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The Fabiano-Kilbourne/Vercher-Kilbourne Family
in reply to a message by Siân
DH: Alexander Edwin Kilbourne
DW: Valencia Penelope Fabiano-Kilbourne
DW: Helena Janet Vercher-KilbourneDD: Tatiana Ophelia Fabiano-Kilbourne
DS/DS: Samuel Gregory Vercher-Kilbourne / Jacob Benjamin Vercher-Kilbourne
DS/DD: Christian Felix Fabiano-Kilbourne / Nadia Abigail Fabiano-Kilbourne
DD: Reyna Beatrice Fabiano-Kilbourne
DS: Phineas Brady Vercher-Kilbourne
DD/DS: Willow Madelyn Vercher-Kilbourne / Pierce Mason Vercher-Kilbourne
DD: Sophia Therese Fabiano-Kilbourne
DS: James Ryan Vercher-Kilbourne
DD: Veronica Simone Vercher-Kilbourne
DS: Leo Logan Fabiano-KilbourneAlec & Val with Tatiana, Christian, Nadia, Reyna, Sophie and Leo.
Alec & Helena with Sam, Jake, Finn, Willow, Pierce, James and Veronica.
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