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Re: Generation CAF '117
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [80] Matthew Cameron Sellers
DW [80] Stella Kyla (Noble) SellersDS1 [57] Matthew Cameron Sellers, Jr. 'Matt'
DD1 [55] Olivia Madeline (Sellers) Middleton
DD2 [52] Abbey Rose (Sellers) Solis
DD3 [49] Raquel Jean (Sellers) **
DS1 [57] Matthew Cameron Sellers, Jr. 'Matt'
DW [58] Violet Avery (Landry) SellersDS [36] Cameron Matthew Sellers
- DW [33] Molly Rose (Walls) Sellers
- DD & DS [8] Madison Margaret Sellers & Cameron Matthew Sellers, Jr.
- DS [5] Dean Tate Sellers
- DD [3] Alexandra Kloey Sellers
- DD [8mo] Kathryn Sophia Sellers 'Kate'DD [34] Avery Valentina (Sellers) Everett
- DH [34] Antonio Robert Everett
- DS [6] Alexander Frederick Everett 'Xander'
- DS [4] Jameson Robert EverettDD [31] Ella Leigh SellersDD [29] Daisy Charlotte Sellers
- Dbf [27] Aiden Thomas Velez
- DS [1] Liam Robert Velez
- DS or DD [exp] Leonardo Theodore Velez 'Leo' OR Finley Mae VelezDS [26] Benjamin Zachary Sellers 'Ben'DS [24] Noah Maurice Sellers
- Dgf [22] Lauren Ava Estes**
DD1 [55] Olivia Madeline (Sellers) Middleton
exH [56] Ryan Patrick MorseDD [35] Iris Margaret (Morse) Camacho
- DH [35] Patrick Edward Camacho
- DS [3] Levi James CamachoDH [52] William Nicholas Middleton 'Will'DS [31] William Nicholas Middleton, Jr. 'Liam'
- Dgf [30] Lilah Anniston Branch
- DD [2] Angelica Maria Middleton
- DS [nb] Andrew Steven MiddletonDS [29] Luke Dylan Middleton
- DW [27] Scarlet Elizabeth (McConnell) Middleton
- DS [2] Jacob Ean Middleton
- DS [exp] Jonathan Mason Middleton 'John'DS [26] Jack Paul Middleton
DD [17] Sarah Hope Middleton**
DD2 [52] Abbey Rose (Sellers) Solis
DH [51] Joseph James SolisDD [27] Megan Jasmine Solis
- DS [9] Roman Edward Solis DS [20] Maxwell Aaron Solis 'Max'
- Dgf [19] Sophia Madeline Herman
- DD [exp] Riley Nicole Solis
Jennifer Nicole
...Loving the Names...
Julia Elisabeth, Kate Alexandra, Natalia Cristina, Olivia Rachel
Grant Joseph, Jacob William, John Spencer, Jude Hamilton
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