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Re: Generation CAF
DH [91] Maximilian Lucius Armstrong
DW [90] Elizabeth Charlotte (Kimber) ArmstrongDD [64] Grace Lucretia (Armstrong) Morris
DD [63] Oona Beatrix (Armstrong) Tate
DS [60] Henry Thaddeus Armstrong
DS [58] Sebastian Milo Armstrong, Sr.*DD [64] Grace Lucretia (Armstrong) Morris
DH [68] Titus Beauregard MorrisDD [37] Audrey Anna (Morris) Zimmerman
- DH [40] Gideon Alexander Zimmerman, Sr.
- DD [10] Linnea Guinevere Zimmerman
- DS [3] Gideon Alexander Zimmerman, Jr.DD [34] Katherine Brooke (Morris) Kelly
- DH [35] Hudson Michael Kelly
- DD [6] Araminta Vivian Kelly
- DD [5] Afton Apollonia Kelly
- DS [2] Adrian Evander Kelly
- DS [exp] Axel Lazarus KellyDD [30] Veronica Penelope (Morris) Hayes
- DH [33] Abraham Theron Hayes
- DD [18m] Avery Veronica Hayes
- DS [nb] Lincoln Abraham HayesDS [30] Lucas Dashiell Morris
- DW [26] Caedmon Jane (Moran) Morris*DD [63] Oona Beatrix (Armstrong) Tate
DH [65] Ian Tristram TateDS [33] Joshua Emmett Tate
- DW [29] Eden Julianna (Massey) Tate
- DD [10] Kendall Fiona Tate
- DS [10] Camden Edgar Tate
- DD [2] Serena Clementine TateDS [29] Colton Ezekiel Tate
- DW [30] Alida Lorraine (Blair) Tate
- DD [4] Lorraine Alida Tate
- DS [1] Joachim Zane TateDS [27] Micah Calix Tate
- DW [26] Gabrielle Lydia (Tyler) Tate
- DD [3] Hazel Aurelia Tate
- DS [2] Calix Micah Tate*DS [60] Henry Thaddeus Armstrong
DW [57] Camille Frances (Steele) ArmstrongDD [30] Mariah Ruth (Armstrong) Morrison
- DH [33] Flynn Lawrence Morrison
- DS [4] Callum Amadeus Morrison
- DD [2] Allison Nicole Morrison
- DS [nb] Blake Arthur MorrisonDD [28] Keira Augusta (Armstrong / Chandler) Hardy
- exDH [31] Quentin Casey Chandler
- DH [29] Trenton Merritt Hardy
- DD [3] Gwendolyn Paige Chandler
- DS [nb] Merritt Holden HardyDD [25] Taylor Michelle Armstrong
DD [23] Brynn Cecilia Armstrong
DD [21] Jocelyn Ashley Armstrong
DD [19] Lilia Danielle Armstrong*DS [58] Sebastian Milo Armstrong, Sr.
DW [53] Matilda Elaine (Mitchell) ArmstrongDS [26] Brody Edmund Armstrong
- Dgf [24] Isla Candace PrattDD [25] Daphne Shannon Armstrong
- Dbf [29] Trevor Gage LynchDD [23] London Viola Armstrong
DS [19] Sebastian Milo Armstrong, Jr.
DS [16] Elliott Nolan Armstrong
We are all connected in the great circle of life.
- Mufasa, The Lion King
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