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Re: CAF Generation
DH [91] Henry Wellington Howland
DW [88] Grace Lucina Howland *Aires*DS1 [55] Augustin Meade Howland
DD1 [54] Rosana Elodie *Howland*
DS2 [53] Arthur James Howland
DS3 [50] Grayson Chauncey Howland
DS4 [50] Henry Wellington Howland**
DS1 [55] Augustin Meade Howland
DW [54] Lilian Violetta Howland *Walker*DD [25] Daisie Emma Smith *Howland*
DH [37] George Agustus Smith
DD [7] Aurora Campbell Smith
DS [4] George Agustus Smith
DS [1] Finley Troy Smith
DS [nb] Asher Richmond Smith
Daisie and George with Aurora, George, Finley and AsherDD [22] Florence Idabelle March *Howland*
DH [25] Presley Bowman March
DD [nb] Adeline Cosette March
Florence and Presley with AdelineDS [21] Augustin Meade HowlandDD [21] Sarah Harlow Marshall *Howland*
DH [34] Cassius William Marshall
DD [1] Savannah Hailey Marshall
DS [nb] Cassius William Marshall
Sarah and Cassius with Savannah and CassiusDD [17] Harper Coral HowlandAugustin and Lilian with Daisie, Florence, Augustin, Sarah and Harper**
DD1 [54] Rosana Elodie Phillips *Howland*
DH [62] Hudson Porter Phillips DS [20] Judson Reagan Phillips
DW [20] Rossie Avery Phillips *Dwight*
Judson with wife RossieRosana and Hudson with Judson**
DS2 [53] Arthur James Howland
DW [48] Ruby Emeline Howland *Tilly*DD [31] Aubrey Romilly Stephenson *Howland*
DH [35] Zander Willaim Stephenson
DD [11] Piper Caterina Stephenson
DD [9] Renee Christina Stephenson
DD [7] Kendall Madison Stephenson
DS [5] Lewis John Stephenson
DS [4] Zander Willaim Stephenson
DS [2] Gunner Warren Stephenson
DS [exp] Beckett Jens Stephenson
Aubrey and Zander with Piper, Renee, Kendall, Lewis, Zander, Gunner and expecting BeckettDS [28] Arthur James Howland
DW [25] Shiloh Valentina Howland *Atwood*
DD [3] Lilla Ramona Howland
DD [nb] Bethany Valencia Howland
Arthur and Shiloh with Lilla and BethanyDD [26] Sabina Kay Chipman *Howland*
DH [34] Bastian Chandler Chipman
DD [7] Michalina Dessa Chipman
DD [3] Arabella Stefania Chipman
DD [1] Kristina Demetria Chipman
Sabina and Bastian with Lina, Bella and KristinaDD [24] Dorothy Ramonita Hicks *Howland*
DH [24] Augustine Warner Hicks
Dottie with husband AugustineDD [22] Charlize Moira Brown *Howland*
DH [32] Finnegan Thurman Brown
Charlize with husband FinneganDD [18] Alexandra Calleigh Howland
DS [15] Casper Leighton Howland
DS [11] Edward Anthony Howland
DD [9] Daphne Dove Howland
DS [6] Jonathan Ambrose HowlandArthur and Ruby with Aubrey, Arthur, Sabina, Dottie, Charlize, Alex, Casper, Teddy, Daphne and Jon**
DS3 [50] Grayson Chauncey Howland
DW [50] Ever Stephany Howland *Calvert*Grayson with wife Ever**
DS4 [50] Henry Wellington Howland
DW [48] Abigail Fae Howland *English*DD [27] Katherine Cayla Young *Howland*
DH [31] Emmit Carlisle Young
DS [6] Emmit Carlisle Young
DS [1] Colton Clemens Young
DS [exp] Spencer Coster Young
Kate and Emmit with Emmit, Colton and expecting SpencerDS [24] Dalton Cohen Howland
DW [24] Willia Hestia Howland *Tiverton*
Dalton with wife WilliaDS [17] Theodore Melton Howland
DS [14] Isaac Jaden Howland
DD [12] Tallulah Cassia Howland
DD [10] Adalaide Maya Howland
DD [8] Annamarie Nevaeh Howland
DS [6] Christian Amon HowlandHenry and Abigail with Kate, Dalton, Theo, Isaac, Tally, Ada, Annie and Christian
- - -
Elsa. Arabella. Rosie. Aubrey. Polly.
Alexander. Jude. Mason. Ralph, Cassius. Georgei>
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