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Re: Generation CAF
DH (57): Jesse Samuel (LN: Deakin)
DW (54): Mary Georgia (LN: Smith)-DS1 (33) Felix Jesse
-DD1 (30) Rachel Laura
-DD2 (28) Ariel Mary
-DS2 (25) David Jude
DS1 (33) Felix Jesse
- DW (31) Matilda Ruth "Tilly"(LN: Milton)
- DD (13) Felicity Jane
- DD (11) Violet Chloe
- DD/DS (7) Louisa Naomi "Lulu" / Oscar Leo
- DS (3) Benjamin Felix "Ben"DD1 (30) Rachel Laura
- DW (29) Elise Victoria (LN: Fisher)
- DS/DS (8) Asher Isaac / Abel Isaiah
- DD/DD (5) Zoe Arabella / Jasmine Charlotte
DD2 (28) Ariel Mary
- DH (28) Elijah Lucas (LN: Kendall)
- DS (6) Harry Gabriel
- DS (5) Lucas Joseph
- DD (2) Ruby May
DS2 (25) David Jude
- DH (26) Noah Marcus (LN: Foster)
- DD (4) Amelie Sarah
- DS (3) Frederick Ezekiel "Freddie"Sarah -
Wife to DH Paul (Since July 4th 2009)
Mama to Jasper Emmanuel (Since August 6th 2010)
Due with baby #2 (and boy #2!) in August 2014Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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