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Re: Generation CAF '117
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [80] Marcel Matthew Sellers
DW [80] Ruby Grace (Bartlett) SellersDS1 [57] Marcel "Matt" Matthew Sellers, Jr.
DD1 [55] Leigh Mae Sellers
DD2 [52] Abbey Rose Sellers
DD3 [49] Jean Beatrix SellersMarcel & Ruby Sellers: Matt, Leigh, Abbey and Jean**
DS1 [57] Marcel "Matt" Matthew Sellers, Jr.
DW [58] Violet "Vi" Rae (Landry) SellersDS [36] Matthew Marcel Sellers
- DW [33] Renn Molly (Barr) Sellers
- DD & DS [8] Margaret "Maggie" Jane Sellers/Matthew "Mattie" Marcel Sellers, Jr.
- DS [5] Taylor Finn Sellers
- DD [3] Alexandra "Lexi" Lois Sellers
- DD [8mo] Lyla Kathryn SellersDD [34] Rae Georgia (Sellers) Everett
- DH [34] Scott Daniel Everett
- DS [6] Frederick Albert Everett
- DS [4] Jameson Henry EverettDD [31] Ella Cassidy SellersDD [29] Sloan Daisy Sellers
- Dbf [27] Leo Thomas Bradshaw
- DS [1] Abraham "Bram" Flynn Bradshaw
- DS or DD [exp] Theodore "Theo" Hayes Bradshaw OR Charlene Mae BradshawDS [26] Zachary Levon SellersDS [24] Noah Maurice Sellers
- Dgf [22] Lauren Louise RushMatt & Vi Sellers: Matthew, Rae, Ella, Sloan, Zachary and Noah
--Matthew & Renn Sellers: Maggie, Mattie, Taylor, Lexi and Lyla
--Rae & Scott Everett: Frederick and Jameson
--Sloan Sellers & Leo Bradshaw: Bram and Theo or Charlene**
DD1 [55] Leigh Mae (Sellers) Middleton
exH [56] Patrick "Pat" Ryan SheppardDD [35] Marlo Helena (Sheppard) Barron
- DH [35] Lee Edward Barron
- DS [3] Leo James BarronDH [52] Rex William MiddletonDS [31] Rex "RJ" William Middleton, Jr.
- Dgf [30] Kae Lilah Chen
- DD [2] Aven Harper Middleton
- DS [nb] Julian Sawyer MiddletonDS [29] Luke Dylan Middleton
- DW [27] Taylor Scarlet (Kerr) Middleton
- DS [2] Jacob Hugo Middleton
- DS [exp] Jonathan Eli MiddletonDS [26] Paul Tobin Middleton
DD [17] Sarah Hope MiddletonLeigh Middleton and Pat Sheppard: Marlo
--Marlo & Lee Barron: LeoLeigh & Rex Middleton: RJ, Luke, Paul and Sarah
--RJ Middleton & Kae Chen: Aven and Julian
--Luke & Taylor Middleton: Jacob and Jonathan**
DD2 [52] Abbey Rose (Sellers) Solis
DH [51] Ezekiel "Zeke" Blaise SolisDD [27] Megan Jasmine Solis
- DS [9] Roman Beckett SolisDS [20] Aaron Maxwell Solis
- Dgf [19] Isabella "Bella" Madeline Giles
- DD [exp] Nicole Riley SolisAbbey & Zeke Solis: Megan and Aaron
--Megan Solis: Roman Solis
--Aaron Solis & Bella Giles: Nicole_______________________________________~Heidi~My 3 Sons
Matthew Duane
Nicholas Henry
Colin Conrad
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