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Re: Generation CAF '122
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [91] Thomas Henry Heard
DW [90] Katrina Eliza Heard *Montes*DS1 [69] Thomas Henry Heard
DD1 [67] Eliza Katrina *Heard*
DD2 [64] Aurora Astra *Heard*
DS2 [62] Arthur Robert Heard
DD3 [59] Bellatrix Maia *Heard*Thomas and Katrina with Tom, Eliza, Aurora, Arthur and Bella**
DS1 [69] Thomas Henry Heard
DW [71] Rosemary Cherry Heard *Grady*DD [47] Helena Clementine Braun *Heard*
DH [51] Edward John Braun
DS [24] John Edward Braun
DW [24] Arabella Gwendolyn Braun *Moyer*
DD [2] Evangelene Alexia Braun
DD [nb] Cecelia Adele Braun
John and Arabella with Evie and Cece
DS [22] Alexander Laurence Braun
Dgf [22] Lily Eleanor Herron
DD [exp] Mabel Hallie Braun
Alex and Lily expecting Mabel
DS [19] Michael Christopher Braun
DD [17] Isabella Leonie Braun
DS [14] Bruno Indio Braun
Helena and Edward with John, Alex, Mikey, Bella and BrunoDS [45] Leonardo Cosmo Heard
DW [42] Lillian Louisa Heard *Rucker*
DD [16] Louisa Daisy Heard
DS [13] Orlando Hugo Heard
DD [10] Ruby Augusta Heard
Leo and Lillian with Louisa, Orlando and RubyDS [42] Orion Olivier Heard
DW [39] Julia Summer Heard *Hilton*
DS [12] Orion Olivier Heard
DS [10] Oscar Rocco Heard
DD [7] Kaia Rainy Heard
DS [5] Zavier Viggo Heard
Orion and Julia with Orion, Oscar, Kaia and ZavierDD [40] Raquel Jasmine Heard
exH [40] Tobias Gregory Field
DD [15] Mila Grace Field
DS [13] Forrest Ash Field
Raquel and Tobias with Mila and ForrestThomas and Rose with Helena, Leo, Orion and Raquel**
DD1 [67] Eliza Katrina Katz *Heard*
exH [68] Conrad Addison ElkinsDS [45] Conrad Addison Elkins
DW [41] Ella Mae Elkins *Novak*
DD [13] Marina Bette Elkins
Conrad and Ella with MarinaDD [42] Giselle Adriana Worley *Katz*
DH [41] Jack Desmond Worley
DD [19] Petra Cicely Worley
DD [17] Freja Heidi Worley
DD [14] Sofi Darcy Worley
DS [12] Jack Desmond Worley
DS [9] Archer Lennox Worley
Giselle and Jack with Petra, Freja, Sofi, Jack and ArcherEliza and Conrad with Conrad and GiselleDH [64] Leonard Isaac KatzDS [35] Leonard Issac Katz
DW [33] Layla Melanie Katz *Crow*
DS [5] Sawyer Lawson Katz
Leonard and Layla with SawyerDD [33] Florence Juliette Britton *Katz*
DH [34] Roman Walter Britton
DS [9] August Jonah Britton
DS [7] Dashiell Noah Britton
DD [4] Serena Adelaide Britton
DS [1] Jude Rowan Britton
Florrie and Roman with August, Dashiell, Serena and JudeDS [29] Miles Donovan Katz
Dgf [25] Sarah Molly Nance
Miles with girlfriend SarahEliza and Leonard with Leonard, Florrie and Miles**
DD2 [64] Aurora Astra Shafer *Heard*
DH [64] Charles James ShaferDS [38] Parker Francis Shafer
DH [35] Cain Carson Shafer *Steward*
DD [2] Ellie Jane Shafer
Parker and Cain with EllieDD [34] Penny Betsy Neely *Shafer*
DH [34] Austen Cooper Neely
DS & DS [5] Milan Blake Neely & Rhys Tennessee Neely
DD [2] Harper Miley Neely
DS [exp] Elvin Dakota Neely
Penny and Austen with Milan, Rhys, Harper and ElvinAurora and Charles with Parker and Penny**
DS2 [62] Arthur Robert Heard
DW [60] Eleanora Pearl Heard *Manuel*DD [34] Theodora Ida HeardDD [31] Matilda Alice Emery *Heard*
DH [31] Andrew Brian Emery
DS [exp] Beau Aaron Emery
Matilda and Drew expecting BeauArthur and Elle with Thea and Matilda**
DD3 [59] Bellatrix Maia Welsh *Heard*
DH [59] Cole Brady WelshBella with husband Cole- - -
Elsa. Arabella. Rosie. Aubrey. Polly.
Alexander. Jude. Mason. Ralph, Cassius. Georgei>
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