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Re: CAF with rules
DW: Coralie Blanche Duchamp "Corrie" (to everyone but her parents, who were very French)
exH: Jedidiah Rowan Miller "Jed"DD1: Rose Laurentine Torsson (nee Miller)DH: Bartholomew Angus Gillespie "Gus"DD2: Circe Irène Ferrero (nee Gillespie)
DS1: Fingall Charles Gillespie "Fin"**
DD1: Rose Laurentine Torsson (nee Miller)
DH: Matteus Joseph TorssonDD: Mattea Proserpina Torsson "Tea"**
DD2: Circe Irène Ferrero (nee Gillespie)
DH: Simone Elia Ferrero DS/DS: River Ignazio Ferrero / Jasper Leone Ferrero
DD: Roxana Coralie Ferrero ("Rossana" to her father, but she doesn't like anyone else to call her anything but Roxana)**
DS1: Fingall Charles Gillespie "Fin"
Dgf: Siofra Wallis Knight DD: Joan Estelle Knight-Gillespie "Joni"
DD: Scarlet Angeline Knight-Gillespie
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