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Re: Generation CAF '46
in reply to a message by Evey
DH [85] Camden William Hunter
DW [85] Elizabeth Merrin (Lawrence) Hunter "Lizzie" DD1 [62] Merrin Elizabeth Hunter
DS1 [60] Camden William Hunter "Jr."
DD2 [57] Olivia Mabel Hunter "Liv"
DS2 [55] Jett Radley Hunter
DD3 [52] Junia Anne Hunter
DS3 [50] Greyson James Hunter "Grey"
DD4 [46] Romy Beatrice Hunter* *
DD1 [62] Merrin Elizabeth (Hunter) Matthews
DH [62] Elijah Daniel Matthews "Eli" DS [41] Elijah Daniel Matthews "Daniel"
- xW [39] Ivy Willa Owen
- DD [17] Georgia Mary Matthews "Gia"
- DD [16] Tabitha Belle Matthews "Tabby"
- DS [14] Logan Cyrus Matthews DD [39] Hattie Margaret (Matthews) Chambers
- DH [38] Gavin Luca Chambers
- DD [3] Delilah Jordan Chambers "Lila" DS [36] Lucas Byron Matthews "Luke"
- DW [33] Penelope Athena (Spencer) Matthews "Nella"
- DD [8] Indiana Meredith Matthews "Indi"
- DD [7] Harper Magnolia Matthews
- DD [4] Renee Katherine Matthews "Ren"
- DD [10mo] Mirabella Cleo Matthews "Mira" DS [32] Zane Miller Matthews
- DW [31] Mia Jasmine (Kennedy) Matthews
- DD [exp] Jasmine Sophia Matthews "Jazz" * *
DS1 [60] Camden William Hunter "Jr."
DW [60] Amaya Josephine (Atkinson) Hunter "Maya"DD [34] Ava Frances (Hunter) Lawson
- DH [34] Alexander Dean Lawson "Alex"
- DD [5] Lyra Miriam Lawson
- DS [2] Alexander Dean Lawson "Xander" DD [32] Winter Grace Hunter "Winnie"
- Dbf [30] Noah John PotterDS [29] Camden William Hunter "Will"
- Dfiancee [26] Sadie Jane Flynn
- DS [18mo] Tucker Jace Hunter "Tuck"
- DD [exp] Madison Hillary Hunter "Maddie" DD [25] Ever Faith Hunter
- Dgf [22] Kyla Madeline Warren* *
DD2 [57] Olivia Mabel (Hunter) Gilbert "Liv"
DH [57] Jack Eshaan GilbertDD [34] Olivia Mabel (Gilbert) McIntyre "Ollie"
- DH [34] Cole Wielandt McIntyre
- DD [7] Mabel Olivia McIntyre "Mae"
- DD [5] Ryan Leigh McIntyre
- DD [2] Adalynn Rose McIntyre "Addy"
- DD [5mo] Eve Augusta McIntyre "Evie" DD [34] Stella Marie (Gilbert) Newton
- DH [36] Miles Alan Newton
- DS [3] Phoenix Rafael Newton "Nix"
- DD [1] Abbey Mariana Newton
- DS [exp] Dylan Crawford Newton DD [30] Raquel Francesca Gilbert "Rocky"
- Dbf [29] Cruz Joshua Freeman
- DD [nb] Carlin Sienna Gilbert-Freeman "Carli" DS [28] Landan Reid Gilbert
- Dfiancee [23] Genevieve Wylda Begun "Vieve"
- DD [7mo] Fiona Avery GilbertDD [25] Violet Leonie Gilbert "Vi"
- Dbf [25] Samuel Truman Rhodes "Sam"DS [23] Micah Timothy Gilbert
- Dgf [21] Molly June O'Neill* *
DS2 [55] Jett Radley Hunter
DW [53] Krishna Liberty (Henderson) HunterDD [26] Thea May Hunter
- Dbf [25] Dallas Russell Payne
- DS [5mo] Harrison Rex Hunter-Payne "Harris" DD [23] Vida Lois Hunter
DD [18] Cheyenne June Hunter "Shae" * *
DD3 [52] Junia Anne (Hunter) Moran
exH [52] Mason Emmett Burgess DS [32] Mason Emmett Burgess "Emmett"
- DW [30] Leila Valentina (Simmons) Burgess
- DS & DS [4] Tristan Boone Burgess/Colt Weston Burgess
- DD & DD [8mo] Sophia Gracie Burgess "Sophie"/Hannah Lou Burgess DD [31] Priya Daisy Burgess
- DW [28] Charlotte Nancy Hutchinson "Charli"
- DS [exp] Milo Thomas Burgess-Hutchinson DH [49] Ryder Jackson MoranDD [22] Sloan Betsi Moran
- DS [18mo] Kase Bingham Moran DS [20] Ryder Jackson Moran "R.J."
DD [13] Finley Lucia Moran "Finn"* *
DS3 [50] Greyson James Hunter "Grey"
DW [45] Myla Charlene (Frost) HunterDD [20] Lauren Adele Hunter
- Dbf [21] Taylor Matthew Sharma
- DS [2] Knox Wylei Hunter-Sharma
- DD [exp] Paloma Hodge Hunter-SharmaDD [17] Iris Birdie Hunter
DS [14] Greyson James Hunter "Jamie" * *
DD4 [46] Romy Beatrice (Hunter) Donnelly
DH [46] Tate Patrick DonnellyDS [18] Kannon Harvey Donnelly
DD [15] Helena Grace Donnelly "Lena"
DD [7] Anniston Phoebe Donnelly "Annie"
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