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Re: CAF with rules
DW: Ottilie Maude (LN: Devereux)
exH: Jude Morgan (LN: Granger)
DD1: Magnolia Miette DH: Tiberius Lachlan (LN: Gillespie)DD2: Beatrice Imogen (Bea)
DS1: Felix Nicholas**
DD1: as above
DH: Albin Joseph (Richardson)DD: Josephine Minerva (Posey)**
DD2: as above
DH: Gianni Zeno (LN: Bellamy)DS/DS: Kai Alessandro and River Matteo
DD: Georgiana Ottilie (Georgie)**
DS1: as above
Dgf: Maeve Rowan (LN: King)DD: Adelaide Mirielle (Lady)
DD: Hazel Jessamine
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