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Re: Generation CAF '99
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [85] Benjamin Jacob McGuire
DW [85] Mabel Flora (Callaghan) McGuireDD1 [63] Violet Elinor McGuire
DD2 [61] Pearl Adelaide McGuire
DD3 [58] Florence Madison McGuire
DS1 [56] Benjamin Jacob McGuire
DD4 [52] Carolina Siena McGuireBen and Mabel McGuire & Violet, Pearl, Florence, Benji and Callie. **
DD1 [63] Violet Elinor [McGuire] McMahon
DH [63] William Alexander McMahonDD [42] Geneva Eden McMahon
- DH [43] Noah Gabriel Dunne
- DS [20] Joseph Matthew Dunne
- DD [18] India Georgia Dunne
- DD [15] Ava Lily Dunne
- DD [13] Isabella Madison Dunne
- DS [10] Samuel Felix DunneDS [40] Alexander William McMahon
- DW [37] Mia Chloe [McCartney] McMahon
- DS & DS [14] Louis Leopold McMahon & Oscar Max McMahon
- DS [11] Amos Dante McMahon
- DD [9] Grace Lillian McMahon
- DD [7] Arabella Lucia McMahon
- DD [5] Lila Jasmine McMahonDS [37] Albert Phineas McMahon
- DW [38] Scarlett Jolie Blackmore
- DS [11] Wilfred Victor McMahon
- DS [10] Frank Murray McMahon
- DS [8] Sidney Arthur McMahon
- DS [5] Barney Ralph McMahon
- DD [1] Belle Serena McMahonDD [37] Mabel Flora McMahon
- Dbf [31] Harvey Raymond Nixon
- DS [2] Theodore Dash Nixon
- DD [nb] Helena Juliet NixonDS [34] Finn Seth McMahonDD [32] Amelia Mirabel McMahon
- Dfiance [32] John Charles FultonDS [29] Knox Cale McMahon
- exGf [28] Josephine Elisabeth Hayward
- DD [4] Wilhelmina Astrid McMahonDD [29] Leila Maud McMahon
- Dgf [23] Alice Charlotte NortonViolet and Will McMahon & Evie, Alex, Albert, Mabel, Finn, Amelia, Knox and Leila.
Evie and Noah Dunne & Joe, India, Ava, Izzy and Sam.
Alex and and Mia McMahon & Louis, Oscar, Amos, Grace, Bella and Lila.
Albert and Scarlett McMahon & Wilf, Frank Sid, Barney and Belle.
Mabel McMahon and Harvey Nixon & Theo and Helena.
Amelia McMahon and John Fulton.
Knox McMahon (and Josephine Hayward) & Minnie.
Leila McMahon and Alice Norton.
DD2 [61] Pearl Adelaide (McGuire) Larkin
DH [61] Finley Kian LarkinDS [33] Flynn Jagger Larkin
- DW [33] Isadora Lily Richmond
- DD [6] Beatrix Amalia Larkin-Richmond
- DD [3] Cornelia Marie Larkin-Richmond
- DS [6mo] Kingston Cohen Larkin-RichmondPearl and Finley Larkin & Flynn.
Flynn and Isadora Larkin-Richmond & Bea, Nell and Kingston.
DD3 [58] Florence Madison (McGuire) Robins
DH [56] Sawyer Callan RobinsDD [30] Eliora Mabel (Robins) Downes
- DH [35] Jack Francis Downes
- DD [4] Persephone Araminta Downes
- DS [exp] Edward William DownesDS [27] Story George Robins
- DW [27] Phoebe Maud Carson
- DD [2] Cora Hazel Robins
- DD [nb] Edith Olive RobinsFlorence and Sawyer Robins & Eliora and Story.
Eliora and Jack Downes & Sephy and Teddy.
Story Robins and Phoebe Carson & Cora and Edie.
DS1 [56] Benjamin Jacob McGuire
exW [56] Imogen Fay Ware DS [35] Benjamin Jacob McGuire
- DW [36] May Alberta (Conroy) McGuire
- DS [3] Henry Joseph McGuireDD [33] Clara Elsa McGuire
- DH [33] Kamden King Hastings
- DD [5] Martha Iris Hastings-McGuire
- DD [2] Florence Viola Hastings-McGuireDD [33] Ivy Harriet McGuire
- DW [29] Penelope Clare SheldonBenji McGuire and Imogen Ware & Jacob, Clara and Ivy.
Jacob and May McGuire & Henry.
Clara and Kamden Hastings-McGuire and Martha and Florence.
Ivy McGuire and Penny Sheldon.
DW [52] Tess Mae (Ridley) McGuireDS [27] Kaleb Kameron McGuire
- Dgf [25] Maeve Wynn (Povey)
- DD [5mo] Kate Faith McGuireDS [25] Korbin Kai McGuire
- Dgf [25] Daisy Miranda ShortDS [22] Keir Klayton McGuire
DD [11] Rosie Willow McGuireBenji and Tess McGuire & Kaleb, Korbin, Keir and Rosie.
Kaleb and Maeve McGuire & Kate.
Korbin McGuire and Daisy Short.
DD4 [52] Carolina Siena (McGuire) Bevan
DH [50] Asa Levi Bevan DD [26] Arabella Zoe (Bevan) Eaton
- DH [31] Noah Caleb Eaton
- DS [2] Saul Nathaniel Eaton
- DS [nb] Xavier Tobias EatonDS [24] Asa Levi Bevan DD [21] Philippa Allegra Bevan
- DexBf [21] August Ryder Rigby
- DS & DS [4] Austin Foster Bevan & Hudson Bailey BevanDD [18] Liliana Alice Bevan
DS [16] Holden Mason Bevan
DD [13] Anya Harlow Bevan Callie and Asa Bevan & Bella, Pippa, Lily, Holden and Anya.
Bella and Noah Eaton & Saul and Xavier.
Pippa Bevan (and August Rigby) & Austin and Hudson.
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