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Re: Generation CAF '155
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [86] Delvin "Del" Jasper McGee
DW [86] Britta Violet (Glover) McGeeDS1 [64] Leo Felix McGee
DS2 [62] Darion Alexander McGee
DD1 [59] Kerrie Charlotte McGee
DD2 [56] April Joy McGeeDel & Britta McGee: Leo, Darion, Kerrie and April**
DS1 [64] Leo Felix McGee
DW [64] Tabitha "Tabby" Ivy (Manning) McGeeDD [43] Autumn Ruby (McGee) Rodgers
- DH [43] Benjamin "Ben" Jude Rodgers
- DS [16] Brant Samuel Rodgers
- DS [12] Cole Gabriel RodgersDS [41] Tobin Jarvis McGee
- DW [42] Dayna Ali (Todd) McGee
- DS [20] Kody Wyatt McGee
- DD [18] Sharla Elizabeth McGee
-- Dbf [20] Archer Mason Matthew Hunter Daniel Dillon [Ingram Reese Cannon]
-- DD [nb] Katia Emily Nora Quinn Eden Anna
- DS [15] Ross Michael McGee
- DD [13] Tia Jolene McGee
- DS [10] Garth Nathaniel McGeeDS [38] Luke Everett McGee
- exW [38] Abigail "Abbie" Hope Potter
- DD [14] Hope Genevieve McGee
- DD [12] Phoebe Avery McGeeDS [36] Grant Abel McGee
- DH [34] Lucian Thomas Rowe
- ADD [1] Sophia Mindy Felicity Lydia Olive LissetteDD [33] Sarah Juliet McGee
- Dbf [29] Edward "Ed" Mitchell Ortega
- DD [2] Naomi Sarah Ortega
- DS [exp] Mitchell Edward OrtegaDS [29] Wade Kendrick McGeeLeo & Tabby McGee: Autumn, Tobin, Luke, Grant, Sarah and Wade
--Autumn & Ben Rodgers: Brant and Cole
--Tobin & Dayna McGee: Kody, Sharla, Ross, Tia and Garth
--Luke McGee and Abbie Potter: Hope and Phoebe
--Grant McGee & Lucian Rowe: Sophia Lissette McGee-Rowe
--Sarah McGee & Ed Ortega: Naomi and Mitchell**
DS2 [62] Darion Alexander McGee
exW [62] Mercy Afton SwansonDD [41] Christen May (McGee) Yates
- DH [41] Adam Maxwell Yates
- DD [5] Harlow Aria YatesexGf [58] June Katy EricksonDS [36] Darion "DJ" Alexander McGee, Jr.
- exGf [35] Fern Clare Adkins
-- DD & DD [17] Molly Jasmine McGee/Heather Serenity McGee
- DW [34] Leigh Prudence (Webster) McGee
-- DD [7] Holly Jane McGee
-- DS [4] Erik Dean McGeeDW [50] Rachel Cora (Cobb) McGeeDS [23] Simon Clay McGee
DD [20] Coral Margaret McGee
- DD [exp] Aubrey Candace McGee
DS [15] Bennett Grayson McGeeDarion McGee and Mercy Swanson: Christen
--Christen & Adam Yates: HarlowDarion McGee and June Erickson: DJ
--DJ McGee and Fern Adkins: Molly and Heather
---DJ & Leigh McGee: Holly and ErikDarion & Rachel McGee: Simon, Coral and Bennett
--Coral McGee: Aubrey**
DD1 [59] Kerrie Charlotte (McGee) Quinn
DH [59] Piers Wesley QuinnDD [37] Mallory Paige (Quinn) Paul
- DH [37] Quinn Dwight Paul
- DS [13] Devyn Cooper Paul
- DS [11] Brady Anthony Paul
- DS [8] Brandyn Spencer Paul
- DS [6] Zachary Lawrence PaulDD [35] Brandy Georgia (Quinn) McCarthy
- DH [35] Alex Ian McCarthy
- DS [9] Lennox Kai McCarthy
- DS [3] Orrin Elliot McCarthyDS [32] Piers "Wes" Wesley Quinn, Jr.
- Dgf [26] Sonya Cathryn GibbsDD [30] Elyse Loretta Quinn
- Dfiance [29] Trent Theo TylerDS [27] Griffin "Griff" Ridge QuinnKerrie & Piers Quinn: Mallory, Brandy, Wes, Elyse and Griff
--Mallory & Quinn Paul: Devyn, Brady, Brandyn and Zachary
--Brandy & Alex McCarthy: Lennox and Orrin**
DD2 [56] April Joy McGeeDD [18] Madeleine "Maddie" Joanna McGeeApril McGee: Maddie
_______________________________________~Heidi~My 3 Sons
Matthew Duane
Nicholas Henry
Colin Conrad
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