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The Stanley Family
in reply to a message by Siân
DH: Antony Edgar "Tony"
DW: Victoria Pippa "Pippa" (née Parks)DD: Theolinda Odile "Thea"
DS/DS: Stephen Graeme / Jacob Bucharach "Bucky"
DS/DD: Clifford Franklin "Cliff" / Nathania Alice "Nat"
DD: Roberta Bridget "Bridget"
DS: Parker Benedict
DD/DS: Winona Maxine / Peter Magnus
DD: Samantha Thalia "Sam"
DS: Jason Rhys "Rhys"
DS: Victor Sherwood
DS: Luke Laurent
Tony and Pippa
Thea, Stephen, Bucky, Cliff, Nat, Bridget, Parker, Winona, Peter, Sam, Rhys, Victor, and Luke.

Mutatis mutandis. Si non confectus, non reficiat.

This message was edited 5/7/2015, 2:45 AM

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