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Re: Generation CAF '46
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [85] William Camden 'Will' [Hunter]
DW [85] Elizabeth Merrin [Carter]DD1 [62] Merrin Elizabeth
DS1 [60] William Camden 'Liam'
DD2 [57] Olivia Clementine
DS2 [55] Jett Felix
DD3 [52] Anne Elliotte 'Annie'
DS3 [50] James Greyson
DD4 [46] Beatrice Leigh* *
DD1 [62] Merrin Elizabeth
DH [62] Joseph James [Matthew]DS [41] Joseph James
- xW [39] Sebella Jean 'Ella' [Owen]
- DD [17] Mary Rose
- DD [16] Grace Elise
- DS [14] David LoganDD [39] Lillian Margaret 'Lilly'
- DH [38] Michael William [Adams]
- DD [3] Madison DelilahDS [36] Lucas Lee 'Luke'
- DW [33] Athena Elizabeth [Spencer]
- DD [8] Grace Rose
- DD [7] Harper Eloise
- DD [4] Katherine Renee 'Kate'
- DD [10mo] Mirabella Journey 'Ella'DS [32] John William
- DW [31] Mia Jasmine [Kennedy]
- DD [exp] Jasmine Sophia* *
DS1 [60] William Camden 'Liam'
DW [60] Sydney Josephine [Allen]DD [34] Ava Lillian
- DH [34] Spencer Alexander [Cook]
- DD [5] Miriam Ann
- DS [2] Spencer AlexanderDD [32] Katherine Grace 'Kate'
- Dbf [30] John Alexander [Potter]DS [29] William Camden 'Will'
- Dfiancee [26] Olivia Audrey [Flynn]
- DS [18mo] Camden James
- DD [exp] Madison GraceDD [25] Faith Margaret
- Dgf [22] Kyla Madeline [Walton]* *
DD2 [57] Olivia Clementine
DH [57] Jack Jai [Gilbert]DD [34] Olivia Clementine
- DH [34] Cole Noah [Alexander]
- DD [7] Clementine Olivia 'Emmy'
- DD [5] Ryan Rose
- DD [2] Stella Reiley
- DD [5mo] Madilyn GraceDD [34] Stella Grace
- DH [36] Alexander Alan 'Xander' [Field]
- DS [3] Noah Rafael
- DD [1] Olivia Abbey
- DS [exp] Dylan ZayneDD [30] Raquel Rose
- Dbf [29] Joshua Grey 'Josh' [Nicholson]
- DD [nb] Sienna MarieDS [28] Landan Thomas
- Dfiancee [23] Stella Marie [Parry]
- DD [7mo] Grace AveryDD [25] Violet Hartley
- Dbf [25] Samuel Elias 'Sam' [Rhodes]DS [23] William James 'Will'
- Dgf [21] Olivia Rose [Jordan]* *
DS2 [55] Jett Felix
DW [53] Grace Madison [Middleton]DD [26] London May
- Dbf [25] Alexander Russell 'Alex' [Howard]
- DS [5mo] Zander HudsonDD [23] Alexandra Grace
DD [18] Genevieve Cheyenne 'Eve'* *
DD3 [52] Anne Elliotte 'Annie'
exH [52] Nicolas Andrew 'Nick' [Stephenson]DS [32] Nicolas Andrew 'Cole'
- DW [30] Leila Rose [Burton]
- DS & DS [4] Tristan Alejandro & Weston Daniel
- DD & DD [8mo] Sophia Lucia & Kathryn Hannah 'Kate'DD [31] Daisy Stella
- DW [28] Grace Charlotte [Riley]
- DS [exp] Xander ThomasDH [49] Jackson Ryder [Moran]DD [22] Ella Leigh
- DS [18mo] Kase TownesDS [20] Jackson Ryder 'Jack'
DD [13] Lucia Finley 'Lucy'* *
DS3 [50] James Greyson
DW [45] Myla Rose [Webster]DD [20] Ava Lauren
- Dbf [21] Matthew Dean 'Matt' [Houghton]
- DS [2] Finn Cash
- DD [exp] Marion Louise 'Mary'DD [17] Iris Luciana
DS [14] James Greyson* *
DD4 [46] Beatrice Leigh
DH [46] Cameron Patrick [Donnelly]DS [18] Antonio Scott
DD [15] Grace Bella
DD [7] Olivia Anniston

Jennifer Nicole
...Loving the Names...
Julia Elisabeth, Kate Alexandra, Natalia Cristina, Olivia Rachel
Grant Joseph, Jacob William, John Spencer, Jude Hamilton
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