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Re: CAF with rules
exDH: Japheth Bailey Baumhauer
DH: Alexander Niven Tulloch
DW: Natalie Rose {Lemaire / Baumhauer} TullochDD1: Laurel Hugette {Baumhauer} Larsson
DD2: Alice Kerensa {Tulloch} Voss
DS1: Finnegan Charles Tulloch*DD1: Laurel Hugette {Baumhauer} Larsson
DH: Theodor John LarssonDD: Jonna Minerva Larsson*DD2: Alice Kerensa {Tulloch} Voss
DH: Dante Lee VossDS/DS: River Giovanni Voss / Lake Emanuele Voss
DD: Emiliana Natalie Voss*DS1: Finnegan Charles Tulloch
Dgf: Erin Tyler PageDD: Esther Gabrielle Page
DD: Ruby Aline Paige
We are all connected in the great circle of life.
- Mufasa, The Lion King
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