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Re: Generation CAF
H: [85] Harry Franklin Cohen
W: [81] Maxine Winifred [Aronsohn] Cohen "Maxi"
D1: [62] Louise Veronica Cohen
D2: [57] Theresa Dawn Cohen
D3: [56] Jacqueline Tammy Cohen
S1: [41] Paul Harry Cohen*****
D1: [62] Louise Veronica (Cohen) Moscot
H: [68] Everett Sidney Moscot
-DS: [41] Thomas Lee Moscot
--DW: [38] Kristin Wendy [Ayers] Moscot
---DD: [19] Katrina Tiffany Moscot
---DD: [13] Danielle Taylor Moscot
---DD: [9] Haley Isabella Moscot
-DD: [37] Jennifer Amanda Moscot-Gorodetsky
--exH: [54] Robin Marcus Gorodetsky
---DS: [15] Juliet Nadia Gorodetsky
-DS: [35] Jamie Eric Moscot
--DW [31] Stephanie Janelle [George] Moscot
---DD: [2] Amethyst Patience Moscot "Amey"
---DD: [exp] Jade Maeve Moscot*****
D2: [57] Theresa Dawn Braun Cohen
H: [59] William Dean Braun
-DS: [33] Caleb Alexis Braun
--DW: [30] Sarah Nicole [Masney] Braun
---DS: [8] Daniel Hosea Elijah Braun
---DS: [5] Isaac Benjamin Ezra Braun
-DS: [32] Elliot Reed Braun
--DGf: [27] Paige Brianna [Huston] Braun
---DD [2] Joslyn Olive Braun*****
D3: [56] Jacqueline Tammy (Cohen) Orender
H: [61] Hollis Marlon Orender
-DD: [34] Deanna Robyn (Orender) Back "Dee"
--DH: [35] Patrick Tyler Back
---DS: [16] Alexander Cole Back
----DGf: [16] Ashton Celeste Shea
-----DD/DD: [exp] Kayleigh Peyton Back // Hadley Presley Back
---DS/DD: [15] Mason Dominic Back // Madison Grace Back
---DS: [11] Chase Joshua Back
-DD: [32] Lara Aimee Orender
--DFiance: [33] Christian Anthony Valko
-DS/DS: [27] Samuel Zachary Orender // Hunter Zane Orender
-DS: [25] Dylan Darin Orender
--DFiance: [25] Jayma Daphne Cecil*****
S1: [41] Paul Harry Cohen
exW: [31] Joelle Nikita Kessler
-DD: [9] Nadia Cassidy CohenW: [38] Elizabeth Renee Steele-Cohen
-WS: [15] Knox Hayden Steele
-WD: [12] Juneau Josephine Steele
-DS: [4] Reilly Paul Steele
Monsters are real, and ghost are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win
- Stephen King
PNL: rated: Alice and Henry
Bottom: Lykke and Zeus
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