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Re: Generation CAF '94
in reply to a message by Evey
DH: Robert William "Robin"
DW: Helen Mary "Nell"DS1: William Robert
DS2: Thomas Richard
DS3: Paul Raymond
DS4: David Albert
DS5: Carl Louis* *
DS1: William Robert
DW: Evelyn ElizabethDD: Anna Jean
- DH: Francis Lawrence "Frank"
- DS: Norman Anthony "Norm"
- DD: Rose Marjorie
- DD: Louise Patricia "Lula"
- DD: Edna JosephineDS: Daniel Bernard "Danny"
- DW: Edith Lucille "Edie"
- DS: Leo Andrew
- DS: Peter Edwin "Pete"* *
DS2: Thomas Richard
DW: Grace DoloresDD: Clara Lorraine
- DH: Theodore Frederick "Ted"
- DHsDS: Philip Vincent
- DHsDD: Sarah Joyce
- DD: Julia Katherine
- DD: Eva Marian
- DS: Calvin Lewis "Cal"DS: Thomas Richard "Hop"
- Dgf: Elaine Charlotte
- DD: Viola KathleenDD: Violet Beverly
- Dfiance: Jesse MartinDD: Ellen Jeanne "Nell"
- DH: Benjamin Victor "Benno"* *
DS3: Paul Raymond
exW1: Leona RosemaryDD: Genevieve Stella
- DH: Gilbert Allen "Gil"
- DS: Oscar Douglas
- DS: Maurice Everett "Mo"
- DS: Homer StephenexW2: Lena CarolynDD: Christine Maria
- DH: Sidney Nicholas "Sid"
- DS: Alexander Wesley "Alex"
- DS & DD: Patrick Franklin / Rosa Muriel
- DS: Oliver Julius "Noll"DS: Guy Edmund
- Dgf: Emily BlancheDW: Naomi JacquelineDS: Archie JacobDD: Constance Madeline
- Dfiance: Dennis Ira
- DS: Emil NathanielDS: Allan Forest
DD: Rachel Claire* *
DS4: David Albert
DW: Flora MarcellaDS: Jack ThomasDD: Emily Grace
- Dbf: William Daniel
- DD: Amelia LucyDD: Hannah Saorise
DD: Holly Sophia* *
DS5: Carl Lewis
DW: Molly OliviaDS: Samuel Noah
- DW: Roisin Julia
- DS: Max OscarDS: Lewis Jacob
- Dgf: Rachel AislingDD: Eva Ellen
- DD: Freya EveDD: Charlotte Caitlin
DD: Maria Elizabeth
DD: Emilia Lilly

"He was healthy to the point of heathendom and he acknowledged no power but his own."Joseph Roth, Hotel Savoy
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