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Re: Generation CAF
DH [69] Landon Oliver Chase
DW [67] Elizabeth Grace (Navarro) ChaseDS [42] William Levi Chase 'Will'
DS [40] Hayden Samuel Chase
DS [37] Jacob Michael Chase
DD [35] Scarlett Audrey (Chase) McFarland
DS [33] Caleb David Chase*DS [42] William Levi Chase 'Will'
DW [40] Katherine Julia (Hadley) Chase 'Kate'DD [15] Megan Lilia Chase
DD [10] Lauren Rachel Chase*DS [40] Hayden Samuel Chase
DW [38] Rebecca Delilah (Dias) ChaseDD/DS [10] Brooke Delaney Chase / Zachary Andrew Chase 'Zach'
DD [8] Natalie Rose Chase
DD [5] Athena Kelsey Chase
DS [3] Joseph Cole Chase
DD [nb] Addison Kristen Chase*DS [37] Jacob Michael Chase
DW [36] Katelyn Lillian (Lucero) Chase 'Kate'DS [8] Cooper Robert Chase
DD [6] Zoey Ellie Chase
DS [3] Weston Thomas Chase
DS [18m] Grant Jude Chase
DD [exp] Samantha Gabrielle Chase*DD [35] Scarlett Audrey (Chase) McFarland
DH [38] Shawn Darren McFarlandDD [4] Lacey Madelyn McFarland
DS [3] Charles Nathaniel McFarland
DS [nb] Nicholas Joshua McFarland 'Nick'*DS [33] Caleb David Chase
DW [28] Lindsey Allison (Ashworth) ChaseDD [5] Lucille Paige Chase 'Lucy'
DS [6m] Jordan Camden Chase
Jennifer Nicole
...Loving the Names...
Julia Elisabeth, Kate Alexandra, Natalia Cristina, Olivia Rachel
Grant Joseph, Jacob William, John Spencer, Jude Hamilton
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