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Re: Generation CAF '99
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [85] Benjamin Elijah [McGuire]
DW [85] Rosie Flora [Pratt]DD1 [63] Violet Eve
DD2 [61] Jessie Pearl
DD3 [58] Florence Valencia
DS1 [56] Benjamin Elijah "Elijah"
DD4 [52] Siena Cheyenne**DD1 [63] Violet Eve
DH [63] Alexander James "Lex" [Mansell]DD [42] Eden Catalina
- DH [43] Gabriel Noah "Gabe" [Dunne]
- DS [20] David Matthew
- DD [18] Abigail Paris "Abi"
- DD [15] Ava Hailey
- DD [13] Emily Olivia
- DS [10] Felix SamuelDS [40] James Alexander
- DW [37] Chloe Mia [McCartney]
- DS & DS [14] Leopold Christian "Leo" & Oscar Emmanuel
- DS [11] Rufus Dante
- DD [9] Lillian Grace "Lilly"
- DD [7] Natalia Lavender
- DD [5] Jasmine LilaDS [37] Rupert Otto
- DW [38] Felicity Scarlett [Metcalfe]
- DS [11] Victor Seymour
- DS [10] Frank Humphrey
- DS [8] Harry Frederick
- DS [5] Barney Julius
- DD [1] Angelina BelleDD [37] Rosie Flora "Rosa"
- Dbf [31] Raymond Harvey "Ray" [Bullock]
- DS [2] Theodore Carl "Teddy"
- DD [nb] Juliet CamillaDS [34] Seth Vaughn DD [32] Ariana Carmen
- Dfiance [32] John Lee [Fulton]DS [29] Mark Knox
- exGf [28] Estelle Josephine [Morrow]
- DD [4] Astrid ThereseDD [29] Eloise Leila
- Dgf [23] Emma Charlotte [Norton]**DD2 [61] Jessie Pearl
DH [61] Finley Paul [McMillan]DS [33] Jagger Bentley
- DW [33] Sophie Victoria [Richmond]
- DD [6] Beatrix Amalia "Bea"
- DD [3] Tallulah Marie "Lula"
- DS [6mo] Kingston Milan **DD3 [58] Florence Valencia
DH [56] Crosby Sawyer [Robins]DD [30] Mabel Eliora
- DH [35] Jack Francis [Neale]
- DD [4] Matilda Araminta "Tilly"
- DS [exp] Edward Justice "Ned"DS [27] George Finn
- DW [27] Phoebe Ada [Strong]
- DD [2] Esther Hazel
- DD [nb] Edith Agnes "Edie'**DS1 [56] Benjamin Elijah "Elijah"
exW [56] Imogen Fay [Prince]DS [35] Benjamin Elijah "Benji"
- DW [36] Miriam Opal [Conroy]
- DS [3] Joseph Henry "Joe"DD [33] Clara Elsa
- DH [33] Kamden King [Sanchez]
- DD [5] Martha Ruth
- DD [2] Adeline ViolaDD [33] Millicent Ivy "Milly"
- DW [29] Fern Penelope [Sheldon]DW [52] Tess June "Tessie" [Ridley]DS [27] Keaton Kaleb
- Dgf [25] Maeve Sage [Brett]
- DD [5mo] Kate FaithDS [25] Kai Karson
- Dgf [25] Daisy Miranda [Gilmour]DS [22] Keir Kalvin
DD [11] Willow Ariel**DD4 [52] Siena Cheyenne
DH [50] Asher Ethan [Higgs]DD [26] Zoe Arabella
- DH [31] Gideon Jonah [Clayton]
- DS [2] Judah Nathaniel
- DS [nb] Tobias Alexander "Toby"DS [24] Asher Ethan "Ethan"DD [21] Georgiana Allegra
- DexBf [21] August Houston "Gus" [McGhee]
- DS & DS [4] Dallas Foster & Hudson BaileyDD [18] Alice Francesca
DS [16] Holden Wade
DD [13] Maya Faye Sarah -
Wife to DH Paul (Since July 4th 2009)
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (Since August 6th 2010)
Jethro Zion (Since August 13th 2014)

This message was edited 1/12/2015, 1:27 AM

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