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Re: Generation CAF '110
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [68] Daniel Thomas Cox
DW [68] Priscilla Elizabeth Peterson
DD1 [42] Eve Marina
DS1 [39] Thomas Daniel
DS2 [36] Mark Isaac **
DD1 [42]
DH [45] Andrew Michael WatsonDS [20] Lorenzo Frederick
DS [18] Luke Sebastian
DD [10] Abigail Emily**
DS1 [39]
DW [39] Audrey Juliet Brooks DS [16] Theodore Anton
DD [14] Caroline Veronica
DS [11] Reginald Jasper
DS [9] Lawrence Joshua
DS [6] Ivan Edward**
DS2 [36]
DW [33] Lucille Mercy Bennett DS [4] Roderick Ezra
DD [exp] Joanna Ivy - - -
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