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Re: Generation CAF '155
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [86] Jasper Finn McGee
DW [86] Violet Amelia [Aguilar] McGee
DS1 [64] Sebastian Felix McGee "Seb"
DS2 [62] Darion Alexander McGee "Dare"
DD1 [59] Charlotte Piper [McGee] Moody "Char"
DD2 [56] Georgina Grace McGee "Jo"**
DS1 [64] Sebastian Felix McGee "Seb"
DW [64] Scarlett Tabitha [Cohen] McGee DD [43] Audrey Hazel [McGee] Rodgers
- DH [43] Benjamin Jude Rodgers "Ben"
- DS [16] Dominic Samuel Rodgers
- DS [12] Jeremy Ronan Rodgers DS [41] Jarvis Declan McGee
- DW [42] Lucy Elissa [Todd] McGee
- DS [20] Caleb Asher McGee
- DD [18] Rose Elizabeth McGee
-- Dbf [20] Archer Matthew Ingram
-- DD [nb] Katia Eden Ingram
- DS [15] David Michael McGee
- DD [13] Luna Jolene McGee
- DS [10] Garth August McGee DS [38] Evan Luke McGee
- exW [38] Alice Evangeline [Strickland] McGee
- DD [14] Evangeline Genevieve McGee
- DD [12] Portia Eleanor McGee DS [36] Peter Grant Goodwin McGee
- DH [34] Lucian Andrew Goodwin McGee
- ADD [1] Felicity Sophia Goodwin McGeeDD [33] Juliet Delilah [McGee] Ortega
- Dbf [29] John Luca Ortega
- DD [2] Fiona Juliet Ortega
- DS [exp] Luca John Ortega DS [29] Kendrick Wade McGee **
DS2 [62] Darion Alexander McGee "Dare"
exW [62] Brenna Mercy [Swanson] McGee DD [41] Clarissa Victoria [McGee] Maldonado
- DH [41] Patrick Graham Maldonado
- DD [5] Laurel Harlow Maldonado exGf [58] Claire Lila EricksonDS [36] Darion Alexander McGee, Jr. "DJ"
- exGf [35] Riley Clare Rios
-- DD & DD [17] River Lorelei McGee & Serenity Zoe McGee
- DW [34] Cecily Prudence [Malone] McGee
-- DD [7] Rebecca Jane McGee "Reba"
-- DS [4] Stetson Dean McGee "Stet" DW [50] Rachel Adelaide [Hammond] McGee DS [23] Simon Vincent Blaise McGee
DD [20] Margaret Daisy Josephine McGee "Peggy"
- DD [exp] Clementine Christina Candace McGee "Emma"
DS [15] Grayson Callum Bennett McGee "Gray" **
DD1 [59] Charlotte Piper [McGee] Moody "Char"
DH [59] Barnaby Piers MoodyDD [37] Mallory Paige [Moody] Osbourne "Mal"
- DH [37] Nicholas Hale Osbourne "Nick"
- DS [13] Lucius Cooper Osbourne "Luc"
- DS [11] Anthony Brady Osbourne "Tony"
- DS [8] Bradley Nathan Osbourne "Brad"
- DS [6] Joshua Lawrence Osbourne "Josh" DD [35] Lana Maeve [Moody] McCarthy
- DH [35] Ian Flynn McCarthy
- DS [9] Nolan Phoenix McCarthy
- DS [3] Orrin Robert McCarthy DS [32] Barnaby Piers Moody, Jr. "Barney"
- Dgf [26] Cathryn Augusta Lee GibbsDD [30] Valentina Elyse Moody "Val"
- Dfiance [29] Roderick Seth FitzgeraldDS [27] Raphael Tristan Moody "Raph" **
DD2 [56] Georgina Grace McGee "Jo"DD [18] Madeleine Claudia McGee "Maddy" “The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.
But still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now
mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
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