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Re: International Neighborhood CAF
Moscow, Russia
DH: Kir Gennadiy Kozlov
DW: Sabina Ludmilla [Orlov] KozlovDD: Lilia Violetta Kozlov
DS: Dimitri Nikolai Kozlov
DD/DS: Aleksandrina Lyudmila Kozlov / Roma Alexey Kozlov
DS: Luka Rolan Kozlov
DS: Vaska Miron Kozlov
DD: Natasha Roza Kozlov Kir and Sabina Kozlov
Lilia, Dimitri, Aleksa, Roma, Luka, Vaska, and Natasha
---Tegucigalpa, HondurasDH: Sergio Marcos Garza
DW: Luz Rosario [Espinoza] Garza DD: Cassandra Olimpia [Garza] Ramirez
-DH: Juan Severino Ramirez
-DS: Santos Tulio Ramirez DD: Renata Pilar Garza
-Dgf: Estrella Conchita Arriola DS: Zacarias Paco Garza
DS: Inigo CristobalSergio and Luz Garza
Cassie, Renata, Zac, and InigoCassie and Juan Ramirez
SantosRenata Garza and Estrella Arriola
--Kankan, GuineaDH: Kwesi Azubuike Afolayan
DW: Amara Chidi [Ihejirika] AfolayanDS: Abidemi Chioma Afolayan
DS: Emeka Kwabena Afolayan
DD: Yaa Alaba AfolayanKwesi and Amara Afolayan
Abi, Emeka, and Yaa
--Turku, FinlandDH:Miska Vilhelm Jokela
DW: Noora Katariina [Nikula] JokelaDD: Lydia Kaisa [Jokela] Ranta
-DH: Leo Hesekiel Ranta
-DD: Ada Helena Ranta
-DD: Matilda Sade Ranta DS: Jaska Rikhard Jokela
-DW: Karin Laila [Karppinen] Jokela
-DS: Martin Valdemar Jokela DD: Tuula Eleanoora Jokela
-Dbf: Thomas Aleksi Nylund
-DD: Janina Petra Nylund DS: Lars Severi Jokela
-Dbf: Marko Joakim Ruoho Miska and Noora Jokela
Lydia, Jaska, Tuula, and LarsLydia and Leo Ranta
Ada and MatildaJaska and Karin Jokela
MartinTuula Jokela and Thomas Nylund
JaninaLars Jokela and Marko Ruoho
--Manchester, United KingdomDH: Saxon Whitney Underhill
DW: Piper Charleen [Burke] Underhill DS: Theodore Ashley Underhill
-DW: Blythe Sapphire [Kellogg] Underhill
-DD: Emmy Janessa Underhill
-DS: Silas Carlisle Underhill
-DS: Dexter Ashton Underhill DD: Floretta Ambrosine [Underhill] Haley
-DH: Jonny Fenton Haley
-DS: Lennox Brook HaleyDD: Sarina Henrietta [Underhill] Fishman
-DH: Vincent Raphael Fishman
-DD/DD/DD: Mallory Cecelia Fishman / Bridgette Yvonne Fishman / Elisabeth Alfreda FishmanDD: Imogene Mirabelle [Underhill] Derby
-DH: Conor Spencer Derby
-DS: Jerry Byron Derby
-DD: Kathie Jessika Derby
-DS/DS: Alec Melvin Derby / Cass Finley Derby
-DD: Lila Susan Derby DS: Bristol Patton Underhill
DS: Duncan Teagan UnderhillSaxon and Piper Underhill
Theo, Flora, Sarina, Imogene, Bristol, and DuncanTheo and Blythe Underhill
Emmy, Silas, and DexterFlora and Jonny Haley
LennoxSarina and Vincent Fishman
Mallory, Bridgette, and LissieImogene and Conor Derby
Jerry, Kathie, Alec, Cass, and Lila
--Reykjavik, IcelandDH: Johannes Tryggvi Hilmarsson
DW: Eydia Bjork [Johnsson] HilmarssonDD/DS: Asdis Maeja Hilmarsson / Oskar Maria Hilmarsson
DS/DD: Petur Kristian Hilmarsson / Lara Rut Hilmarsson Johanns and Eydia Hilmarsson
Asdis, Oskar, Petur, and Lara
--Cardiff, WalesDH: Madoc Sieffre Pugh
DW: Seren Fflur [Floyd] Pugh DD: Owena Sioned Pugh
DS: Ellis Cadwgan Pugh
DS: Aeron Gethin Pugh
DD: Gwendolen Rhonwen Pugh
DS: Nye Meredydd Pugh
DD: Blodwen Gwyneth Pugh
DS: Wynn Leolin PughMadoc and Seren Pugh
Owena, Ellis, Aeron, Gwen, Nye, Blodwen, and Wynn
--Beijing, ChinaDH: Su Xun Liu
DW: Yi Qing [Ma] LiuDD: Jiang Shi Liu Su and Yi Liu
--Kyoto, JapanDH: Ren Katsuo Kimura
DW: Sakura Hoshi [Watanabe] Kimura DD: Rina Yumiko [Kimura] Honda
-DH: Daichi Hinata Honda
-DD/DS: Naoko Yukiko Honda / Kenji Takashi Honda DS: Yuki Katashi Kimura
-DW: Mizuki Mio [Hayashi] Kimura
-DS: Sota Daisuke Kimura
-DD: Hana Minato Kimura
-DD: Kororo Izumi Kimura Ren and Sakura Kimura
Rina and YukiRina and Daichi Honda
Naoko and KenjiYuki and Mizuki Kimura
Sota, Hana, and Kororo
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