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Re: CAF with rules
DW: Sylvie Tess Fontaine
exH: Josiah Blair Silversmith "Joss"DD1: Bryony Leontine SilversmithDH: Sebastian Fergus GillespieDD2: Alice Kerensa Gillespie
DS1: Flynn Samuel Gillespie**
DD1: Bryony Silversmith / Bryony Larson
DH: Magnus Joseph LarsonDD: Josephina Dido Larson "Josie"**
DD2: Alice Gillespie / Alice Sanna
DH: Salvatore Luca Sanna "Sal"DS/DS: River Luigi Sanna / Rowan Matteo Sanna
DD: Morgana Sylvie Sanna **
DS1: Flynn Gillespie
Dgf: Roisin Ryan KingDD: Polly Arabella Gillespie-King
DD: Lilac Clementine Gillespie-King
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