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Re: CAF Generation
H: Moss Levi
W: Violet SidneyS1: Noah Tristan
D1: Charlotte Olivia
D2: Ivy Elizabeth******
S1: Noah Tristan
W: Anya TyraD: Amelia Naomi
S: Noah Tristan
D: Lily Abigail
S: Eli Abel
S: Jordan Jacob
S: Lev Marlon******
D1: Charlotte Olivia
H: Avi TobinS: Noel Ian
S: Jeremiah James
S: Mathias Elijah "Mats"
S: William Gabriel
D: Rose Suzanne******
D2: Ivy Elizabeth
H: Leo ZviS: Benjamin Jacques "Benno"
S: Elisha Michel "Eli"
S: Martin Jeremiah
S: Leo Zvi
D: Sarah Delilah
D: Simone Ruby
D: Ziva Jael

"He was healthy to the point of heathendom and he acknowledged no power but his own."Joseph Roth, Hotel Savoy
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