AudreyEllen's Congrats Round 1
Hi, thanks for all of you who decided to play. This round I gave some guidelines for each name; if they suck feel free to ignore them. Have fun creating your family!
LN: Hearn
SO: Vaughn Charles Hearn [32]
SO: Eleri Jane Hearn [25]
Location: Ireland
Two years have passed and Vaughn and Eleri have finally welcomed a son. They gave their son an Irish first name, and the rest is your choice.
LN: Barton
DW1: Margaret Ruth Barton [27] (born in England)
DW2: Colleen Rosalyn Barton [26] (born in NY, parents born in Ireland)
Location: New York City
It’s just been one year and Colleen recently gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl! They decided to give her a very British first name and a middle that honors Colleen’s Irish background.
LN: McCluskey
DH: Anthony Scott McCluskey "Tony" [27]
DW: Christina Natalie [Geier] McCluskey [24]
Location: Portland, OR
Tony and Christina were caught unaware when they discovered they were expecting at ages 27 and 24. It has been seven months since then, and they recently brought home their first daughter. She has a cute nickname, and the rest of her name is your choice.
LN: Mackenzie
DH: Arthur Peregrine Mackenzie
DW: Lyra Edith [Jameson] Mackenzie
Arthur and Lyra were delighted to welcome a healthy and happy baby girl recently. She has an old fashioned first name and her middle name is unusual.
LN: Alacardi
DH: Romeo Carmine Alacardi
DH: Merrill Leland [Tobin] Alacardi
Location: New York, United States (But Romeo is first generation American. His parents are from Italy and he has plenty of family there.)
Romeo and Merrill picked up their two-year-old daughter just days ago. They kept her original first name (it ends in -ie) and gave her an Italian middle name.
Serel Channah
DW: Marnie Ayelet Wolf
DW: Simisola Abeni Afolayan
Location: Florida, USA
Marnie and Simisola recently traveled to Indonesia to pick up their one-year-old daughter. Her birth name is Melati, and it is your choice whether they keep it apart of her name or choose a new name entirely.
H: Andrew Joel [29]
W: Rachel Vivian [29]
Location: Michigan, USA
Andrew and Rachel were having a bit of trouble conceiving their first child. This allowed them four years settling down into their jobs, and they are delighted to finally be expecting. They plan on giving their daughter a name that begins with A, J, R, or V. The rest of her name is your choice.
LN: Hawthorne
SO1: Edward Alexander Hawthorne
SO2: Rosabel Therese Norton
Location: UK
It’s twins! Edward and Rosabel are busy with newborn identical twin boys. Their names are up to you, but they’re not matchy.
LN: Wyatt
SO1: Julian Anthony Wyatt
SO2: Sloane Dolores Wyatt
Location: San Diego, CA
Sloane recently gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. They decided to give him a surname for either his first or middle name. The rest is entirely up to you.
LN: Bowen-Case
DW: Polly Llewella [27]
DW: Margaret Anna [29]
Location: UK (Wales)
It’s been two yearsPolly and Margaret brought home their adopted newborn daughter from South Korea. They decided to put her original Korean name in the middle name slot. Her first name is your choice.
LN: Cross
SO1: Jeffrey Phillip Cross
SO2: Gwendolen Abigail Cross
Location: Seattle, WA
Gwendolen is a huge reader. She was reading Huckleberry Finn when her son first kicked, and she has been determined to name him after a main character or the author ever since. You choose his middle name(s).
DH: Samuel William
DW: Adela Sinead
Samuel and Adela are already wrapped around their son’s little finger. He has a casual, laid back first name. His middle honors his father.
LN: Haynes
DH [28] Elliot Kieran Haynes
DW [28] Audrey Alyssa {Lloyd} Haynes
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
It’s been just one year, and Elliot and Audrey are already parents. Their son’s first name is a cool classic rising up the charts. Other than that, his name is your choice.
LN: Thompson
SO1: William Alexander "Wil"
SO2: Rebekah Faith "Bekah"
Location: United States
Wil and Bekah welcomed a beautiful girl on July 4th. Although they weren’t considering any patriotic names, when she was born on the most patriotic holiday they felt it was natural that they give her a name that honors her country. She has a classic middle name.
LN: Sundin
DH(28): Mattias Roger
DW(27): Lily Elisabeth
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
After two years, when they found out that Lily was pregnant, Mattias and Lily were happy to think that they would be starting their small family. Turns out that their family would be starting large. They welcomed rambunctious fraternal twin sons not long ago, and haven’t gotten any rest since then. Both their son’s have at least one Swedish name. The rest is your choice.
LN: Eriksson
DH: [28] Josef Alf
DW: [29] Sigrid Klara
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
It’s been two years. Josef and Sigrid added a son into their family not long ago. His name is your choice, but it must contain an F like his father’s.
LN: Forsberg
DH: Carl Oscar Forsberg [26]
DW: Annika Lova Forsberg, née Jonsson [24]
Location: Umea, Sweden
It’s a girl! Carl and Annika were delighted to add their baby daughter to their family last week. Her first name is Swedish and her parents love how well it goes with her vintage English middle name.
LN: Howell
SO1: Niko Henna {Rinne}
SO2: Enfys Aeron
Location: Wales
Niko and Enfys got in contact with an adoption agency early on because they know how long those processes can take. They were surprised to hear quickly back about a young boy from Finland. The five-year-old was originally given the name Otto. How Niko and Enfys decide to name him is up to you.
Just wondering, is Enfys feminine or masculine? I originally assumed feminine, but the site says both names are unisex so now I’m not sure.
LN: Sauveterre
SO1: Loïc Robert
SO2: Stéphanie Muriel
Location: Rennes, France
It’s a girl! Loïc and Stéphanie love their newborn daughter, despite the lack of sleep they’ve had. She has an uncommon French first name and her middle name(s) is your choice.
LN: Beckett
DW: Noa Allison Beckett
SO: Max Lee Beckett
Location: Southern California
Noa recently gave birth to a son. He has a short, traditional first name and his middle name is your choice.
LN: Hennig
DH: {29} Loren Terrence Hennig
DW: {26} Viola Gretchen {Posey} Hennig
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA.
It’s been just one year in the Hennig family. Loren hated when people assumed he was a girl by hearing his name before they met him, so now that he and Viola are deciding on their newborn daughter’s name he is making sure it’s distinctly feminine. Viola likes the idea of giving her daughter her maiden name as a middle name, but isn’t decided o it yet. You choose the outcome of her decision.
LN: Eaton
DH: Cyrus Christopher Eaton
DW: Matilda Willow (Leigh) Eaton
Location: Anaheim, CA.
It’s a boy! Cyrus and Matilda are pleased to welcome the first of the many children that they plan to have. They want their son to share a name with a type of tree, just like both of them. The rest of the name is your choice.
LN: Petrova
DH: Stefan Aleksander Petrova
DW: Viviana Antonia "Ana" Petrova, nee Scala
Location: Seattle, WA
Ana and Stefan are delighted to be able to call themselves parents. Their daughter has a Russian name with an easy spelling and pronunciation. The rest of the name is your choice.
LN: Gardner
DH: Oscar Quentin Gardner
DW: Jane Esmeralda (Adamson) Gardner
Oscar and Jane brought their newborn son home from the hospital yesterday. They decided to give him a name that could be considered geeky, and his middle name is up to you.
LN: Milton
DH: [36] Thomas Armand Milton
DW: [33] Amy Jane Milton
Location: Scotland
It’s been three years trying to conceive for the Miltons. Much to their surprise, when they did finally get pregnant, it was with twins! Thomas and Amy added two adorable daughters to their growing family a couple days ago. Their first names are your choice, and the middle names are Scottish.
LN: Meyer
DH: [27] Elliot Samuel Meyer
DW: [25] Eliza May {Washington} Meyer "Liza"
Location: Portland, Oregon
Elliot and Liza got pregnant much earlier than they expected, but they were the happiest people in the world just days ago when they welcomed a baby girl. The name is all your choice, except the first name mustn’t begin with E.
LN: Cochran
DH: Garrett Daniel Cochran
DW: Leah Jillian (Mobley) Cochran
Location: Virginia, USA
It’s a girl! Garrett and Leah recently picked out a pretty yet unusual name for their new bundle of joy. Her middle name is entirely your choice.
DW1: Lavinia Margot Dalloway
DW2: Hedda Bathsheba Rimes
Hedda and Lavinia were given very short notice before their adopted daughter was born. Her mother didn’t feel she could keep her, but gave her up to them because they were local and would let her see the baby. Hedda and Lavinia gave her a long name with a cute nickname, Anything else is up to you.
Whew that was a lot of writing! :)
LN: Hearn
SO: Vaughn Charles Hearn [32]
SO: Eleri Jane Hearn [25]
Location: Ireland
Two years have passed and Vaughn and Eleri have finally welcomed a son. They gave their son an Irish first name, and the rest is your choice.
LN: Barton
DW1: Margaret Ruth Barton [27] (born in England)
DW2: Colleen Rosalyn Barton [26] (born in NY, parents born in Ireland)
Location: New York City
It’s just been one year and Colleen recently gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl! They decided to give her a very British first name and a middle that honors Colleen’s Irish background.
LN: McCluskey
DH: Anthony Scott McCluskey "Tony" [27]
DW: Christina Natalie [Geier] McCluskey [24]
Location: Portland, OR
Tony and Christina were caught unaware when they discovered they were expecting at ages 27 and 24. It has been seven months since then, and they recently brought home their first daughter. She has a cute nickname, and the rest of her name is your choice.
LN: Mackenzie
DH: Arthur Peregrine Mackenzie
DW: Lyra Edith [Jameson] Mackenzie
Arthur and Lyra were delighted to welcome a healthy and happy baby girl recently. She has an old fashioned first name and her middle name is unusual.
LN: Alacardi
DH: Romeo Carmine Alacardi
DH: Merrill Leland [Tobin] Alacardi
Location: New York, United States (But Romeo is first generation American. His parents are from Italy and he has plenty of family there.)
Romeo and Merrill picked up their two-year-old daughter just days ago. They kept her original first name (it ends in -ie) and gave her an Italian middle name.
Serel Channah
DW: Marnie Ayelet Wolf
DW: Simisola Abeni Afolayan
Location: Florida, USA
Marnie and Simisola recently traveled to Indonesia to pick up their one-year-old daughter. Her birth name is Melati, and it is your choice whether they keep it apart of her name or choose a new name entirely.
H: Andrew Joel [29]
W: Rachel Vivian [29]
Location: Michigan, USA
Andrew and Rachel were having a bit of trouble conceiving their first child. This allowed them four years settling down into their jobs, and they are delighted to finally be expecting. They plan on giving their daughter a name that begins with A, J, R, or V. The rest of her name is your choice.
LN: Hawthorne
SO1: Edward Alexander Hawthorne
SO2: Rosabel Therese Norton
Location: UK
It’s twins! Edward and Rosabel are busy with newborn identical twin boys. Their names are up to you, but they’re not matchy.
LN: Wyatt
SO1: Julian Anthony Wyatt
SO2: Sloane Dolores Wyatt
Location: San Diego, CA
Sloane recently gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. They decided to give him a surname for either his first or middle name. The rest is entirely up to you.
LN: Bowen-Case
DW: Polly Llewella [27]
DW: Margaret Anna [29]
Location: UK (Wales)
It’s been two yearsPolly and Margaret brought home their adopted newborn daughter from South Korea. They decided to put her original Korean name in the middle name slot. Her first name is your choice.
LN: Cross
SO1: Jeffrey Phillip Cross
SO2: Gwendolen Abigail Cross
Location: Seattle, WA
Gwendolen is a huge reader. She was reading Huckleberry Finn when her son first kicked, and she has been determined to name him after a main character or the author ever since. You choose his middle name(s).
DH: Samuel William
DW: Adela Sinead
Samuel and Adela are already wrapped around their son’s little finger. He has a casual, laid back first name. His middle honors his father.
LN: Haynes
DH [28] Elliot Kieran Haynes
DW [28] Audrey Alyssa {Lloyd} Haynes
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
It’s been just one year, and Elliot and Audrey are already parents. Their son’s first name is a cool classic rising up the charts. Other than that, his name is your choice.
LN: Thompson
SO1: William Alexander "Wil"
SO2: Rebekah Faith "Bekah"
Location: United States
Wil and Bekah welcomed a beautiful girl on July 4th. Although they weren’t considering any patriotic names, when she was born on the most patriotic holiday they felt it was natural that they give her a name that honors her country. She has a classic middle name.
LN: Sundin
DH(28): Mattias Roger
DW(27): Lily Elisabeth
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
After two years, when they found out that Lily was pregnant, Mattias and Lily were happy to think that they would be starting their small family. Turns out that their family would be starting large. They welcomed rambunctious fraternal twin sons not long ago, and haven’t gotten any rest since then. Both their son’s have at least one Swedish name. The rest is your choice.
LN: Eriksson
DH: [28] Josef Alf
DW: [29] Sigrid Klara
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
It’s been two years. Josef and Sigrid added a son into their family not long ago. His name is your choice, but it must contain an F like his father’s.
LN: Forsberg
DH: Carl Oscar Forsberg [26]
DW: Annika Lova Forsberg, née Jonsson [24]
Location: Umea, Sweden
It’s a girl! Carl and Annika were delighted to add their baby daughter to their family last week. Her first name is Swedish and her parents love how well it goes with her vintage English middle name.
LN: Howell
SO1: Niko Henna {Rinne}
SO2: Enfys Aeron
Location: Wales
Niko and Enfys got in contact with an adoption agency early on because they know how long those processes can take. They were surprised to hear quickly back about a young boy from Finland. The five-year-old was originally given the name Otto. How Niko and Enfys decide to name him is up to you.
Just wondering, is Enfys feminine or masculine? I originally assumed feminine, but the site says both names are unisex so now I’m not sure.
LN: Sauveterre
SO1: Loïc Robert
SO2: Stéphanie Muriel
Location: Rennes, France
It’s a girl! Loïc and Stéphanie love their newborn daughter, despite the lack of sleep they’ve had. She has an uncommon French first name and her middle name(s) is your choice.
LN: Beckett
DW: Noa Allison Beckett
SO: Max Lee Beckett
Location: Southern California
Noa recently gave birth to a son. He has a short, traditional first name and his middle name is your choice.
LN: Hennig
DH: {29} Loren Terrence Hennig
DW: {26} Viola Gretchen {Posey} Hennig
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA.
It’s been just one year in the Hennig family. Loren hated when people assumed he was a girl by hearing his name before they met him, so now that he and Viola are deciding on their newborn daughter’s name he is making sure it’s distinctly feminine. Viola likes the idea of giving her daughter her maiden name as a middle name, but isn’t decided o it yet. You choose the outcome of her decision.
LN: Eaton
DH: Cyrus Christopher Eaton
DW: Matilda Willow (Leigh) Eaton
Location: Anaheim, CA.
It’s a boy! Cyrus and Matilda are pleased to welcome the first of the many children that they plan to have. They want their son to share a name with a type of tree, just like both of them. The rest of the name is your choice.
LN: Petrova
DH: Stefan Aleksander Petrova
DW: Viviana Antonia "Ana" Petrova, nee Scala
Location: Seattle, WA
Ana and Stefan are delighted to be able to call themselves parents. Their daughter has a Russian name with an easy spelling and pronunciation. The rest of the name is your choice.
LN: Gardner
DH: Oscar Quentin Gardner
DW: Jane Esmeralda (Adamson) Gardner
Oscar and Jane brought their newborn son home from the hospital yesterday. They decided to give him a name that could be considered geeky, and his middle name is up to you.
LN: Milton
DH: [36] Thomas Armand Milton
DW: [33] Amy Jane Milton
Location: Scotland
It’s been three years trying to conceive for the Miltons. Much to their surprise, when they did finally get pregnant, it was with twins! Thomas and Amy added two adorable daughters to their growing family a couple days ago. Their first names are your choice, and the middle names are Scottish.
LN: Meyer
DH: [27] Elliot Samuel Meyer
DW: [25] Eliza May {Washington} Meyer "Liza"
Location: Portland, Oregon
Elliot and Liza got pregnant much earlier than they expected, but they were the happiest people in the world just days ago when they welcomed a baby girl. The name is all your choice, except the first name mustn’t begin with E.
LN: Cochran
DH: Garrett Daniel Cochran
DW: Leah Jillian (Mobley) Cochran
Location: Virginia, USA
It’s a girl! Garrett and Leah recently picked out a pretty yet unusual name for their new bundle of joy. Her middle name is entirely your choice.
DW1: Lavinia Margot Dalloway
DW2: Hedda Bathsheba Rimes
Hedda and Lavinia were given very short notice before their adopted daughter was born. Her mother didn’t feel she could keep her, but gave her up to them because they were local and would let her see the baby. Hedda and Lavinia gave her a long name with a cute nickname, Anything else is up to you.
Whew that was a lot of writing! :)
I'd love to play if I can!
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
Location: New York, NY (but from Atlanta, Ga)
#ProspectiveChildren: 5
OtherDesignations: Either local or international. Insemination/ donor is also an option.
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
Location: New York, NY (but from Atlanta, Ga)
#ProspectiveChildren: 5
OtherDesignations: Either local or international. Insemination/ donor is also an option.
Of Course. Have Fun!
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
Location: New York, NY (but from Atlanta, Ga)
Ashton and Sarah recently brought home their one-year-old daughter from Colombia. Her birth name is Lupita, and it's your choice whether they keep it as a first or middle or get rid of it entirely.
I'm glad you decided to play!
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
Location: New York, NY (but from Atlanta, Ga)
Ashton and Sarah recently brought home their one-year-old daughter from Colombia. Her birth name is Lupita, and it's your choice whether they keep it as a first or middle or get rid of it entirely.
I'm glad you decided to play!
LN: Meyer
DH: [27] Elliot Samuel Meyer
DW: [25] Eliza May {Washington} Meyer "Liza"
-DD: [nb] Isabel Marguerite Meyer "Isa"
Location: Portland, Oregon
LN: Meyer
DH: [27] Elliot Samuel Meyer
DW: [25] Eliza May {Washington} Meyer "Liza"
-DD: [nb] Isabel Marguerite Meyer "Isa"
Location: Portland, Oregon
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
DD: Alexia Lupita May
Location: New York, NY (but from Atlanta, Ga)
LN: May
SO1: Ashton Victoria May
SO2: Sarah Katherine [Gregory] May
DD: Alexia Lupita May
Location: New York, NY (but from Atlanta, Ga)
LN: Hearn
SO: Vaughn Charles Hearn [32]
SO: Eleri Jane Hearn [25]
DS: Tadhg Cassander Hearn [nb]
Location: Ireland
LN: Hearn
SO: Vaughn Charles Hearn [32]
SO: Eleri Jane Hearn [25]
DS: Tadhg Cassander Hearn [nb]
Location: Ireland
This message was edited 7/15/2015, 4:34 PM
LN: Petrova
DH: Stefan Aleksander Petrova
DW: Viviana Antonia "Ana" Petrova, nee Scala
Location: Seattle, WA
DD: Nadia Ellery Petrova
LN: Petrova
DH: Stefan Aleksander Petrova
DW: Viviana Antonia "Ana" Petrova, nee Scala
Location: Seattle, WA
DD: Nadia Ellery Petrova
I forgot to add ages! Oops!
LN: Beckett
DW: Noa Allison Beckett [26]
SO: Max Lee Beckett [28]
Location: Southern California
DS: Adam Devyn Beckett [nb]
LN: Beckett
DW: Noa Allison Beckett [26]
SO: Max Lee Beckett [28]
Location: Southern California
DS: Adam Devyn Beckett [nb]
LN: Thompson
SO1: William Alexander "Wil"
SO2: Rebekah Faith "Bekah"
DD: Abigail Elizabeth "Abby"
Location: United States
LN: Thompson
SO1: William Alexander "Wil"
SO2: Rebekah Faith "Bekah"
DD: Abigail Elizabeth "Abby"
Location: United States
LN: Gardner
DH: Oscar Quentin Gardner
DW: Jane Esmeralda (Adamson) Gardner
DS: Sheldon Emmanuel Gardner
LN: Gardner
DH: Oscar Quentin Gardner
DW: Jane Esmeralda (Adamson) Gardner
DS: Sheldon Emmanuel Gardner
LN: Milton
Location: Scotland
DH: [36] Thomas Armand Milton
DW: [33] Amy Jane Milton
DD1/DD2: Harriet Ailsa Milton and Annaliese Lorna Milton
It’s been three years trying to conceive for the Miltons. Much to their surprise, when they did finally get pregnant, it was with twins! Thomas and Amy added two adorable daughters to their growing family a couple days ago. Their first names are your choice, and the middle names are Scottish.
LN: Milton
Location: Scotland
DH: [36] Thomas Armand Milton
DW: [33] Amy Jane Milton
DD1/DD2: Harriet Ailsa Milton and Annaliese Lorna Milton
It’s been three years trying to conceive for the Miltons. Much to their surprise, when they did finally get pregnant, it was with twins! Thomas and Amy added two adorable daughters to their growing family a couple days ago. Their first names are your choice, and the middle names are Scottish.
LN: Miller
SO1: Gabriel Joseph [22]
SO2: Sydney Louisa [23]
Location: Seattle, Washington
#ProspectiveChildren: 5
OtherDesignations: We'd like to adopt 2 locally.
LN: Miller
SO1: Gabriel Joseph [22]
SO2: Sydney Louisa [23]
Location: Seattle, Washington
#ProspectiveChildren: 5
OtherDesignations: We'd like to adopt 2 locally.
Sure thing!
LN: Miller
SO1: Gabriel Joseph [22]
SO2: Sydney Louisa [23]
Location: Seattle, Washington
Gabriel and Sydney became proud parents yesterday to their gorgeous baby girl. They gave her a non-English first name, and a classic middle name.
Have fun and thanks for signing up!
LN: Miller
SO1: Gabriel Joseph [22]
SO2: Sydney Louisa [23]
Location: Seattle, Washington
Gabriel and Sydney became proud parents yesterday to their gorgeous baby girl. They gave her a non-English first name, and a classic middle name.
Have fun and thanks for signing up!
LN: Miller
DH: Gabriel Joseph [22]
DW: Sydney Louisa [23]
DD: Kajsa Marie [nb]
Location: Seattle, Washington
DH: Gabriel Joseph [22]
DW: Sydney Louisa [23]
DD: Kajsa Marie [nb]
Location: Seattle, Washington
LN: Howell
DW: Niko Henna {Rinne}
DW: Enfys Aeron
Location: Wales
DS: Artturi Otto
Just wondering, is Enfys feminine or masculine? I originally assumed feminine, but the site says both names are unisex so now I’m not sure.
I couldn't choose, so I went for unisex names, haha. I think I had a more feminine person in mind, but everything's possible, really.
LN: Howell
DW: Niko Henna {Rinne}
DW: Enfys Aeron
Location: Wales
DS: Artturi Otto
Just wondering, is Enfys feminine or masculine? I originally assumed feminine, but the site says both names are unisex so now I’m not sure.
I couldn't choose, so I went for unisex names, haha. I think I had a more feminine person in mind, but everything's possible, really.
LN: Haynes
DH [28] Elliot Kieran Haynes
DW [28] Audrey Alyssa {Lloyd} Haynes
DS [nb] Oscar Ian Haynes
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
LN: Haynes
DH [28] Elliot Kieran Haynes
DW [28] Audrey Alyssa {Lloyd} Haynes
DS [nb] Oscar Ian Haynes
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
LN: Sundin
DH(28): Mattias Roger
DW(27): Lily Elisabeth
DS/DS(nb): Jesper Noel & Joakim Axel
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
LN: Sundin
DH(28): Mattias Roger
DW(27): Lily Elisabeth
DS/DS(nb): Jesper Noel & Joakim Axel
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
The Alacardi Family -1
LN: Alacardi
DH: Romeo Carmine Alacardi
DH: Merrill Leland [Tobin] Alacardi
Location: New York, United States (But Romeo is first generation American. His parents are from Italy and he has plenty of family there.)
DD: Eugenie Francesca
Let's find pictures of these children for each round. Whoo.
Eugenie Francesca Alacardi

LN: Alacardi
DH: Romeo Carmine Alacardi
DH: Merrill Leland [Tobin] Alacardi
Location: New York, United States (But Romeo is first generation American. His parents are from Italy and he has plenty of family there.)
DD: Eugenie Francesca
Let's find pictures of these children for each round. Whoo.
Eugenie Francesca Alacardi

LN: Eaton
DH: Cyrus Christopher Eaton
DW: Matilda Willow (Leigh) Eaton
DS: Jack Dekel Eaton
Location: Anaheim, CA.
LN: Eaton
DH: Cyrus Christopher Eaton
DW: Matilda Willow (Leigh) Eaton
DS: Jack Dekel Eaton
Location: Anaheim, CA.
LN: Sauveterre
SO1: Loïc Robert
SO2: Stéphanie Muriel
DD: Léontine Maela
Location: Rennes, France
LN: Sauveterre
SO1: Loïc Robert
SO2: Stéphanie Muriel
DD: Léontine Maela
Location: Rennes, France
LN: Forsberg
DH: Carl Oscar Forsberg [26]
DW: Annika Lova Forsberg, née Jonsson [24]
Location: Umea, Sweden
DD: Ellinor Louisa Forsberg [nb]
DH: Carl Oscar Forsberg [26]
DW: Annika Lova Forsberg, née Jonsson [24]
Location: Umea, Sweden
DD: Ellinor Louisa Forsberg [nb]
LN: Hawthorne
SO1: Edward Alexander Hawthorne
SO2: Rosabel Therese Norton
DS/DS: Jasper Sebastian Hawthorne / Adrian Leonidas Hawthorne
Location: UK
LN: Hawthorne
SO1: Edward Alexander Hawthorne
SO2: Rosabel Therese Norton
DS/DS: Jasper Sebastian Hawthorne / Adrian Leonidas Hawthorne
Location: UK
LN: Bowen-Case
DW: Polly Llewella [29]
DW: Margaret Anna [31]
Location: UK (Wales)
AD: Alis Eun Sang Bowen-Case [nb; South Korea]
DW: Polly Llewella [29]
DW: Margaret Anna [31]
Location: UK (Wales)
AD: Alis Eun Sang Bowen-Case [nb; South Korea]
This message was edited 7/14/2015, 10:11 PM
LN: McCluskey
DH: Anthony Scott McCluskey "Tony" [27]
DW: Christina Natalie [Geier] McCluskey [24]
-DD: Penelope Jennifer McCluskey "Penny" [nb]
Location: Portland, OR
DH: Anthony Scott McCluskey "Tony" [27]
DW: Christina Natalie [Geier] McCluskey [24]
-DD: Penelope Jennifer McCluskey "Penny" [nb]
Location: Portland, OR
LN: Mackenzie
H: Arthur Peregrine Mackenzie
W: Lyra Edith [Jameson] Mackenzie
D: Florence Elowen Mackenzie 'Flora'
LN: Mackenzie
H: Arthur Peregrine Mackenzie
W: Lyra Edith [Jameson] Mackenzie
D: Florence Elowen Mackenzie 'Flora'
LN: Cochran
DH: Garrett Daniel Cochran
DW: Leah Jillian (Mobley) Cochran
DD: Zaylee Fleur Cochran
Location: Virginia, USA
LN: Cochran
DH: Garrett Daniel Cochran
DW: Leah Jillian (Mobley) Cochran
DD: Zaylee Fleur Cochran
Location: Virginia, USA
DW1: Lavinia Margot Dalloway
DW2: Hedda Bathsheba Rimes
DD: Prunella Vivien "Prue" Dalloway-Rimes
DW1: Lavinia Margot Dalloway
DW2: Hedda Bathsheba Rimes
DD: Prunella Vivien "Prue" Dalloway-Rimes
Serel Channah
DW: Marnie Ayelet Wolf
DW: Simisola Abeni Afolayan
DD: Bethari Melati Afolayan-Wolf
Location: Florida, USA
Marnie and Simisola recently traveled to Indonesia to pick up their one-year-old daughter. Her birth name is Melati, and it is your choice whether they keep it apart of her name or choose a new name entirely.
DW: Marnie Ayelet Wolf
DW: Simisola Abeni Afolayan
DD: Bethari Melati Afolayan-Wolf
Location: Florida, USA
Marnie and Simisola recently traveled to Indonesia to pick up their one-year-old daughter. Her birth name is Melati, and it is your choice whether they keep it apart of her name or choose a new name entirely.
LN: Hennig
-Seattle, Washington, USA-
DH: {30} Loren Terrence Hennig
DW: {27} Viola Gretchen {Posey} Hennig
DD: {nb} Juliette Posey Hennig
LN: Hennig
-Seattle, Washington, USA-
DH: {30} Loren Terrence Hennig
DW: {27} Viola Gretchen {Posey} Hennig
DD: {nb} Juliette Posey Hennig
DH: Samuel William [27]
DW: Adela Sinead [25]
DS: Leo Samuel [nb]
DH: Samuel William [27]
DW: Adela Sinead [25]
DS: Leo Samuel [nb]