Re: CAF Gen (1899 Edition) (edited - removed errors)
in reply to a message by erb816
H [1899-1997]: Charles James Greenlee
W [1899-1994]: Lillian Florence [Smythe] Greenlee
S1 [1920-1975]: Charles James Greenlee
S2 [1921-2002]: Arthur Thomas Greenlee
D1 [91]: Lillian Clara Greenlee
D2 [1925-1960]: Mabel Gertrude Greenlee
D3 [87]: Elsie Dorothy Greenlee
Charles and Lillian Greenlee
Charlie, Arthur, Lillie, Mabel, and Elsie
S1 [1920-1975]: Charles James Greenlee
ex-W [91]: Agnes Josephine [Moore] Riddle
S1 [71]: Charles James Greenlee
-W [69]: Alma Blanche [Olson] Greenlee
-S1 [44]: Charles James Greenlee
--W [45]: Cora Beatrice [Phelps] Greenlee
--Sa [19]: Charles James Greenlee
--Sb [16]: Samuel Raymond Greenlee
--D [12]: Maude Agnes Greenlee
-S2 [42]: David Lawrence Greenlee
---W [40]: Rosa Virginia [Stafford] Greenlee
---Da / Db [16]: Leona Daisy Greenlee / Olive Eleanor Greenlee
---S [11]: Oscar Alfred Greenlee
-S3 [39]: Benjamin Michael Greenlee
----W [35]: Flora Marjorie [Buckley] Greenlee
----S [7]: Chester Lloyd Greenlee
----D [2]: Violet Marjorie Greenlee
*****ex-W'sH [93]: Cecil Theodore Riddle
*****S-1 [67]: Guy Norman Riddle
******W [65]: Loretta Lois [McMahon] Riddle
******S-a [42]: Victor Everett Riddle
*******W [41]: Genevieve Estelle [Talley] Riddle
*******S^a [15]: Otto Julius Riddle
*******D^a [12]: Rosie Amanda Riddle
*******S^b [9]: Sidney Isaac Riddle
*****S-2 [64]: Vincent Emil Riddle
********W [61]: Matilda Alberta [Sears] Riddle
********D-a [39]: Estella Agnes Riddle
*********H [40]: D3 [87]’s S [68]’s S2
*********(Offspring, see below)
W [1928-1975]: Naomi Opal [Winters] Greenlee
S2 [65]: Franklin Morris Greenlee
-W [60]: Sophia Maud [McLean] Greenlee
-D [38]: Fern Sophia [Greenlee] Nash
--H [37]: Curtis Calvin Nash
--Sa [11]: Ellis Rudolph Nash
--Sb [8]: Felix Edmund Nash
-S1 [35]: Amos Roscoe Greenlee
---W [34]: Geneva Kate [Lindsey] Greenlee
---S [5]: Ollie Nathaniel Greenlee
-S2 [31]: Bruce Clinton Greenlee
S3 [61]: Jasper Sherman Greenlee
-W [60]: Lila Adeline [Love] Greenlee
-D1 [35]: Miriam Adele Greenlee
-D2 [30]: Leah Jeanette Greenlee
--Fiance [31]: Leland Timothy Terry
Charlie Greenlee and Agnes Moore
Chuck and Alma Greenlee
James, David, and Benny
James and Cora Greenlee
Jimmy, Sam, and Maude
David and Rosa Greenlee
Leona, Olive, and Oscar
Benny and Flora Greenlee
Chester and Violet
Agnes and Cecil Riddle
Guy and Vincent
Guy and Loretta Riddle
Vincent and Matilda Riddle
Victor and Ginny Riddle
Otto, Rosie, and Sidney
Charlie and Naomi Greenlee
Franklin and Jasper
Franklin and Sophia Greenlee
Fern, Amos, and Bruce
Fern and Curtis Nash
Ellis and Felix
Amos and Geneva Greenlee
Jasper and Lila Greenlee
Miri and Leah
Miri Greenlee and Leland Terry
S2 [1921-2002]: Arthur Thomas Greenlee
W [90]: Lorena Fay [Bower] Greenlee
S1 [70]: Arthur Thomas Greenlee
-W [68]: Helena Regina [Perkins] Greenlee
-S [44]: Arthur Thomas Greenlee
--P [42]: Silas Harrison Palmer
-D [40]: Mathilda Jeannette [Greenlee] Peterson
---H [43]: Wilfred Mary Peterson
---Da [13]: Claire Cornelia Peterson
---Db [10]: Lily Ophelia Peterson
S2 [67]: Noah Julian Greenlee
-W [64]: Gracie Angeline [Thomas] Greenlee
-S1 [40]: Aubrey Hiram Greenlee
--W [40]: Katharine Zella [Silverton] Greenlee
--Sa [14]: Aubrey Hiram Greenlee
--Sb [11]: Lyle Antonio Greenlee
-S2 [36]: Enoch Edmond Greenlee
---W [35]: June Dorothea [Verdi] Greenlee
---D [9]: Gracie Dorothea Greenlee
D [63]: Eloise Lucinda [Greenlee] Flores
-H [62]: Solomon Emery Flores
-S [37]: Solomon Emery Flores
--W [36]: Mina Claudia [Woods] Flores
--D [9]: Phoebe Mina Flores
--S [5]: Miles Ferdinand Flores
-D [35]: Minerva Janet [Flores] Riley
---H [35]: Murray Fletcher Riley
---S [10]: Lynn Augustus Riley
---D [7]: Aline Ernestine Riley
Arthur and Lorena Greenlee
Tommy, Noah, and Eloise
Tommy and Helena Greenlee
Artie and Tilly
Artie Greenlee and Silas Palmer
Tilly and Wilf Peterson
Claire and Lily
Noah and Gracie Greenlee
Aubrey and Enoch
Aubrey and Katharine Greenlee
Hiram and Lyle
Enoch and June Greenlee
Eloise and Solomon Flores
Sol and Minerva
Sol and Mina Flores
Phoebe and Miles
Minerva and Murray Riley
Lynn and Aline
D1 [91]: Lillian Clara [Greenlee] Oliver
H [95]: Asa Morgan Oliver
D1 [71]: Lillian Cynthia [Oliver] Douglas
-H [73]: Ambrose Isaiah Douglas
-S [49]: Lucius Anderson Douglas
--W [47]: Lenore Maybelle [Cross] Douglas
--Da [20]: Yvonne Cordelia Douglas
--Db [18]: Agatha Zula Douglas
-D1 [46]: Odessa Aurelia [Douglas] Warner
---H [48]: Dudley Neil Warner
---Sa [16]: Dallas Junius Warner
---Sb [13]: Joshua Aloysius Warner
-D2 [44]: Una Elisabeth [Douglas] Blair
----H [42]: Clay Randolph Blair
----D [16]: Sybil Bernadette Blair
----S [13]: Merritt Gene Blair
D2 [68]: Florence Zola Oliver
-D [52]: Molly Philomena [Oliver] Pratt
--H [54]: Milo Wendell Pratt
--S1 [26]: Milo Wendell Pratt
--S2 [24]: Harris Elias Pratt
S [65]: Archibald Lemuel Oliver
-W [63]: Ava Rosella [Kirby] Oliver
-S [40]: Archibald Lemuel Oliver
--W [38]: Lauretta Avis [Hensley] Oliver
--D [10]: Althea Albina Oliver
-D [37]: Ramona Pearle [Oliver] Sweeney
---H [40]: Alphonse Thaddeus Sweeney
---Sa [10]: Hugo Lorenzo Sweeney
---Sb [7]: Angus Rodney Sweeney
Lillie and Asa Oliver
Cynthia, Flora, and Archie
Cynthia and Ambrose Douglas
Lucius, Odessa, and Una
Lucius and Lenore Douglas
Yvonne and Agatha
Odessa and Dudley Warner
Dallas and Josh
Una and Clay Blair
Sybil and Merritt
Flora Oliver
Molly and Milo Pratt
Wendell and Harriss
Archie and Ava Oliver
Lem and Ramona
Lem and Lauretta Oliver
Ramona and Alphonse Sweeney
Hugo and Angus
D2 [1925-1960]: Mabel Gertrude Greenlee
ex-H [1923-1970]: Giles Everette Hurst
D1 [69]: Lillian Carmen [Hurst] Weiss
-H [71]: Shelby Saul Weiss
-S1 [46]: Casper Coy Weiss
--W [47]: Rowena Camille [Tanner] Weiss
--D [20]: Adela Leonora Weiss
--S [17]: Orrin Judson Weiss
-S2 [42]: Abel Bertram Weiss
---W [41]: Zelda Clementine [Noble] Weiss
---S [13]: Norris Valentine Weiss
---Da / Db [9]: Julie Bernadine Weiss / Maxine Celeste Weiss
D2 [1947-1985]: Gertrude Florence Hurst
-S [50]: Axel Houston Hurst
--W [46]: Imogene Martina [Brennan] Hurst
--Sa [19]: Lincoln Keith Hurst
--Sb [16]: Ulysses Wright Hurst
Mabel and Giles Hurst
Carmen and Trudy
Carmen and Shelby Weiss
Cas and Abel
Cas and Rowena Weiss
Adela and Orrin
Abel and Zelda Weiss
Norris, Julie, and Maxine
Trudy Hurst
Axel and Imogene Hurst
Lincoln and Ulysses
D3 [87]: Elsie Dorothy [Greenlee] Shepard
H [91]: Elliot Carey Shepard
S [68]: Jules Norbert Shepard
-W [65]: Diana Charity [Petty] Shepard
-S1 [44]: Pablo Rose Shepard
--W [43]: Eleanora Georgiana [Lott] Shepard
--D [19]: Luna Lillian Shepard
--S [15]: Gabriel Davis Shepard
-S2 [40]: Israel Maxwell Shepard
---W [39]: Estella Agnes [Riddle] Shepard
---D [13]: Faith Corrine Shepard
---S [10]: Israel Maxwell Shepard
-D [37]: Ursula Helga Shepard
----P [36]: Magdalena Juliette Foreman
D1 [64]: Lillian Alice [Shepard] Wooten
-H [67]: Webster Pierre Wooten
-S [36]: Webster Elliot Wooten
--W [34]: Gwendolyn Elinor [Velazquez] Wooten
--S [5]: Charles Elliot Wooten
D2 [59]: Audra Magdalen [Shepard] Kirkland
-H [62]: Bailey Alphonso Kirkland
-D1 [35]: Kitty Manuela Kirkland
--Fiance [37]: Edith Claire Bradshaw
--D [18 months]: Delilah Annabel Kirkland-Bradshaw
-S [32]: Jefferson Gregory Kirkland
-D2 [28]: Verona Anastasia Kirkland
Elsie and Elliot Shepard
Jules, Alice, and Audra
Jules and Diana Shepard
Pablo, Israel, and Ursula
Pablo and Nora Shepard
Luna and Gabriel
Israel and Estella Shepard
Faith and Max
Ursula Shepard and Lena Foreman
Alice and Webster Wooten
Web and Gwen Wooten
Audra and Bailey Kirkland
Kitty, Jeff, and Verona
Kitty Kirkland and Edith Bradshaw
W [1899-1994]: Lillian Florence [Smythe] Greenlee
S1 [1920-1975]: Charles James Greenlee
S2 [1921-2002]: Arthur Thomas Greenlee
D1 [91]: Lillian Clara Greenlee
D2 [1925-1960]: Mabel Gertrude Greenlee
D3 [87]: Elsie Dorothy Greenlee
Charles and Lillian Greenlee
Charlie, Arthur, Lillie, Mabel, and Elsie
S1 [1920-1975]: Charles James Greenlee
ex-W [91]: Agnes Josephine [Moore] Riddle
S1 [71]: Charles James Greenlee
-W [69]: Alma Blanche [Olson] Greenlee
-S1 [44]: Charles James Greenlee
--W [45]: Cora Beatrice [Phelps] Greenlee
--Sa [19]: Charles James Greenlee
--Sb [16]: Samuel Raymond Greenlee
--D [12]: Maude Agnes Greenlee
-S2 [42]: David Lawrence Greenlee
---W [40]: Rosa Virginia [Stafford] Greenlee
---Da / Db [16]: Leona Daisy Greenlee / Olive Eleanor Greenlee
---S [11]: Oscar Alfred Greenlee
-S3 [39]: Benjamin Michael Greenlee
----W [35]: Flora Marjorie [Buckley] Greenlee
----S [7]: Chester Lloyd Greenlee
----D [2]: Violet Marjorie Greenlee
*****ex-W'sH [93]: Cecil Theodore Riddle
*****S-1 [67]: Guy Norman Riddle
******W [65]: Loretta Lois [McMahon] Riddle
******S-a [42]: Victor Everett Riddle
*******W [41]: Genevieve Estelle [Talley] Riddle
*******S^a [15]: Otto Julius Riddle
*******D^a [12]: Rosie Amanda Riddle
*******S^b [9]: Sidney Isaac Riddle
*****S-2 [64]: Vincent Emil Riddle
********W [61]: Matilda Alberta [Sears] Riddle
********D-a [39]: Estella Agnes Riddle
*********H [40]: D3 [87]’s S [68]’s S2
*********(Offspring, see below)
W [1928-1975]: Naomi Opal [Winters] Greenlee
S2 [65]: Franklin Morris Greenlee
-W [60]: Sophia Maud [McLean] Greenlee
-D [38]: Fern Sophia [Greenlee] Nash
--H [37]: Curtis Calvin Nash
--Sa [11]: Ellis Rudolph Nash
--Sb [8]: Felix Edmund Nash
-S1 [35]: Amos Roscoe Greenlee
---W [34]: Geneva Kate [Lindsey] Greenlee
---S [5]: Ollie Nathaniel Greenlee
-S2 [31]: Bruce Clinton Greenlee
S3 [61]: Jasper Sherman Greenlee
-W [60]: Lila Adeline [Love] Greenlee
-D1 [35]: Miriam Adele Greenlee
-D2 [30]: Leah Jeanette Greenlee
--Fiance [31]: Leland Timothy Terry
Charlie Greenlee and Agnes Moore
Chuck and Alma Greenlee
James, David, and Benny
James and Cora Greenlee
Jimmy, Sam, and Maude
David and Rosa Greenlee
Leona, Olive, and Oscar
Benny and Flora Greenlee
Chester and Violet
Agnes and Cecil Riddle
Guy and Vincent
Guy and Loretta Riddle
Vincent and Matilda Riddle
Victor and Ginny Riddle
Otto, Rosie, and Sidney
Charlie and Naomi Greenlee
Franklin and Jasper
Franklin and Sophia Greenlee
Fern, Amos, and Bruce
Fern and Curtis Nash
Ellis and Felix
Amos and Geneva Greenlee
Jasper and Lila Greenlee
Miri and Leah
Miri Greenlee and Leland Terry
S2 [1921-2002]: Arthur Thomas Greenlee
W [90]: Lorena Fay [Bower] Greenlee
S1 [70]: Arthur Thomas Greenlee
-W [68]: Helena Regina [Perkins] Greenlee
-S [44]: Arthur Thomas Greenlee
--P [42]: Silas Harrison Palmer
-D [40]: Mathilda Jeannette [Greenlee] Peterson
---H [43]: Wilfred Mary Peterson
---Da [13]: Claire Cornelia Peterson
---Db [10]: Lily Ophelia Peterson
S2 [67]: Noah Julian Greenlee
-W [64]: Gracie Angeline [Thomas] Greenlee
-S1 [40]: Aubrey Hiram Greenlee
--W [40]: Katharine Zella [Silverton] Greenlee
--Sa [14]: Aubrey Hiram Greenlee
--Sb [11]: Lyle Antonio Greenlee
-S2 [36]: Enoch Edmond Greenlee
---W [35]: June Dorothea [Verdi] Greenlee
---D [9]: Gracie Dorothea Greenlee
D [63]: Eloise Lucinda [Greenlee] Flores
-H [62]: Solomon Emery Flores
-S [37]: Solomon Emery Flores
--W [36]: Mina Claudia [Woods] Flores
--D [9]: Phoebe Mina Flores
--S [5]: Miles Ferdinand Flores
-D [35]: Minerva Janet [Flores] Riley
---H [35]: Murray Fletcher Riley
---S [10]: Lynn Augustus Riley
---D [7]: Aline Ernestine Riley
Arthur and Lorena Greenlee
Tommy, Noah, and Eloise
Tommy and Helena Greenlee
Artie and Tilly
Artie Greenlee and Silas Palmer
Tilly and Wilf Peterson
Claire and Lily
Noah and Gracie Greenlee
Aubrey and Enoch
Aubrey and Katharine Greenlee
Hiram and Lyle
Enoch and June Greenlee
Eloise and Solomon Flores
Sol and Minerva
Sol and Mina Flores
Phoebe and Miles
Minerva and Murray Riley
Lynn and Aline
D1 [91]: Lillian Clara [Greenlee] Oliver
H [95]: Asa Morgan Oliver
D1 [71]: Lillian Cynthia [Oliver] Douglas
-H [73]: Ambrose Isaiah Douglas
-S [49]: Lucius Anderson Douglas
--W [47]: Lenore Maybelle [Cross] Douglas
--Da [20]: Yvonne Cordelia Douglas
--Db [18]: Agatha Zula Douglas
-D1 [46]: Odessa Aurelia [Douglas] Warner
---H [48]: Dudley Neil Warner
---Sa [16]: Dallas Junius Warner
---Sb [13]: Joshua Aloysius Warner
-D2 [44]: Una Elisabeth [Douglas] Blair
----H [42]: Clay Randolph Blair
----D [16]: Sybil Bernadette Blair
----S [13]: Merritt Gene Blair
D2 [68]: Florence Zola Oliver
-D [52]: Molly Philomena [Oliver] Pratt
--H [54]: Milo Wendell Pratt
--S1 [26]: Milo Wendell Pratt
--S2 [24]: Harris Elias Pratt
S [65]: Archibald Lemuel Oliver
-W [63]: Ava Rosella [Kirby] Oliver
-S [40]: Archibald Lemuel Oliver
--W [38]: Lauretta Avis [Hensley] Oliver
--D [10]: Althea Albina Oliver
-D [37]: Ramona Pearle [Oliver] Sweeney
---H [40]: Alphonse Thaddeus Sweeney
---Sa [10]: Hugo Lorenzo Sweeney
---Sb [7]: Angus Rodney Sweeney
Lillie and Asa Oliver
Cynthia, Flora, and Archie
Cynthia and Ambrose Douglas
Lucius, Odessa, and Una
Lucius and Lenore Douglas
Yvonne and Agatha
Odessa and Dudley Warner
Dallas and Josh
Una and Clay Blair
Sybil and Merritt
Flora Oliver
Molly and Milo Pratt
Wendell and Harriss
Archie and Ava Oliver
Lem and Ramona
Lem and Lauretta Oliver
Ramona and Alphonse Sweeney
Hugo and Angus
D2 [1925-1960]: Mabel Gertrude Greenlee
ex-H [1923-1970]: Giles Everette Hurst
D1 [69]: Lillian Carmen [Hurst] Weiss
-H [71]: Shelby Saul Weiss
-S1 [46]: Casper Coy Weiss
--W [47]: Rowena Camille [Tanner] Weiss
--D [20]: Adela Leonora Weiss
--S [17]: Orrin Judson Weiss
-S2 [42]: Abel Bertram Weiss
---W [41]: Zelda Clementine [Noble] Weiss
---S [13]: Norris Valentine Weiss
---Da / Db [9]: Julie Bernadine Weiss / Maxine Celeste Weiss
D2 [1947-1985]: Gertrude Florence Hurst
-S [50]: Axel Houston Hurst
--W [46]: Imogene Martina [Brennan] Hurst
--Sa [19]: Lincoln Keith Hurst
--Sb [16]: Ulysses Wright Hurst
Mabel and Giles Hurst
Carmen and Trudy
Carmen and Shelby Weiss
Cas and Abel
Cas and Rowena Weiss
Adela and Orrin
Abel and Zelda Weiss
Norris, Julie, and Maxine
Trudy Hurst
Axel and Imogene Hurst
Lincoln and Ulysses
D3 [87]: Elsie Dorothy [Greenlee] Shepard
H [91]: Elliot Carey Shepard
S [68]: Jules Norbert Shepard
-W [65]: Diana Charity [Petty] Shepard
-S1 [44]: Pablo Rose Shepard
--W [43]: Eleanora Georgiana [Lott] Shepard
--D [19]: Luna Lillian Shepard
--S [15]: Gabriel Davis Shepard
-S2 [40]: Israel Maxwell Shepard
---W [39]: Estella Agnes [Riddle] Shepard
---D [13]: Faith Corrine Shepard
---S [10]: Israel Maxwell Shepard
-D [37]: Ursula Helga Shepard
----P [36]: Magdalena Juliette Foreman
D1 [64]: Lillian Alice [Shepard] Wooten
-H [67]: Webster Pierre Wooten
-S [36]: Webster Elliot Wooten
--W [34]: Gwendolyn Elinor [Velazquez] Wooten
--S [5]: Charles Elliot Wooten
D2 [59]: Audra Magdalen [Shepard] Kirkland
-H [62]: Bailey Alphonso Kirkland
-D1 [35]: Kitty Manuela Kirkland
--Fiance [37]: Edith Claire Bradshaw
--D [18 months]: Delilah Annabel Kirkland-Bradshaw
-S [32]: Jefferson Gregory Kirkland
-D2 [28]: Verona Anastasia Kirkland
Elsie and Elliot Shepard
Jules, Alice, and Audra
Jules and Diana Shepard
Pablo, Israel, and Ursula
Pablo and Nora Shepard
Luna and Gabriel
Israel and Estella Shepard
Faith and Max
Ursula Shepard and Lena Foreman
Alice and Webster Wooten
Web and Gwen Wooten
Audra and Bailey Kirkland
Kitty, Jeff, and Verona
Kitty Kirkland and Edith Bradshaw