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Re: Generation CAF '94
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [80] Charles James Bates
DW [80] Dorothy Ruth [Banks] BatesDS1 [59] James Charles Bates
DS2 [56] Thomas Joseph Bates
DS3 [54] Henry Paul Bates
DS4 [51] David Arthur Bates
DS5 [48] Earl Clarence BatesCharles and Dorothy Bates
James, Tom, Henry, David, and Earl
* *
DS1 [59] James Charles Bates
DW [60] Evelyn Virginia [Moss] BatesDD [31] Alice Jean [Bates] Ferguson
- DH [35] Roy Leonard Ferguson
- DS [9] Norman Anthony Ferguson
- DD [7] Rose Marjorie Ferguson
- DD [4] Eleanor Catherine Ferguson
- DD [18mo] Josephine Edna Ferguson DS [29] Melvin Samuel Bates
- DW [29] Gloria Lucille [Mackenzie] Bates
- DS [3] Leo Michael Bates
- DS [exp] Peter Edwin BatesJames and Evelyn Bates
Alice and MelvinAlice and Roy Ferguson
Norman, Rose, Nora, and JosieMelvin and Gloria Bates
Leo and Peter
* *
DS2 [56] Thomas Joseph Bates
DW [56] June Hazel [Davidson] Bates DD [34] Clara Beatrice [Bates] Love
- DH [40] Theodore Vernon Love
- DHsDS [20] Chester Vincent Love
- DHsDD [18] Emma Jane Love
- DD [6] Elsie Katherine Love
- DD [4] Audrey Theresa Love
- DS [1] Calvin Leon Love DS [31] Thomas Joseph Bates
- Dgf [27] Ida Charlotte Tucker
- DD [5mo] Maxine Viola Bates DD [29] Violet Myrtle Bates
- Dfiance [32] Martin Cecil Park DD [26] Ellen Jeanne [Bates] O'Connor
- DH [25] Benjamin Ronald O'ConnorTom and June Bates
Clara, Joey, Violet, and EllenClara and Theo Love
Chester, Emma, Elsie, Audrey, and CalvinJoey Bates and Ida Tucker
MaxineViolet Bates and Martin ParkEllen and Benny O'Connor
* *
DS3 [54] Henry Paul Bates
exW1 [54] Sylvia Rosemary CurtisDD [33] Geneva Mabel [Bates] Paul
- DH [33] Edgar Arnold Paul
- DS [5] Roland Oscar Paul
- DS [2] Everett Curtis Paul
- DS [exp] Homer Glen Paul exW2 [53] Velma Mae CharlesDD [30] Opal Christine [Bates] Todd
- DH [31] Sidney Morris Todd
- DS [7] Alexander Wesley Todd
- DS & DD [6] Patrick Franklin Todd / Rosa Muriel Todd
- DS [1] Julius Dean ToddDS [28] Edmund Orville Bates
- Dgf [26] Emily Blanche MaxwellDW [49] Naomi Alberta [Beattle] BatesDS [22] Archie Otis Bates DD [20] Cora Madeline Bates
- Dfiance [21] Leland Dennis Burke
- DS [exp] Ivan Emil BurkeDS [17] Julian Allan Bates
DD [11] Rosie Claire Bates Henry Bates and Sylvia Curtis
GenevaHenry Bates and Velma Charles
Opal and NedHenry and Naomi Bates
Archie, Cora, Jules, and RosieGeneva and Edgar Paul
Roland, Everett, and HomerOpal and Sid Todd
Alex, Patrick, Rosa, and JuliusNed Bates and Emily MaxwellCora Bates and Leland Burke
* *
DS4 [51] David Arthur Bates
DW [45] Sally Olga [Atkins] BatesDS [21] Thomas Oliver BatesDD [19] Sophie Grace Bates
- Dbf [19] Joshua James Garcia
- DD [nb] Aoife Lucy Bates-GarciaDD [16] Saoirse Chloe Bates
DD [12] Leah Anna BatesDavid and Sally Bates
Tommy, Sophie, Saoirse, and LeahSophie Bates and Josh Garcia
* *
DS5 [48] Earl Clarence Bates
DW [42] Jessica Molly [Jarvis] Bates DS [22] Samuel Lucas Bates
- DW [23] Zoe Roisin [Kirk] Bates
- DS [7mo] Benjamin Oscar Bates DS [20] Tyler Lewis Bates
- Dgf [19] Erin Niamh Greenwood DD [17] Rebecca Faye Bates
- DD [exp] Freya Isabella Bates DD [17] Maja Charlotte Bates
DD [12] Alice Alannah Bates
DD [4] Lilly Emilia BatesEarl and Jessica Bates
Sam, Tyler, Becky, Maja, Alice, and LillySam and Zoe Bates
BenjiTyler Bates and Erin GreenwoodBecky Bates
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