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Re: Full Name Generation CAF
DH [87] Samuel James Ashby
DW [85] Susannah Camille Thorne AshbySam & Susannah Ashby; Nell, Jacob, Isaac, Lucy, Simon and Peter. DD [61] Helena Abigail Ashby
DS [60] Jacob Frederick Ashby
DS [57] Isaac Mitchell Ashby
DD [55] Lucy Hannah Ashby
DS [53] Simon Richard Ashby
DS [51] Peter George Ashby*DD [61] Helena Abigail McCall {nee Ashby}
DH [64] Ezra Malcolm McCallNell & Ezra McCall; Evan, Elliot, Jonah and Adina.DS [36] Evan Dexter McCall
- DW [33] Stella Eleanor Troy-McCall
- DD [7] Diana Margaret McCall
- DS [6] Felix Hudson McCall
- DS [4] Graham Stuart McCall
- DS [2] Dylan Bennett McCall
- DD/DD [exp] Penelope Lauren McCall // Hazel Avery McCallEvan & Stella McCall; Diana, Felix, Graham, Dylan, Penny and Hazel.DS [33] Elliot Lee McCall
- DW [32] Theresa Lorelei Paulsen McCall
- DS [4] Asher Lincoln McCall
- DD [nb] Arielle Theresa McCallElliot & Tess McCall; Ash and Arielle.DS [30] Jonah Louis McCall
- DW [29] June Mila Covington-McCall
- DS [2] Gregory Philip McCall
- D? [exp] Ronan Tobias McCall OR Gabrielle Pamela McCallJonah & June McCall; Greg and Ronan or Gabby.DD [27] Adina Joy McCall
- Dfiance [28] Archer Scott BaxleyAdina McCall & Archer Baxley.*DS [60] Jacob Frederick Ashby
DW [56] Cora Ellen Frazer Ashby Jacob & Cora Ashby; Gideon, Felicity, Frank and Miranda.DS [33] Gideon Edgar Ashby
- DW [30] Sylvia Jocelyn Kingsley Ashby
- DS [2] Casey Shaun AshbyGideon & Sylvie Ashby; Casey.DD [28] Felicity Judith Ashby Emerson
- DH [31] Malachi Callum Emerson
- DD/DD [6] Juliette Delaney Emerson // Marianna Hayden EmersonFelicity & Malachi Emerson; Juliette and Marianna.DS [28] Francis Trevor Ashby
- DW [25] Tamsin Cassandra LundbergFrank Ashby & Tamsin Lundberg.DD [22] Miranda Olive Ashby*DS [57] Isaac Mitchell Ashby
DW [54] Mara Irene Lowry AshbyIsaac & Mara Ashby; Allegra, Lucille, Beatrix, Morgan, Aviva and Greta.DD [26] Allegra Harriet Ashby
- Dbf [27] Flynn Phineas CassidyAllegra Ashby & Flynn Cassidy.DD [25] Lucille Elodie Ashby
- DS [18m] Eamon Eugene AshbyLucille Ashby; Eamon.DD [23] Beatrix Jemima Ashby
DS [23] Morgan Joseph Ashby
DD [20] Aviva Renee Ashby
DD [19] Greta Amelie Ashby*DD [55] Lucy Hannah Evers {nee Ashby}
DH [57] Glenn Merritt Evers Lucy & Glenn Evers; Mattea, Cormac and Stanley.DD [30] Mattea Gwen Evers Weston
- DH [37] Lachlan Isaias Weston
- DHsDS [12] Evander Damon Weston
- DHsDS [10] Riordan Dale Weston
- DD [2] Kira Manuela WestonMattea & Lachlan Weston; Evander, Riordan and Kira.DS [25] Cormac Harvey Evers
- Dgf [24] Valerie Susan DodgeCormac Evers & Valerie Dodge.DS [22] Stanley Mark Evers *DS [53] Simon Richard Ashby
DW [49] Anastasia Lois Metzler AshbySimon & Anastasia Ashby; Marian, Conan, Cassia, Darius and Luke. DD [21] Marian Elena Ashby
DS [20] Conan Dennis Ashby
DD [18] Cassia Romilly Ashby
DS [15] Darius Damien Ashby
DS [13] Luke Greyson Ashby*DS [51] Peter George Ashby
DW [48] Wilhelmina Marlo Ramsey AshbyPeter & Mina Ashby; Estelle, Niall, Aggie, Elliot and Colette.ADD [18] Estelle Julie Ashby
DS [15] Niall Benson Ashby
DD/DS [10] Agnes Millie Ashby / Elliot Sidney Ashby
ADD [4] Colette Haven Ashby
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