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Re: Generation CAF '122
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [91] Richard Story Heard
DW [90] Narcissa Salmone Heard (nee Montes)DS1 [69] Richard Story Heard Jr. “Rich”
DD1 [67] Salmone Narcissa Heard “Sal”
DD2 [64] Cassiopeia Libra Heard “Cass”
DS2 [62] Frederick Geoffrey Heard “Fred”
DD3 [59] Andromeda Capella Heard “Andy”
DS1 [69] Richard Story Heard Jr. “Rich”
DW [71] Rosemary Star Heard (nee Eldridge)DD [47] Helena Saffron Gibbons (nee Heard)
- DH [51] John Nicholas Gibbons
- DS [24] Nicholas John Gibbons
-- DW [24] Gwendolyn Columbia Gibbons (nee Seymour)
-- DD [2] Alethea Genevieve Gibbons “Thea”
-- DD [nb] Violetta Adele Gibbons
- DS [22] Alexander Paul Gibbons
-- Dgf [22] Lily Callista Herron
-- DD [exp] Bellamy Elena Herron-Gibbons
- DS [19] Christopher Michael Gibbons “Chris”
- DD [17] Isabella Laurel Gibbons
- DS [14] Leo Dario GibbonsDS [45] Milo Cairo Heard
- DW [42] Lillian Arabella Heard (nee Rucker) “Lil”
- DD [16] Arabella Daisy Heard
- DS [13] Oren Nico Heard
- DD [10] River Morwenna HeardDS [42] Oberon Rio Heard
- DW [39] Marisol Sky Heard (nee Hilton)
- DS [12] Rio Oberon Heard
- DS [10] Owen Theo Heard
- DD [7] Ciel Avery Heard
- DS [5] Inigo Nicholson HeardDD [40] Leni Heaven Heard
- exH [40] Leander Banyan Rubio
- DD [15] Grace Helene Rubio
- DS [13] Sylvan Pine Rubio
DD1 [67] Salmone Narcissa Katz (nee Heard) “Sal”
exH [68] Duncan Branch GoldsteinDS [45] Duncan Branch Goldstein Jr. “Dun”
- DW [41] Mae Sienna Goldstein (nee Novak)
- DD [13] Natalia Caprice GoldsteinDD [42] Giselle Olya Gorman (nee Goldstein)
- DH [41] Finn Joaquin Gorman
- DD [19] Irina Agyness Gorman
- DD [17] Heidi Magdalena Gorman
- DD [14] Sofi Romina Gorman
- DS [12] Finn Joaquin Gorman Jr. “JJ”
- DS [9] Archer Lennox GormanDH [64] Ash Leonard KatzDS [35] Ash Leonard Katz Jr. “AJ”
- DW [33] Sable Melanie Katz (nee Woodruff)
- DS [5] Marshall Lafayette KatzDD [33] Ivy Pippa Britton (nee Katz)
- DH [34] Griffin Seeley Britton
- DS [9] August Wyatt Britton
- DS [7] Levi Dashiell Britton
- DD [4] Eliane Minnie Britton
- DS [1] Nico Rowan BrittonDS [29] Miles Rhett Katz
- Dgf [25] Molly Anita Nance
DD2 [64] Cassiopeia Libra Shafer (nee Heard) “Cass”
DH [64] Walt Haroun ShaferDS [38] Josiah Anderson Shafer
- DH [35] Carson Auster Steward
- DD [2] Carlotta Flower Steward-ShaferDD [34] Penny Mei Nix (nee Shafer)
- DH [34] Hart August Nix
- DS/DS [5] Blake Shaw Nix/ Colt Rhys Nix
- DD [2] Jess London Nix
- DS [exp] Edwin Dakota Nix
DS2 [62] Frederick Geoffrey Davila Heard “Fred”
DW [60] Eleanora Macy Heard (nee Davila)DD [34] Augusta Harriet HeardDD [31] Isadora Matilda Kessler (nee Heard)
- DH [31] Ezekiel Ethan Kessler
- DS [exp] Aaron Gabriel Kessler
DD3 [59] Andromeda Capella Hinkle (nee Heard) “Andy”
DH [59] Chase Austin Hinkle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the RingsMy Writer's Cafe account!
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