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Re: Generation CAF '108
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [83] Drew Ezekiel Harries
DW [83] Elizabeth Amelie Harries *Close*DD1 [60] Amelie Erika *Harries*
DS1 [57] Cory Archibald Harries
DS2 [55] Johnny Kyan Harries
DD2 [53] Bria Nataly *Harries*
DS3 [50] Shaun Ciaran HarriesDrew and Betty with Amelie, Cory, Johnny, Bria and Shaun**
DD1 [60] Amelie Erika Jacob *Harries*
DH [62] Lucian Keaton JacobDS [36] Elis Zander Jacob
DW [37] Shiloh Azalea Jacob *Ramsey*
DD [12] Azalea Maia Jacob
DS [10] Calum Jared Jacob
DS [7] Rueben Miller Jacob
DS [5] Issac Kasper Jacob
DD [2] Matilda Jasmin Jacob
Elis and Shiloh with Azalea, Calum, Rueben, Issac and MatildaDS [34] Orlando Addison Jacob
DW [34] Jemma Rosa Jacob *Wale*
DS [3] Addison Orlando Jacob
Orlando and Jemma with AddisonDD [31] Isabela Clauudia Moreno *Jacob*
DH [33] Ryder Keelan Moreno
DD [4] Winter Mae Moreno
DD [1] Pearl Jazlynn Moreno
Bela and Ryder with Winter and PearlAmelie and Lucian with Elis, Orlando and Bela**
DS1 [57] Cory Archibald Harries
DW [54] Willa Frances Harries *Benfield*DS [32] Walter Zayne Harries
DW [32] Ellen Bryanna Harries *Good*
DD & DD [10] Mabel Coraline Harries & Edith Blair Harries
DD [7] Reyna Leona Harries
DS [5] Conrad Leonidas Harries
DD [2] Taryn Noemi Harries
DS [exp] Axel Maximillian Harries
Walter and Ellen with Mabel, Edith, Reyna, Conrad, Taryn and expecting AxelDS [30] Dalton Lucca Harries
Dgf [27] Aryana Mara Luke
DD [nb] Kaya Paloma Harries
Dalton and Aryana with KayaDS [27] Damon Eoin Harries
Dgf [26] Kristina Jolie McAvoy
Damon with girlfriend KristinaDS [24] Kieron Shae Harries
Dgf [21] Cherise Emmalee Underwood
Kieron with girlfriend CheriseCory and Willa with Walter, Dalton, Damon and Kieron**
DS2 [55] Johnny Kyan Harries
DW [51] Marisol Carolyn Harries *Drury*DD [29] Jocelynn Keyla Hinton *Harries*
DH [32] Reilly Cyrus Hinton
DS [6] Alastair Taran Hinton
DS & DD [4] Cillian Fynn Hinton & Yasmin Julianne Hinton
DS [18mo] Sullivan Jaydan Hinton
DD [exp] Lilith Ivanna Hinton
Joss and Reilly with Ali, Cillian, Yasmin, Sullivan and expecting LilithDD [27] Aurelia Heather Harries
Dgf [25] Aubri Milena O’Hara
Aurelia with girlfriend AubriDD [27] Angeline Carla Harries
DS [10] Santino Orion Harries
Angeline with son SantinoDD [24] Alannah Ivory Harries
DD [22] Scarlette Alisha HarriesDD [19] Gwyneth Rosie Harries
Dbf [21] Nolan Zachery Crook
DS [2] Korey Lucien Crook
DD [exp] Rosie Luz Crook
Gwyneth and Nolan with Korey and expecting RosieDD [17] Anabel Renee Harries
DS [15] Mayson Valentino HarriesJohnny and Marisol with Joss, Aurelia, Angeline, Gwyneth, Anabel and Mayson**
DD2 [53] Bria Nataly Keane *Harries*
DH [53] Emmett Camden KeaneDD [28] Nataly Saylor Mathews *Keane*
DH [31] Coen Gene Mathews
Nataly with husband CoenDD [26] Lilia Freya Keane
exH [27] Remi Trystan Kendrick
DD [4] Ariya Liv Kendrick
DD [3] Karis Rayne Kendrick
Lilia and Remi with Ariya and KarisDS [23] Braydon Jarvis Keane
DS [20] Greyson Sydney KeaneBria and Emmett with Nataly, Lilia, Braydon and Greyson**
DS3 [50] Shaun Ciaran Harries
DW [50] Margot Wynter Harries *Fischer*DS [23] Shaun Ciaran HarriesDD [20] Annabell Cristina Harries
Dbf [21] Etienne Josef Zaoui
DD [exp] India Kaiya Zaoui
Annie and Etienne expecting IndiaShaun and Margot with Shaun and Annie
- - -
Elsa. Arabella. Rosie. Aubrey. Polly.
Alexander. Jude. Mason. Ralph, Cassius. Georgei>
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