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Re: Generation CAF '117
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [80] Cameron Knox Herring
DW [80] Ruby Stella Grace [Bartlett] HerringDS1 [57] Cameron Knox Herring
DD1 [55] Mae Olivia Madeline Herring
DD2 [52] Florence Harper Rose Herring
DD3 [49] Beatrix Fiona Jean HerringCameron and Ruby Herring & Cam, Mae, Flo and Bea. **
DS1 [57] Cameron Knox Herring
DW [58] Violet Rae [Durham] HerringDS [36] Knox Cameron Herring
- DW [33] Liberty Rose [McKee] Herring
- DD & DS [8] Thea Jane Herring & Knox Cameron Herring
- DS [5] Finn Taylor Herring
- DD [3] Lois Nelly Herring
- DD [8mo] Hannah Sophia HerringDD [34] Rae Valentina Herring
- DH [34] Daniel Robert Rivers
- DS [6] Albert Valentine Rivers
- DS [4] Arlo Henry RiversDD [31] Ella Nancy HerringDD [29] Daisy Luna Herring
- Dbf [27] Leo Philip Bradshaw
- DS [1] Max Ellington Bradshaw
- DS or DD [exp] Theodore Nesta Bradshaw OR Adele Mae BradshawDS [26] Zachary Benjamin HerringDS [24] Noah Buddy Herring
- Dgf [22] Ava Tabitha RushCam and Violet Herring & Knox, Rae, Ella, Daisy, Zac and Noah.
Knox and Libby Herring & Thea, KC, Finn, Lois and Hannah.
Rae Herring and Dan Rivers & Bertie and Arlo.
Daisy Herring and Leo Bradshaw & Max and Teddy or Adele.
Noah Herring and Ava Rush.
DD1 [55] Mae Olivia Madeline Herring
exH [56] Gideon Ryan Morse DD [35] Mabel Iris Herring-Morse
- DH [35] Edward Lennon Bean
- DS [3] James Tatum BeanDH [52] Hudson Rex LivingstoneDS [31] Hudson Rex Livingstone
- Dgf [30] Lilah Java Chen
- DD [2] Blossom Harper Livingstone
- DS [nb] Amadeus Fuego LivingstonDS [29] Louis Dylan Livingstone
- DW [27] Scarlet Elizabeth [Hatfield] Livingstone
- DS [2] Hugo Charlie Livingstone
- DS [exp] Dash Henry Livingstone DS [26] Holden Jack Livingstone
DD [17] Seraphina Hope LivingstoneMae Herring and Gideon Morse & Mabel.
Mae Herring and Hudson Livingstone & Rex, Louis, Holden and Sera.
Mabel Herring-Morse and Ed Bean & James.
Rex Livingstone and Lilah Chen & Blossom and Amadeus.
Louis and Scarlet Livingstone & Hugo and Dash.
DD2 [52] Florence Harper Rose [Herring] Harding
DH [51] Nathaniel Joseph HardingDD [27] Millie Megan Harding
- DS [9] Luka Roman HardingDS [20] Maxwell Cassius Harding
- Dgf [19] Isabella Vivienne Frost
- DD [exp] India Chloe HardingFlo and Nate Harding & Millie and Max.
Millie Harding & Luka.
Max Harding and Isabella Frost & India.
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