she meets aren’t ready to take on the responsibility of being a parent, so she wasn’t planning on dating, but she recently met a man who has a two year old son and understands what she’s going through. They’ve only been dating for a couple months, but the words “marriage” and “more children” have already made an appearance during several of their dates. Her boyfriend has an unusual first name that appeared in The Hunger Games, a classic middle name, and uncommon surname. His son has a name primarily used for a historical figure. He shares his father’s middle name and last name.
LN: Howell
DW: Niko Henna {Rinne}
DW: Enfys Aeron
DS: Artturi Otto
- - DW:
DD: Janna Rúna
DD: Anika Eija
DS: Lars Milo
DS: Kristoffer Aldo "Chris"
DD: Tilda Roza
Location: Wales
Artturi recently got married to the love of his life in a small ceremony in Antarctica of all places! They met while working together studying rock cores, and when Artturi finally found the courage to ask her out she accepted. They were married four months later. Artturi was sad that he couldn’t have his family at his wedding, but they really wanted to having their wedding in Antarctica because they met there and etc.. His wife’s first name is a type of bird, and she has a filler middle name.
Serel Channah
DW: Marnie Ayelet Wolf
DW: Simisola Abeni Afolayan
DD: Bethari Melati Afolayan-Wolf
- - DH:
- DS:
DD: Delia Beatriz Afolayan-Wolf
Location: Florida, USA
Round 3: Marnie and Simisola have loved playing with their daughters and helping them through growing up. Now they feel ready to take on another child, and are adopting a little girl from China. Her birth name, Mei Fen, is now her middle name, and her first name is your choice.
Round 4: Marnie and Simisola think their family just might be complete now that they’ve adopted their latest child, another daughter. They adopted locally again, and brought home a one-year-old girl a couple of weeks ago. Their older daughters love playing with her and trying to get her to take her first steps. Her first name is your choice, and her middle name, her original name, is Izara.
Round 5: Bethari and her boyfriend have been together for two years now, and are thinking about getting married once they finish high school. Both Marnie and Simisola are against them getting married this young, but they don’t want to do anything to tarnish their relationship with their oldest child, so they’re letting everything play out for now. Bethari’s boyfriend’s first, middle, and last name are Spanish. He goes by his middle name.
Round 6: Bethari and her boyfriend got married right after high school, much to their parent’s dismay. They are now proud and defiant parents to a baby boy. They wanted him to think his name was cool, so they picked a name of a hero for his first name and gave him a short Spanish middle name with a cool meaning.
LN: Alacardi
DH: Romeo Carmine Alacardi
DH: Merrill Leland [Tobin] Alacardi
DD: Eugenie Francesca Alacardi
DD: Aurora Sofia Alacardi
DD: Graciela Matilde Alacardi
DS: Pietro Vitale Alacardi
DS: Catequil Dario Alacardi
Location: New York, United States (But Romeo is first generation American. His parents are from Italy and he has plenty of family there.)
Romeo and Merrill adopted their last child, a newborn boy, locally. They gave him an entirely new name. His first name has a soft sound and begins with a vowel. His middle name is a longer Italian name.
LN: Gardner
DH: Oscar Quentin Gardner
DW: Jane Esmeralda (Adamson) Gardner
DS: Sheldon Emmanuel Gardner
DS: Spencer Maximilian Gardner
- - DGf:
DD: Sonia Miriam Gardner
DS: Otis Esmond Gardner
DS: Quintus Joel Gardner
Oscar and Jane have been eagerly anticipating meeting a significant other of one of their children ever since Sheldon graduated college. They’ve had to wait quite a while. Sheldon is now in his early thirties and has no plans to start focusing on any kind of relationship and Spencer has only just introduced his girlfriend to the family after they’ve been dating for two years. His girlfriend is from India She has a long Indian first name and an Indian surname. She doesn’t have a middle name.
LN: Sundin
DH: (59) Mattias Roger
DW: (58) Lily Elisabeth
DS: (31 twin to Joakim) Jesper Noel
- - DW: (30) Elena Isobel Sundin née Ramires
- DS: (nb)
DS: (31 twin to Jesper) Joakim Axel
DD: (25) Astrid Nina
- - DBf: (25) Geir Josef Amundsen
DS: (22) Victor Lars
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Jesper and Elena are settled into their jobs, are good financially, and recently moved into a four bedroom home not far from Jesper and Joakim’s shop. It’s the perfect time, they’ve decided, to have kids, and they are overjoyed to be expecting. They plan to give him a vintage English first name and two middle names—one Swedish and one Spanish.
LN: Hennig
-Seattle, Washington, USA-
DH: {48} Loren Terrence Hennig
DW: {45} Viola Gretchen {Posey} Hennig
DD: {18} Juliette Posey Hennig
- DBf: {19}
DS: {17} Gideon Terrence Hennig
DS: {13} Finnian Elliot Hennig
DS: {12} Cassius William Hennig
DD: {2} Seraphina Alice Hennig
Juliette and her boyfriend feel like they can bear anything their relationship throws at them after surviving a year apart. Her boyfriend, who is also from Seattle, is first generation American. His parents are from South Korea and they gave him a Korean middle name. His first name is English and it begins with D. His last name is Korean.
LN: Mackenzie
H: Arthur Peregrine Mackenzie
W: Lyra Edith [Jameson] Mackenzie
D: Florence Elowen Mackenzie ‘Flora’
- AD:
S/S: Edwin Oliver Mackenzie ‘Ned’ / August Felix Mackenzie ‘Gus’
D: Philippa Marigold Mackenzie ‘Pip’
S: Sidney Flynn Mackenzie ‘Sid'
D/D: Clementine Xanthe Mackenzie 'Clem' / Beatrix Primrose Mackenzie 'Bea'
Flora’s currently in her mid twenties working as a social worker. She was recently working with a four year old girl who was placed in foster care and struggling with abandonment issues. After a couple of families didn’t work for the girl, Flora talked to some officials and took her in herself. She loves having the girl as part of her family and already has plans to officially adopt her. Flora’s daughter has an unusual first name and Flora gave her a one syllable vintage middle name.
DW1: Lavinia Margot Dalloway
DW2: Hedda Bathsheba Rimes
DD: Prunella Vivien "Prue" Dalloway-Rimes
- - DH: Ludovic John Robespierre
- DS/DS:
DD: Cicely Agnes "Celie" Dalloway-Rimes
AD: Eulalia Seble "Lala" Dalloway-Rimes
AD: Richenza Io "Richy" Dalloway-Rimes
Prue and Ludovic welcomed identical twin boys a couple of days ago. They’re excited to be parents and although twins are “double trouble”, they know that they’re double love as well. They wanted their twins to have names with a similar feel but they decided to differentiate them by making one significantly longer than the other. Both names are extremely unusual despite having a lot of meaning and history. The middle names and last names are your choice.
LN: Hearn
SO: Vaughn Charles Hearn [59]
SO: Eleri Jane Hearn [52]
DS: Tadhg Cassander Hearn [27]
- - DW: Maret Grażyna Jelen [28]
- DD: Anu Síomha Jelen [2]
DS: Odhran Silas Hearn [23]
- - DGf:
ADD: Treasa Nefeli Hearn [21]
Location: Ireland
Odhran is out of college and living on his own for the first time. He decided to take a short to Paris a couple weeks ago, which has turned into an almost permanent situation as he met his new girlfriend there. She grew up in Spain, where her mother was from, and moved to France as a teen because her father wanted to be nearer to his family and where he grew up. Her first name is Spanish, her middle name is French and so is her last name.
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
ADD: Alexia Lupita May “Lexie”
- - DBf:
DS: James Gregory May “Jamie”
ADS: Lucas Rowan May
Location: New York, NY (but from Atlanta, Ga)
Round 4: Now that Ashton and Sarah’s kids are getting to be preteens, they decided it was a good time to adopt again. They recently brought home a baby boy from Nigeria whose birth name was Azubuike. Ashton and Sarah decided to keep his birth name as his middle name and gave him a traditional first name.
Round 5: Lexie, who will be starting high school this fall, is turning into quite the typical teen. She’s taken to spending most of her time at the mall shopping with her friends. Ashto and Sarah worry that she’s spending too much, but they did find it useful when she was able to furnish a whole nursery for her new sister with stuff she had bought. Ashton and Sarah adopted a baby girl locally and brought her home last week. The first name they gave her is your choice, and her middle name, her original name, is very trendy now.
Round 6: Lexie is just out of high school and she’s already moved in with her boyfriend of three years. Both of them have decided to forgo college for now, and are enjoying spending their free time together. Her boyfriend has a modern Spanish first name, a classic English middle name, and a Spanish last name.
LN: Miller
DH: Gabriel Joseph [46]
DW: Sydney Louisa [47]
DD: Kajsa Marie [28]
DS: Thorsten Gregor [25]
- - DW: [26]
ADD: Vanya Thomasina [21]
DS: Amadeo Ephraim [14]
ADD: Leonore "Lenny" Yaretzy [12]
Location: Seattle, Washington
After a whirlwind romance, Thorsten is now married to the love of his life. They met about a year ago in a chocolate shop and hit it off immediately, but forgot to exchange numbers and they started a search for each other. They were about to give up when they bumped into each other at a fourth of July parade. They were engaged the next month and married four months later. Thorsten’s wife has a popular first name and her middle name is the name of a month or season. Her last name is your choice.
LN: Beckett
DW: Noa Allison Beckett [37]
DH: Max Lee Beckett [38]
DS: Adam Devyn Beckett [11]
DD: Rochelle Marlee Beckett [10]
DD: Donna Kaylyn Beckett [7]
DS: Christopher Aiden Beckett [5]
DS: William Mason Beckett [4]
Location: Southern California
Noa and Max were surprised to find they were expecting twins this year. Now they are busy taking care of their newborn girls, two boys around five, an annoyed seven-year-old, and two preteens. Their friends think they’re crazy, but Noa and Max couldn’t be happier. They gave their daughters short names that aren’t very common and trendy middle names.
LN: Hawthorne
SO1: Edward Alexander Hawthorne
SO2: Rosabel Therese Norton
DS: Jasper Sebastian Hawthorne {Adrian’s twin}
DS: Adrian Leonidas Hawthorne {Jasper’s twin}
- - DGf: Tayla Jessica Barlow “Skye”
- DS:
DD: Cordelia Iris Hawthorne
DS: Henry Martin Hawthorne
DD: Rosalie Ione Hawthorne
Location: UK
Adrian and Skye were in for a surprise when they found out Skye was pregnant. Even though their relationship is far from stable, they decided to keep the baby and attempt to raise their son together. Skye insisted that the baby’s surname be Barlow, so Adrian kept Hawthorne as a first or middle name. The rest of the name is your choice.
LN: Milton
Location: Scotland
DH: [57] Thomas Armand Milton
DW: [54] Amy Jane Milton
DD3: [33] Erin Sheridan MacDonald
- - DH: [35] Fergus “Gus” Lawrence Gillespie
- DS: [3] Bruce Thomas Gillespie
- DD: [nb]
DD1: [22; twin to Annaliese] Harriet Ailsa Milton
DD2: [22; twin to Harriet] Annaliese Lorna Milton
- - DGf: [23] Elway Tua Waipa
Erin and Gus recently welcomed their second child, a daughter. They have really enjoyed being parents to Bruce and are looking forward to the future with their children. They decided to give their daughter a short and simple Scottish name. Her middle name should also be the name of a river
LN: Thompson
SO1: William Alexander “Wil”
SO2: Rebekah Faith “Bekah”
DD: Abigail Elizabeth “Abby”
DS: (formerly Eleanor Rose “Ellie”)
DD: Alexandra Hope “Lexy”
DS: Daniel Lawrence “Danny”
DS: Jacob Samuel “Jake”
Location: United States
Ellie has recently been struggling with her gender identity and she finally admitted to her family that she identifies as a boy. He plans to officially change his gender after a while, but for now he wants a new name that reflects how he really feels. He wants to keep his initials and choose recognizable, very masculine names.
LN: Barton
DW1: Margaret Ruth Barton [53] (born in England)
DW2: Colleen Rosalyn Barton [52] (born in NY, parents born in Ireland)
ADS: Tybalt Lucas Barton “Ty” [27]
- - DW: Izzy Johanna (Potter) Barton [26]
DD: Poppy Quinn Catriona Barton [26]
- - DF: [27]
DD: Tamsin Shea Ciara Barton [23]
DS: Patrick Harrison Finn Barton “Harry” [15]
Location: NYC
Ty and Izzy aren’t the only new relationship in the Barton family. Poppy is in a long term relationship with a man she met while working with the Peace Corps, and she just informed her family that he proposed. She said yes. Poppy’s fiancée is British and he has a first name that sounds old fashioned but is gaining in popularity in the UK. His middle and last names are your choice.
LN: McCluskey
- - Location: Portland, OR
DH: Anthony Scott McCluskey “Tony” [41]
DW: Christina Natalie [Geier] McCluskey [38]
- DD: Penelope Jennifer McCluskey “Penny” [24]
- - - DGf: [23]
- DS: Matthew Charles McCluskey “Matt” [19]
- DS: Thomas Stephen McCluskey “Tommy” [18]
- DD/DD: Cassandra Alice McCluskey “Cassie” / Catherine Lavender McCluskey “Katie” [13]
- DS: August Morton McCluskey “Gus” [10]
Penny came out to her family as gay a couple of years ago, and she recently introduced her girlfriend to them for the first time. She and her girlfriend met in college, where they were both majoring in business. Now, although they work in separate firms, neither of them particularly enjoy their jobs and they’ve been talking about maybe opening a business together. Penny’s girlfriend has an unusual, frilly first name and at least two middle names. Her last name is your choice.
LN: Bowen-Case
DW: Polly Llewella [55]
DW: Margaret Anna [57]
AD: Alis Eun Sang Bowen-Case [26; South Korea]
- - DF: Theo Jamie Duncan [25]
DD: Enid Clara Bowen-Case [22]
- - DBf: [22]
AS: Ieuan Pascual Bowen-Case [18; Mexico]
DD: Olwen Charlotte Bowen-Case [16]
Location: UK (Wales)
Enid was just finishing college and starting out in the workforce when she met her now boyfriend. She hadn’t meant to get romantically involved any time now, but she’s madly in love with him and thinks that he might be the One. He has an unusual biblical name and a short, almost filler, middle name. His last name is not common.
LN: Forsberg
DH: Carl Oscar Forsberg [43]
DW: Annika Lova Forsberg, née Jonsson [41]
DD: Ellinor Louisa Forsberg [19]
- - DBf: [19]
DS: Rasmus Theodor Forsberg [17]
DS/DD: Bo Edmund Forsberg & Kristina "Stina" Lottie Forsberg [15]
ADS: Jay Alfred Forsberg [13; India]
ADD: Sofía Leonora Forsberg [10; Guatemala]
Location: Umea, Sweden
Ellinor is just finishing up school and deciding whether or not she wants to go to college. Both her parents are encouraging her to further pursue her education, but she’s worried that her relationship with her long term boyfriend won’t last long distance, and she really believes that he’s the love of her life. Her boyfriend’s first, middle, and last names are all very Swedish.
LN: Petrova
DH: Stefan Aleksander Petrova [55]
DW: Viviana Antonia "Ana" Petrova, nee Scala [54]
DD: Nadia Ellery Petrova [27]
- - DH: Harrison Michael Graham [27]
- DD/DS: Lux Penelope Graham and Rex Kingston Graham [9]
- DS: Sebastian Hugo Graham [2]
- DD:
AD: Mila Evelyn Petrova [20]
Location: Seattle, WA
Nadia and Harrison were discussing their future a little while after Sebastian was born, and it turns out they both want a big family. They both think they’ve made a very good start and were ecstatic to welcome a newborn daughter this week. They gave her a short first name and a long middle name.
LN: Haynes
DH [54] Elliot Kieran Haynes
DW [54] Audrey Alyssa {Lloyd} Haynes
DS [26] Oscar Ian Haynes
- - DGf [24] Vera Joy Scott
DS [23] Nolan Alexander Haynes
- - DBf [23]
DD [21] Poppy Mikaela Haynes
DD [18] Piper Katharine Haynes
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Oscar and Vera decided to take their relationship slow while they settle down into careers, but Nolan and his new boyfriend have no such plans. They have known each other for a year, been together for nine months, been living together for five months, and been talking about marriage for two months. Everyone thinks they’re the perfect couple and Piper has offered to plan their honeymoon already. Nolan’s boyfriend has a word for his first name, an uncommon middle name, and a very typical surname.
H: Andrew Joel [50]
W: Rachel Vivian [50]
D: Anna Soleil [21]
- - Gf: [21]
AS: Gabriel Vitaliy [20]
S: Luke Raphael [17]
AD: Sarah Valentyna [17]
AD: Naomi Tipagya [11]
Location: Michigan, USA
Anna’s in college now, and, like a lot of kids her age, she’s been really questioning her identity. She came out as a lesbian to her parents and siblings recently, and was pleased to hear that they supported her anyways. Now she’s thinking about introducing her girlfriend to her family. Her girlfriend, a child of two English professors, has a name either from a notable literary character or from a prodigious author. Her middle name honors one of her grandparents (Dorothy Berenice, Cecil Glenn, Alberta Marguerite, and Darwin Robert).
LN: Cross
SO1: Jeffrey Phillip Cross
SO2: Gwendolen Abigail Cross
DS: Thomas Lee Cross
- DH: Murphy Konstantinos Xanthopoulos
- DS:
DD: Elinor Joy Cross
DD: Cosette Ivy Cross
DD: Josephine Lux Cross
Location: Seattle, WA
Elinor has yet to find the One, but she admires her brother and brother-in-law for doing so. She agreed to be a surrogate for them, and recently gave birth to their son. Both Thomas and Murphy are forever grateful to her and assured her that their son will know that she’s his mother and invited her to celebrate future holidays with them. Although Murphy was the biological father, they both decided to give their son the Cross last name. His first name is your choice and his middle name is Greek.
LN: Wyatt
SO1: Julian Anthony Wyatt
SO2: Sloane Dolores Wyatt
DS- Reid Bradley Wyatt
DD- Evangeline Campbell Wyatt
DD- Malloy Dylan Wyatt
DS- Parker Langdon Wyatt
DS- Sawyer Kiernan Wyatt
Location: San Diego, CA
Julian, who was adopted himself, has always wanted to adopt and now that Sloane is tired of pregnancies, she was the one who proposed they do it. They adopted a little girl locally who is now two and a year younger than their youngest, Sawyer. They kept her original first name (4 syllables long and dated) and gave her a surname middle name.
LN: Cochran
DH: Garrett Daniel Cochran
DW: Leah Jillian (Mobley) Cochran
DD: Zaylee Fleur Cochran
DS: Micaiah Welcome Cochran
DS: Alford Espoir Cochran
DS: Thayne Deliverance Cochran
DD: Charis Jolie Cochran
Location: Virginia, USA
Garrett and Leah planned to be done with kids after having seven, and after having twins (babies number six and seven) they’re definitely done! The twins were born slightly prematurely and had to stay in the hospital a little longer than the other kids had to. While in the hospital, Garrett and Leah got to thinking about their names. They originally planned on giving them unique names like their other kids, but in the end they decided to change it up and give them very unusual names that still have a lot of meaning and history and middle names that are uncommon virtues.
LN: Eriksson
DH: [54] Josef Alf
DW: [55] Sigrid Klara
DS: [26] Ralf Dagfinn
- - DF: [27] Beatrix Lia
DS: [24] Harald Sigurd
- - DGf: [23]
DS: [20] Elias Truls
ADS: [20; Nigeria] Isaiah Bosse
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Harald and Ralf seem to take after each other, both having become complete extroverts. Instead of taking Ralf’s approach and becoming a teacher, Harald decided to create another social networking site that acts as a sort of modern newspaper. He named the site Herald. Not only has the site brought in a lot of money, it also caused him to meet his girlfriend, an Australian journalist. She has an unusual name from mythology, a short classic middle name, and a common last name.
LN: Eaton
DH: Cyrus Christopher Eaton
DW: Matilda Willow (Leigh) Eaton
DS: Jack Dekel Eaton
DS: Samuel Ashley Eaton “Sam”
DD: Lea Rose Eaton
DS: Eli Sebastian Eaton
ADS: Kavi Alexander Eaton
Location: Anaheim, CA
Cyrus decided to have just one more biological child and adopt from now on. They love all their children and they love how excited they get about a new sibling. The older ones have been very helpful since their sister was born as well. Cyrus and Matilda decided on a short, nickname-y first name and a middle name related to nature.
DH: Samuel William [56]
DW: Adela Sinead [54]
DS: Leo Samuel [29]
- - DH: [29]
DD: Indie Adele [25]
- - DBf: [24]
DD: Arie Peppa [22]
DS: Jack Carter [20]
Round 5 Leo recently came out to his family as gay and introduced them to his boyfriend. His boyfriend is originally from Russia, but his family moved to Canada at around the time that Russia started to invade Ukraine. He and Leo met in high school, where they were just good friends and furthered their relationship when they started attending the same college. He has a very Russian first name, a patronymic middle name, and a Russian last name.
Round 6 Indie was stunned to find that she had been hired to be a fashion designer at one of the top high-end fashion companies last year. She has been enjoying her work there, especially now that she’s dating another new designer. The two are taking their relationship very slowly so far, but Indie’s heart soars every time she sees him. Her boyfriend has a Cornish first name (his mom is from Cornwall) and a very British middle name. His last name is also the last name of some British nobility.
LN: Sauveterre
SO1: Loïc Robert
SO2: Stéphanie Muriel
DD: Léontine Maela
- - DH:
DD: Éliane Rozenn
DS: Yannick Sébastien
DS: Clément Gaël
ADS: Emmanuel Corentin
Location: Rennes, France
Loïc and Stéphanie can’t believe that their oldest daughter is married! After meeting a German man while traveling through the country, Léontine decided to throw caution to the wayside take him up on the offer to stay with him. After dating for two years, they finally got engaged and then married. Her husband has an unusual but recognizable German first name, a German middle name with a meaning relating to nature, and a German surname.
LN: Meyer
DH: [51] Elliot Samuel Meyer
DW: [50] Eliza May {Washington} Meyer “Liza”
- DD: [25] Isabel Marguerite Meyer “Isa”
- - DBf: [25]
- - DD: [3] Madeleine Juniper Meyer
- - DBf’sDS: [2]
- DS: [20] Alexei Benjamin Meyer “Lex”
- DS: [16] Thiago Henry Meyer “Tio”
- DS: [13] Elijah Pierre Meyer “Eli”
Location: Portland, Oregon
Madeleine is a bit of a handful, but Isa’s thoroughly enjoying parenthood so far. Most of the men she meets aren’t ready to take on the responsibility of being a parent, so she wasn’t planning on dating, but she recently met a man who has a two year old son and understands what she’s going through. They’ve only been dating for a couple months, but the words “marriage” and “more children” have already made an appearance during several of their dates. Her boyfriend has an unusual first name that appeared in The Hunger Games, a classic middle name, and uncommon surname. His son has a name primarily used for a historical figure. He shares his father’s middle name and last name.
LN: Howell
DW: Niko Henna {Rinne}
DW: Enfys Aeron
DS: Artturi Otto
- - DW:
DD: Janna Rúna
DD: Anika Eija
DS: Lars Milo
DS: Kristoffer Aldo "Chris"
DD: Tilda Roza
Location: Wales
Artturi recently got married to the love of his life in a small ceremony in Antarctica of all places! They met while working together studying rock cores, and when Artturi finally found the courage to ask her out she accepted. They were married four months later. Artturi was sad that he couldn’t have his family at his wedding, but they really wanted to having their wedding in Antarctica because they met there and etc.. His wife’s first name is a type of bird, and she has a filler middle name.
Serel Channah
DW: Marnie Ayelet Wolf
DW: Simisola Abeni Afolayan
DD: Bethari Melati Afolayan-Wolf
- - DH:
- DS:
DD: Delia Beatriz Afolayan-Wolf
Location: Florida, USA
Round 3: Marnie and Simisola have loved playing with their daughters and helping them through growing up. Now they feel ready to take on another child, and are adopting a little girl from China. Her birth name, Mei Fen, is now her middle name, and her first name is your choice.
Round 4: Marnie and Simisola think their family just might be complete now that they’ve adopted their latest child, another daughter. They adopted locally again, and brought home a one-year-old girl a couple of weeks ago. Their older daughters love playing with her and trying to get her to take her first steps. Her first name is your choice, and her middle name, her original name, is Izara.
Round 5: Bethari and her boyfriend have been together for two years now, and are thinking about getting married once they finish high school. Both Marnie and Simisola are against them getting married this young, but they don’t want to do anything to tarnish their relationship with their oldest child, so they’re letting everything play out for now. Bethari’s boyfriend’s first, middle, and last name are Spanish. He goes by his middle name.
Round 6: Bethari and her boyfriend got married right after high school, much to their parent’s dismay. They are now proud and defiant parents to a baby boy. They wanted him to think his name was cool, so they picked a name of a hero for his first name and gave him a short Spanish middle name with a cool meaning.
LN: Alacardi
DH: Romeo Carmine Alacardi
DH: Merrill Leland [Tobin] Alacardi
DD: Eugenie Francesca Alacardi
DD: Aurora Sofia Alacardi
DD: Graciela Matilde Alacardi
DS: Pietro Vitale Alacardi
DS: Catequil Dario Alacardi
Location: New York, United States (But Romeo is first generation American. His parents are from Italy and he has plenty of family there.)
Romeo and Merrill adopted their last child, a newborn boy, locally. They gave him an entirely new name. His first name has a soft sound and begins with a vowel. His middle name is a longer Italian name.
LN: Gardner
DH: Oscar Quentin Gardner
DW: Jane Esmeralda (Adamson) Gardner
DS: Sheldon Emmanuel Gardner
DS: Spencer Maximilian Gardner
- - DGf:
DD: Sonia Miriam Gardner
DS: Otis Esmond Gardner
DS: Quintus Joel Gardner
Oscar and Jane have been eagerly anticipating meeting a significant other of one of their children ever since Sheldon graduated college. They’ve had to wait quite a while. Sheldon is now in his early thirties and has no plans to start focusing on any kind of relationship and Spencer has only just introduced his girlfriend to the family after they’ve been dating for two years. His girlfriend is from India She has a long Indian first name and an Indian surname. She doesn’t have a middle name.
LN: Sundin
DH: (59) Mattias Roger
DW: (58) Lily Elisabeth
DS: (31 twin to Joakim) Jesper Noel
- - DW: (30) Elena Isobel Sundin née Ramires
- DS: (nb)
DS: (31 twin to Jesper) Joakim Axel
DD: (25) Astrid Nina
- - DBf: (25) Geir Josef Amundsen
DS: (22) Victor Lars
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Jesper and Elena are settled into their jobs, are good financially, and recently moved into a four bedroom home not far from Jesper and Joakim’s shop. It’s the perfect time, they’ve decided, to have kids, and they are overjoyed to be expecting. They plan to give him a vintage English first name and two middle names—one Swedish and one Spanish.
LN: Hennig
-Seattle, Washington, USA-
DH: {48} Loren Terrence Hennig
DW: {45} Viola Gretchen {Posey} Hennig
DD: {18} Juliette Posey Hennig
- DBf: {19}
DS: {17} Gideon Terrence Hennig
DS: {13} Finnian Elliot Hennig
DS: {12} Cassius William Hennig
DD: {2} Seraphina Alice Hennig
Juliette and her boyfriend feel like they can bear anything their relationship throws at them after surviving a year apart. Her boyfriend, who is also from Seattle, is first generation American. His parents are from South Korea and they gave him a Korean middle name. His first name is English and it begins with D. His last name is Korean.
LN: Mackenzie
H: Arthur Peregrine Mackenzie
W: Lyra Edith [Jameson] Mackenzie
D: Florence Elowen Mackenzie ‘Flora’
- AD:
S/S: Edwin Oliver Mackenzie ‘Ned’ / August Felix Mackenzie ‘Gus’
D: Philippa Marigold Mackenzie ‘Pip’
S: Sidney Flynn Mackenzie ‘Sid'
D/D: Clementine Xanthe Mackenzie 'Clem' / Beatrix Primrose Mackenzie 'Bea'
Flora’s currently in her mid twenties working as a social worker. She was recently working with a four year old girl who was placed in foster care and struggling with abandonment issues. After a couple of families didn’t work for the girl, Flora talked to some officials and took her in herself. She loves having the girl as part of her family and already has plans to officially adopt her. Flora’s daughter has an unusual first name and Flora gave her a one syllable vintage middle name.
DW1: Lavinia Margot Dalloway
DW2: Hedda Bathsheba Rimes
DD: Prunella Vivien "Prue" Dalloway-Rimes
- - DH: Ludovic John Robespierre
- DS/DS:
DD: Cicely Agnes "Celie" Dalloway-Rimes
AD: Eulalia Seble "Lala" Dalloway-Rimes
AD: Richenza Io "Richy" Dalloway-Rimes
Prue and Ludovic welcomed identical twin boys a couple of days ago. They’re excited to be parents and although twins are “double trouble”, they know that they’re double love as well. They wanted their twins to have names with a similar feel but they decided to differentiate them by making one significantly longer than the other. Both names are extremely unusual despite having a lot of meaning and history. The middle names and last names are your choice.
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
ADD: Alexia Lupita May “Lexie”
--Dbf: Carlos David Valdez
DS: James Gregory May “Jamie”
ADS: Lucas Rowan May
ADS: Robin Azubuike May
ADD: Madeleine Sophia May
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
ADD: Alexia Lupita May “Lexie”
--Dbf: Carlos David Valdez
DS: James Gregory May “Jamie”
ADS: Lucas Rowan May
ADS: Robin Azubuike May
ADD: Madeleine Sophia May
The Alacardi Family -6
LN: Alacardi
DH: Romeo Carmine Alacardi
DH: Merrill Leland [Tobin] Alacardi
DD: Eugenie Francesca Alacardi
DD: Aurora Sofia Alacardi
DD: Graciela Matilde Alacardi
DS: Pietro Vitale Alacardi
DS: Catequil Dario Alacardi
DS: Idris Anastaasio Alacardi

LN: Alacardi
DH: Romeo Carmine Alacardi
DH: Merrill Leland [Tobin] Alacardi
DD: Eugenie Francesca Alacardi
DD: Aurora Sofia Alacardi
DD: Graciela Matilde Alacardi
DS: Pietro Vitale Alacardi
DS: Catequil Dario Alacardi
DS: Idris Anastaasio Alacardi

LN: Petrova
DH: Stefan Aleksander Petrova [55]
DW: Viviana Antonia "Ana" Petrova, nee Scala [54]
DD: Nadia Ellery Petrova [27]
- - DH: Harrison Michael Graham [27]
- DD/DS: Lux Penelope Graham and Rex Kingston Graham [9]
- DS: Sebastian Hugo Graham [2]
- DD: Ivy Rosaline Graham [nb]
AD: Mila Evelyn Petrova [20]
Location: Seattle, WA
LN: Petrova
DH: Stefan Aleksander Petrova [55]
DW: Viviana Antonia "Ana" Petrova, nee Scala [54]
DD: Nadia Ellery Petrova [27]
- - DH: Harrison Michael Graham [27]
- DD/DS: Lux Penelope Graham and Rex Kingston Graham [9]
- DS: Sebastian Hugo Graham [2]
- DD: Ivy Rosaline Graham [nb]
AD: Mila Evelyn Petrova [20]
Location: Seattle, WA
Sorry I haven't been playing! I just moved so I've been busy.
Note: I added nicknames to my family.
Serel Channah
DW: Marnie Ayelet Wolf
DW: Simisola Abeni Afolayan "Simi"
DD: Bethari Melati [Afolayan-Wolf] Rodriguez "Beth"
- - DH: Josemaria Felix Rodriguez "Felix"
- DS: Jarvis Vasco Rodriguez
DD: Delia Beatriz Afolayan-Wolf
DD: Jia Mei-Fen Afolayan-Wolf
DD: Katharine Izara Afolayan-Wolf "Kate"
Location: Florida, USA
Note: I added nicknames to my family.
Serel Channah
DW: Marnie Ayelet Wolf
DW: Simisola Abeni Afolayan "Simi"
DD: Bethari Melati [Afolayan-Wolf] Rodriguez "Beth"
- - DH: Josemaria Felix Rodriguez "Felix"
- DS: Jarvis Vasco Rodriguez
DD: Delia Beatriz Afolayan-Wolf
DD: Jia Mei-Fen Afolayan-Wolf
DD: Katharine Izara Afolayan-Wolf "Kate"
Location: Florida, USA
LN: Hearn
SO: Vaughn Charles Hearn [59]
SO: Eleri Jane Hearn [52]
DS: Tadhg Cassander Hearn [27]
- - DW: Maret Grażyna Jelen [28]
- DD: Anu Síomha Jelen [2]
DS: Odhran Silas Hearn [23]
- - DGf: Rufina Éliane Lemaire [23]
ADD: Treasa Nefeli Hearn [21]
Location: Ireland
LN: Hearn
SO: Vaughn Charles Hearn [59]
SO: Eleri Jane Hearn [52]
DS: Tadhg Cassander Hearn [27]
- - DW: Maret Grażyna Jelen [28]
- DD: Anu Síomha Jelen [2]
DS: Odhran Silas Hearn [23]
- - DGf: Rufina Éliane Lemaire [23]
ADD: Treasa Nefeli Hearn [21]
Location: Ireland
LN: Miller
DH: Gabriel Joseph Miller [46]
DW: Sydney Louisa Miller [47]
DD: Kajsa Marie Miller [28]
DS: Thorsten Gregor Miller [25]
- - DW: Emily June Holiday [26]
ADD: Vanya Thomasina Miller [21]
DS: Amadeo Ephraim Miller [14]
ADD: Leonore "Lenny" Yaretzy Miller [12]
Location: Seattle, Washington
LN: Miller
DH: Gabriel Joseph Miller [46]
DW: Sydney Louisa Miller [47]
DD: Kajsa Marie Miller [28]
DS: Thorsten Gregor Miller [25]
- - DW: Emily June Holiday [26]
ADD: Vanya Thomasina Miller [21]
DS: Amadeo Ephraim Miller [14]
ADD: Leonore "Lenny" Yaretzy Miller [12]
Location: Seattle, Washington
LN: Cochran
DH: Garrett Daniel Cochran
DW: Leah Jillian (Mobley) Cochran
DD: Zaylee Fleur Cochran
DS: Micaiah Welcome Cochran
DS: Alford Espoir Cochran
DS: Thayne Deliverance Cochran
DD: Charis Jolie Cochran
DD/DD: Delyth Peace Cochran / Dasia Promise Cochran
Location: Virginia, USA
LN: Cochran
DH: Garrett Daniel Cochran
DW: Leah Jillian (Mobley) Cochran
DD: Zaylee Fleur Cochran
DS: Micaiah Welcome Cochran
DS: Alford Espoir Cochran
DS: Thayne Deliverance Cochran
DD: Charis Jolie Cochran
DD/DD: Delyth Peace Cochran / Dasia Promise Cochran
Location: Virginia, USA
The Beckett Family - Round 6
LN: Beckett
DW: Noa Allison Beckett [37]
SO: Max Lee Beckett [38]
DS: Adam Devyn Beckett [11]
DD: Rochelle Marlee Beckett [10]
DD: Donna Kaylyn Beckett [7]
DS: Christopher Aiden Beckett [5]
DS: William Mason Beckett [4]
DD/DD: Glory Olivya Beckett/ Aviva Gracelynn Beckett
Location: Southern California
Could I have some adopteds soon? I'd really like to have some fun naming them! And I don't want to sound rude, but could you please stop changing the "SO" next to Max's name to "DH"?
LN: Beckett
DW: Noa Allison Beckett [37]
SO: Max Lee Beckett [38]
DS: Adam Devyn Beckett [11]
DD: Rochelle Marlee Beckett [10]
DD: Donna Kaylyn Beckett [7]
DS: Christopher Aiden Beckett [5]
DS: William Mason Beckett [4]
DD/DD: Glory Olivya Beckett/ Aviva Gracelynn Beckett
Location: Southern California
Could I have some adopteds soon? I'd really like to have some fun naming them! And I don't want to sound rude, but could you please stop changing the "SO" next to Max's name to "DH"?
Sorry about that. I do these on a separate pages document and I must have changed SO to DH on that in the first rounds and didn't notice that you wanted it as SO. Again, sorry. I'll fix it now.
It's okay, it was just bugging me. Thank you!
LN: Haynes
DH [54] Elliot Kieran Haynes
DW [54] Audrey Alyssa {Lloyd} Haynes
DS [26] Oscar Ian Haynes
- - DGf [24] Vera Joy Scott
DS [23] Nolan Alexander Haynes
- - DBf [23] Scout Ulysses Sinclair
DD [21] Poppy Mikaela Haynes
DD [18] Piper Katharine Haynes
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
LN: Haynes
DH [54] Elliot Kieran Haynes
DW [54] Audrey Alyssa {Lloyd} Haynes
DS [26] Oscar Ian Haynes
- - DGf [24] Vera Joy Scott
DS [23] Nolan Alexander Haynes
- - DBf [23] Scout Ulysses Sinclair
DD [21] Poppy Mikaela Haynes
DD [18] Piper Katharine Haynes
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
DW1: Lavinia Margot Dalloway
DW2: Hedda Bathsheba Rimes
DD: Prunella Vivien "Prue" Dalloway-Rimes
- - DH: Ludovic John Robespierre
- DS/DS: Oswy Anselm Robespierre / Baudouin Cyril Robespierre
DD: Cicely Agnes "Celie" Dalloway-Rimes
AD: Eulalia Seble "Lala" Dalloway-Rimes
AD: Richenza Io "Richy" Dalloway-Rimes
DW1: Lavinia Margot Dalloway
DW2: Hedda Bathsheba Rimes
DD: Prunella Vivien "Prue" Dalloway-Rimes
- - DH: Ludovic John Robespierre
- DS/DS: Oswy Anselm Robespierre / Baudouin Cyril Robespierre
DD: Cicely Agnes "Celie" Dalloway-Rimes
AD: Eulalia Seble "Lala" Dalloway-Rimes
AD: Richenza Io "Richy" Dalloway-Rimes
LN: Hennig
-Seattle, Washington, USA-
DH: {48} Loren Terrence Hennig
DW: {45} Viola Gretchen {Posey} Hennig
DD: {18} Juliette Posey Hennig
- DBf: {19} David Seok Chung
DS: {17} Gideon Terrence Hennig
DS: {13} Finnian Elliot Hennig
DS: {12} Cassius William Hennig
DD: {2} Seraphina Alice Hennig
LN: Hennig
-Seattle, Washington, USA-
DH: {48} Loren Terrence Hennig
DW: {45} Viola Gretchen {Posey} Hennig
DD: {18} Juliette Posey Hennig
- DBf: {19} David Seok Chung
DS: {17} Gideon Terrence Hennig
DS: {13} Finnian Elliot Hennig
DS: {12} Cassius William Hennig
DD: {2} Seraphina Alice Hennig
LN: Forsberg
DH: Carl Oscar Forsberg [43]
DW: Annika Lova Forsberg, née Jonsson [41]
DD: Ellinor Louisa Forsberg [19]
- - DBf: Björn Linus Malmström [19]
DS: Rasmus Theodor Forsberg [17]
DS/DD: Bo Edmund Forsberg & Kristina "Stina" Lottie Forsberg [15]
ADS: Jay Alfred Forsberg [13; India]
ADD: Sofía Leonora Forsberg [10; Guatemala]
Location: Umea, Sweden
DH: Carl Oscar Forsberg [43]
DW: Annika Lova Forsberg, née Jonsson [41]
DD: Ellinor Louisa Forsberg [19]
- - DBf: Björn Linus Malmström [19]
DS: Rasmus Theodor Forsberg [17]
DS/DD: Bo Edmund Forsberg & Kristina "Stina" Lottie Forsberg [15]
ADS: Jay Alfred Forsberg [13; India]
ADD: Sofía Leonora Forsberg [10; Guatemala]
Location: Umea, Sweden
LN: Gardner
DH: Oscar Quentin Gardner
DW: Jane Esmeralda (Adamson) Gardner
DS: Sheldon Emmanuel Gardner
DS: Spencer Maximilian Gardner
- - DGf: Roshanara Darzi
DD: Sonia Miriam Gardner
DS: Otis Esmond Gardner
DS: Quintus Joel Gardner
I'd like to make a change (or two)! I'd like to adopt (from around the world) and I'm OK with same-sex couples.
LN: Gardner
DH: Oscar Quentin Gardner
DW: Jane Esmeralda (Adamson) Gardner
DS: Sheldon Emmanuel Gardner
DS: Spencer Maximilian Gardner
- - DGf: Roshanara Darzi
DD: Sonia Miriam Gardner
DS: Otis Esmond Gardner
DS: Quintus Joel Gardner
I'd like to make a change (or two)! I'd like to adopt (from around the world) and I'm OK with same-sex couples.
LN: McCluskey
- - Location: Portland, OR
DH: Anthony Scott McCluskey “Tony” [41]
DW: Christina Natalie [Geier] McCluskey [38]
- DD: Penelope Jennifer McCluskey “Penny” [24]
- - - DGf: Margot Phaedra Lucretia Annalise Lange [23]
- DS: Matthew Charles McCluskey “Matt” [19]
- DS: Thomas Stephen McCluskey “Tom” [18]
- DD/DD: Cassandra Alice McCluskey “Cassie” / Catherine Lavender McCluskey “Katie” [13]
- DS: August Morton McCluskey “Gus” [10]
LN: McCluskey
- - Location: Portland, OR
DH: Anthony Scott McCluskey “Tony” [41]
DW: Christina Natalie [Geier] McCluskey [38]
- DD: Penelope Jennifer McCluskey “Penny” [24]
- - - DGf: Margot Phaedra Lucretia Annalise Lange [23]
- DS: Matthew Charles McCluskey “Matt” [19]
- DS: Thomas Stephen McCluskey “Tom” [18]
- DD/DD: Cassandra Alice McCluskey “Cassie” / Catherine Lavender McCluskey “Katie” [13]
- DS: August Morton McCluskey “Gus” [10]
This message was edited 7/28/2015, 9:22 AM
DH: Samuel William [56]
DW: Adela Sinead [54]
DS: Leo Samuel [29]
- - DH: [29] Alexei Ivanovich Kozlov
DD: Indie Adele [25]
- - DBf: [24] Jago Piers Innes
DD: Arie Peppa [22]
DS: Jack Carter [20]
Leo and Alexei don't want to have any children.
DH: Samuel William [56]
DW: Adela Sinead [54]
DS: Leo Samuel [29]
- - DH: [29] Alexei Ivanovich Kozlov
DD: Indie Adele [25]
- - DBf: [24] Jago Piers Innes
DD: Arie Peppa [22]
DS: Jack Carter [20]
Leo and Alexei don't want to have any children.
Just to let you know, I'm going to be away for about a week =)
Just to let you know, I'm going to be away for about a week =)
I'm actually going away in a couple days as well, so I doubt you'll miss more than two rounds.
LN: Eriksson
DH: [54] Josef Alf
DW: [55] Sigrid Klara
DS: [26] Ralf Dagfinn
- - DF: [27] Beatrix Lia
DS: [24] Harald Sigurd
- - DGf: [23] Artemis Lynn Jones
DS: [20] Elias Truls
ADS: [20; Nigeria] Isaiah Bosse
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Harald and Ralf seem to take after each other, both having become complete extroverts. Instead of taking Ralf’s approach and becoming a teacher, Harald decided to create another social networking site that acts as a sort of modern newspaper. He named the site Herald. Not only has the site brought in a lot of money, it also caused him to meet his girlfriend, an Australian journalist. She has an unusual name from mythology, a short classic middle name, and a common last name.
LN: Eriksson
DH: [54] Josef Alf
DW: [55] Sigrid Klara
DS: [26] Ralf Dagfinn
- - DF: [27] Beatrix Lia
DS: [24] Harald Sigurd
- - DGf: [23] Artemis Lynn Jones
DS: [20] Elias Truls
ADS: [20; Nigeria] Isaiah Bosse
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Harald and Ralf seem to take after each other, both having become complete extroverts. Instead of taking Ralf’s approach and becoming a teacher, Harald decided to create another social networking site that acts as a sort of modern newspaper. He named the site Herald. Not only has the site brought in a lot of money, it also caused him to meet his girlfriend, an Australian journalist. She has an unusual name from mythology, a short classic middle name, and a common last name.
LN: Sundin
DH: (59) Mattias Roger
DW: (58) Lily Elisabeth
DS: (31 twin to Joakim) Jesper Noel Sundin
-- DW: (30) Elena Isobel Sundin née Ramires
--DS: (nb) Owen Melker Thiago Sundin
DS: (31 twin to Jesper) Joakim Axel Sundin
DD: (25) Astrid Nina Sundin
- - DBf: (25) Geir Josef Amundsen
DS: (22) Victor Lars Sundin
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
LN: Sundin
DH: (59) Mattias Roger
DW: (58) Lily Elisabeth
DS: (31 twin to Joakim) Jesper Noel Sundin
-- DW: (30) Elena Isobel Sundin née Ramires
--DS: (nb) Owen Melker Thiago Sundin
DS: (31 twin to Jesper) Joakim Axel Sundin
DD: (25) Astrid Nina Sundin
- - DBf: (25) Geir Josef Amundsen
DS: (22) Victor Lars Sundin
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
This message was edited 7/28/2015, 4:15 AM
LN: Eaton
DH: Cyrus Christopher Eaton
DW: Matilda Willow (Leigh) Eaton
DS: Jack Dekel Eaton
DS: Samuel Ashley Eaton “Sam”
DD: Lea Rose Eaton
DS: Eli Sebastian Eaton
ADS: Kavi Alexander Eaton
DD: Polly Rain Eaton
Location: Anaheim, CA
Wouldn't mind like 1-2 more biological children. Would prefer to stay away from nature names as well.
LN: Eaton
DH: Cyrus Christopher Eaton
DW: Matilda Willow (Leigh) Eaton
DS: Jack Dekel Eaton
DS: Samuel Ashley Eaton “Sam”
DD: Lea Rose Eaton
DS: Eli Sebastian Eaton
ADS: Kavi Alexander Eaton
DD: Polly Rain Eaton
Location: Anaheim, CA
Wouldn't mind like 1-2 more biological children. Would prefer to stay away from nature names as well.
LN: Sauveterre
SO1: Loïc Robert
SO2: Stéphanie Muriel
DD: Léontine Maela
- - DH: Severin Björn Langenberg
DD: Éliane Rozenn
DS: Yannick Sébastien
DS: Clément Gaël
ADS: Emmanuel Corentin
Location: Rennes, France
LN: Sauveterre
SO1: Loïc Robert
SO2: Stéphanie Muriel
DD: Léontine Maela
- - DH: Severin Björn Langenberg
DD: Éliane Rozenn
DS: Yannick Sébastien
DS: Clément Gaël
ADS: Emmanuel Corentin
Location: Rennes, France
LN: Bowen-Case
DW: Polly Llewella [55]
DW: Margaret Anna [57]
AD: Alis Eun Sang Bowen-Case [26; South Korea]
- - DF: Theo Jamie Duncan [25]
DD: Enid Clara Bowen-Case [22]
- - DBf: Gaius John Honeycutt [22]
AS: Ieuan Pascual Bowen-Case [18; Mexico]
DD: Olwen Charlotte Bowen-Case [16]
Location: UK (Wales)
DW: Polly Llewella [55]
DW: Margaret Anna [57]
AD: Alis Eun Sang Bowen-Case [26; South Korea]
- - DF: Theo Jamie Duncan [25]
DD: Enid Clara Bowen-Case [22]
- - DBf: Gaius John Honeycutt [22]
AS: Ieuan Pascual Bowen-Case [18; Mexico]
DD: Olwen Charlotte Bowen-Case [16]
Location: UK (Wales)
LN: Milton
Location: Scotland
DH: [57] Thomas Armand Milton
DW: [54] Amy Jane Milton
DD3: [33] Erin Sheridan Gillespie
- - DH: [35] Fergus “Gus” Lawrence Gillespie
- DS: [3] Bruce Thomas Gillespie
- DD: [nb] Rhona Avon Gillespie
DD1: [22; twin to Annaliese] Harriet Ailsa Milton
DD2: [22; twin to Harriet] Annaliese Lorna Milton
- - DBf: [23] Elway Tua Waipa
Erin and Gus recently welcomed their second child, a daughter. They have really enjoyed being parents to Bruce and are looking forward to the future with their children. They decided to give their daughter a short and simple Scottish name. Her middle name should also be the name of a river
LN: Milton
Location: Scotland
DH: [57] Thomas Armand Milton
DW: [54] Amy Jane Milton
DD3: [33] Erin Sheridan Gillespie
- - DH: [35] Fergus “Gus” Lawrence Gillespie
- DS: [3] Bruce Thomas Gillespie
- DD: [nb] Rhona Avon Gillespie
DD1: [22; twin to Annaliese] Harriet Ailsa Milton
DD2: [22; twin to Harriet] Annaliese Lorna Milton
- - DBf: [23] Elway Tua Waipa
Erin and Gus recently welcomed their second child, a daughter. They have really enjoyed being parents to Bruce and are looking forward to the future with their children. They decided to give their daughter a short and simple Scottish name. Her middle name should also be the name of a river
LN: Mackenzie
H: Arthur Peregrine Mackenzie
W: Lyra Edith [Jameson] Mackenzie
D: Florence Elowen Mackenzie ‘Flora’
- AD: Finola Jean Mackenzie 'Finn'
S/S: Edwin Oliver Mackenzie ‘Ned’ / August Felix Mackenzie ‘Gus’
D: Philippa Marigold Mackenzie ‘Pip’
S: Sidney Flynn Mackenzie ‘Sid'
D/D: Clementine Xanthe Mackenzie 'Clem' / Beatrix Primrose Mackenzie 'Bea'
H: Arthur Peregrine Mackenzie
W: Lyra Edith [Jameson] Mackenzie
D: Florence Elowen Mackenzie ‘Flora’
- AD: Finola Jean Mackenzie 'Finn'
S/S: Edwin Oliver Mackenzie ‘Ned’ / August Felix Mackenzie ‘Gus’
D: Philippa Marigold Mackenzie ‘Pip’
S: Sidney Flynn Mackenzie ‘Sid'
D/D: Clementine Xanthe Mackenzie 'Clem' / Beatrix Primrose Mackenzie 'Bea'
LN: Barton
DW1: Margaret Ruth Barton [53] (born in England)
DW2: Colleen Rosalyn Barton [52] (born in NY, parents born in Ireland)
ADS: Tybalt Lucas Barton “Ty” [27]
- - DW: Izzy Johanna (Potter) Barton [26]
DD: Poppy Quinn Catriona Barton [26]
- - DF: Alfred Reuben Godric Delaney [27]
DD: Tamsin Shea Ciara Barton [23]
DS: Patrick Harrison Finn Barton “Harry” [15]
Location: NYC
LN: Barton
DW1: Margaret Ruth Barton [53] (born in England)
DW2: Colleen Rosalyn Barton [52] (born in NY, parents born in Ireland)
ADS: Tybalt Lucas Barton “Ty” [27]
- - DW: Izzy Johanna (Potter) Barton [26]
DD: Poppy Quinn Catriona Barton [26]
- - DF: Alfred Reuben Godric Delaney [27]
DD: Tamsin Shea Ciara Barton [23]
DS: Patrick Harrison Finn Barton “Harry” [15]
Location: NYC
LN: Hawthorne
SO1: Edward Alexander Hawthorne
SO2: Rosabel Therese Norton
DS: Jasper Sebastian Hawthorne {Adrian’s twin}
DS: Adrian Leonidas Hawthorne {Jasper’s twin}
- - DGf: Tayla Jessica Barlow “Skye”
- DS: Brody Hawthorne Barlow
DD: Cordelia Iris Hawthorne
DS: Henry Martin Hawthorne
DD: Rosalie Ione Hawthorne
Location: UK
LN: Hawthorne
SO1: Edward Alexander Hawthorne
SO2: Rosabel Therese Norton
DS: Jasper Sebastian Hawthorne {Adrian’s twin}
DS: Adrian Leonidas Hawthorne {Jasper’s twin}
- - DGf: Tayla Jessica Barlow “Skye”
- DS: Brody Hawthorne Barlow
DD: Cordelia Iris Hawthorne
DS: Henry Martin Hawthorne
DD: Rosalie Ione Hawthorne
Location: UK