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Re: Generation CAF '117
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [80] Patrick Matthew Sellers
DW [80] Stella Grace [Noble] SellersDS1 [57] Patrick Matthew Sellers, Jr.
DD1 [55] Olivia Madeline [Sellers] [Sheppard] Livingstone
DD2 [52] Mariana Rose [Sellers] Harding
DD3 [49] Fiona Beatrix Sellers**
DS1 [57] Patrick Matthew Sellers, Jr.
DW [58] Cosima Genevieve [Landry] SellersDS [36] Matthew Patrick Sellers
- DW [33] Leonie Harper [Walls] Sellers
- DD & DS [8] Beatrice Jane Sellers & Matthew Patrick Sellers, Jr.
- DS [5] Dean Taylor Sellers
- DD [3] Lucille Alexandra Sellers
- DD [8mo] Sophia Kathryn SellersDD [34] Genevieve Valentina [Sellers] Everett
- DH [34] Robert Vincent Everett
- DS [6] Marshall Albert Everett
- DS [4] Robert Henry EverettDD [31] Ella Cassidy SellersDD [29] Luna Charlotte Sellers
- Dbf [27] Kellen Thomas Bradshaw
- DS [1] Flynn Ellington Bradshaw
- DS or DD [exp] Theodore Ford Bradshaw OR Adele Georgiana Sellers DS [26] Zachary Benjamin Sellers DS [24] Noah Maurice Sellers
- Dgf [22] Tabitha Paloma Dodson **
DD1 [55] Olivia Madeline [Sellers] [Sheppard] Livingstone
exH [56] Gideon Laurent Sheppard DD [35] Helena Margaret [Sheppard] Barron
- DH [35] Ronan Edward Barron
- DS [3] Leo James Barron DH [52] William Emerson Livingston IIDS [31] William Emerson Livingston III
- Dgf [30] Luciana Everleigh Branch
- DD [2] Willow Adela Livingstone
- DS [nb] Julian Andrew LivingstoneDS [29] Luke Easton Livingstone
- DW [27] Rebecca Elizabeth [Kerr] Livingstone
- DS [2] Ean Monroe Livingstone
- DS [exp] Rhys Francis Livingstone DS [26] Jack Holden Livingstone
DD [17] Avery Seraphina Livingstone**
DD2 [52] Mariana Rose [Sellers] Harding
DH [51] Joseph Walker HardingDD [27] Tamara Innes Harding
- DS [9] Roman Edward Harding DS [20] Maxwell Aaron Harding
- Dgf [19] Sophia Ann Frost
- DD [exp] Chloe Rain Harding
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