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Re: Generation CAF '117
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [80] Matthew Patrick House
DW [80] Grace Stella Foley
DS1 [57] Matthew Patrick
DD1 [55] Dilys Olivia
DD2 [52] Florence Rose
DD3 [49] Ray Beatrix **
DS1 [57]
DW [58] Genevieve Violet DurhamDS [36] Patrick Matthew
- DW [33] Molly June Walls
- DD & DS [8] Beatrice May & Patrick Matthew
- DS [5] Aleph Diesel
- DD [3] Alexandra Lois
- DD [8mo] Sophia Hannah DD [34] Violet Georgia
- DH [34] Daniel Robert Rivers
- DS [6] Frederick Alexander
- DS [4] Henry Robert DD [31] Nancy EllaDD [29] Daisy Charlotte
- Dbf [27] Philip Thomas Velez
- DS [1] Max Elijah
- DS or DD [exp] Theodore Hayes OR Charlene GeorgianaDS [26] Zachary Benjamin DS [24] Noah Maurice
- Dgf [22] Louise Tabitha Rush **
DD1 [55]
exH [56] Eli Gideon SheppardDD [35] Helena Phoebe
- DH [35] Edward Patrick Barron
- DS [3] Leo James DH [52] Nicholas Rex Livingstone DS [31] Nicholas Rex
- Dgf [30] Bella Everleigh Blevins
- DD [2] Angelica Maria
- DS [nb] Amadeus Benedict DS [29] Luke Sampson
- DW [27] Elizabeth Rebecca Hatfield
- DS [2] Charlie Jacob
- DS [exp] Bernard RhysDS [26] Jack Paul
DD [17] Sarah Hope**
DD2 [52]
DH [51] Nathaniel James Harding DD [27] Mabel Millie
- DS [9] Edward Isaiah DS [20] Tobias Aaron
- Dgf [19] Ann Isabella Frost
- DD [exp] Chloe Finley - - -
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