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Re: Initial CAF
in reply to a message by Siân
DH: August Edmund (Gus)
DW: Vada PhilippaDD: Theodora Ottoline (Thea)
DS/DS: Simon Gideon and James Bellamy (Jem)
DS/DD: Caspian Felix and Nicole Adelaide
DD: Rose Beatrix
DS: Paris Barnaby
DD/DS: Wilhelmina Magnolia and Phineas Montgomery (Willa)
DD: Seraphina Tallulah
DS: Julius Rupert (Jules)
DD: Verity Sage
DD: Lyra LaviniaAugust (Gus) and Vada Darling; Theodora (Thea), Simon and James (Jem), Caspian and Nicole, Rose, Paris, Wilhelmina (Willa) and Phineas, Seraphina, Julius (Jules), Verity and Lyra Darling
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